Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Dev Tracker

07 Mar


Originally posted by VagabondElio

Was there a timeline on when we might see these changes? I’m particularly excited about portal weapon skins and attachments being added. That would truly make those weapons feel like they belong in the AoW experience

All-chat during Season 4. Squad Management after Season 4. To be continued on some of the other items mentioned.


Originally posted by InvertedVantage

You guys gonna fix the time nudge issue keeping people (like me) from playing?

Sorry, can you clarify?


Originally posted by UniformGreen

Hey there, could you also post it on Youtube or other platforms? Not all of us have access to Spotify and we cannot listen to it :(

It's also on Google and Apple Podcasts.

Not available on YouTube yet, but we're intending to have the next series available there as well.

06 Mar


Originally posted by ctyldsley

I love that there's a bunch of threads and comments talking about things being significantly better. Then they come out and say "sorry guys just a bug we actually meant to make the game worse for you all".

We are aware that there are many players who would prefer console only matchmaking - we’ve seen the comments coming out of the weekend.

Yea, there are also players who do enjoy PC vs console cross play. I’m not here to discuss with that group now though.

So what I’ll add is that im definitely forwarding the feedback on the current experience to our teams. It will give us serious thought to review if we want to change this behavior in the future.

For now, we are resolving the “bug” to ensure our current intended gameplay (PC vs console cross play) is restored.

And while we have new datapoints to review now as a team, that might not lead to the changes you are hoping for. I do want to be transparent about that.

In short, the bug has been fixed but we definitely heard your feedback.


Hey everyone,

Just confirming that we didn't implement console-only crossplay.

We currently have a bug that started occurring over the weekend where players on console will matchmake into the 128 player Flashpoint Conquest experience, while PC matchmakes into 64 player Flashpoint Conquest.

This means that for the Flashpoint CQ specific playlists, console and PC won't matchmake together, even if cross-play is enabled. We're preparing a fix for this bug right now.


Originally posted by BenBit13

Could some of these numbers be published? Would be very interesting to see.

For now it’s a source: trust me bro


If you need to report a suspected cheater, use the steps in the article I shared. The forums are not the place for it. I'm going to lock this thread as the question's been answered and it's clearly not going anywhere productive.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other

Honestly, come try it out!


Originally posted by groovyweeb

I have a question I haven't seen yet, is there any focus on allowing a few more options in solo/co-op modes? I'd love to be able to change reinforcement count, change which team I start on (specifically in conquest).

Not something we have planned right now. But as we did mention, we keep reviewing how we can improve the Solo/Coop experience so it stays close to the MP experience.


Originally posted by Strider2126

What about better melee kills?

Or a better weapon balance? People mostly yse the m5 for a reason

“Better weapon” balance is quite a general comment.

We continuously review our weapon balance and will keep making changes with each update if necessary.

Overall, we can see the pick rate + intended use for weapons; e.g. kill range at a specific range, is healthy and mostly where we want them to be.


These types of posts are curious to me because it seems like you haven’t played in a while.

We now have 4 Seasons of content available + we have the Class system available again as of January - check it out and let us know what you think. There are a lot of new changes, and new content alongside it versus launch.

What I hope even y’all in Reddit here can agree with me on… we often see posts like this and I personally believe they don’t contribute to keep constructive discussion flowing.

Myself and the team come here to read every day, but opinions and posts that seem outdated do still often get the bandwagon approach and I don’t think it’s a benefit to the overall quality of discussion for all of you here on Reddit. Ultimately, better discussion is a benefit for the Battlefield team, but also you as players.

This turned out way longer than expected… also, sorry OP but your post escalated quickly I guess 🤣

Hey @leelareso,

Just a heads up that the forums aren't the place to report cheaters, and that accusing players of cheating is against out rules here.

With that out of the way, we have an article here with information about how you can report players in-game:

... Read more

05 Mar


Originally posted by Jeroenm20

“Nederland” is also misspelled in games!!!!!

Echt slecht

04 Mar


Originally posted by -FriON

Yeah, saw it. Good job on that

Shout out to mah champ -FriON 🫡