Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

03 Jan


Hello Simon. I Am The DaniSuparcel You Win brawli. Give Us You Adersse so We Give You Brawlie

31 Dec

22 Dec


Originally posted by ItsJooby_

I hope he sees this!!

I saw this

18 Dec


Originally posted by serenadepoco

hey Frank will you guys change the trophy season reset just like you promised? it lasting the whole brawl pass season duration gives really underwhelming amount of star point rewards

Like we promised?

I don't recall promising anything in regards to the season length. Can you point me a post/or video with what you are referring to?

We've made the change to see how player behaviors change since a bunch of people complained about the trophy reset. We're not done with it. We have some changes in mind for Star Points - so season length and Star Points aren't necessarily the same topic for us.


Originally posted by CloudDrinker

Hi Frank what was the reason behind making trophy road brawlers a part of the starr road, I think at they could have stayed there

Easier to understand for new players to unlock Brawlers in fewer places.


Originally posted by HotelCommercial

It was easier to get legendary’s before the update

Fun fact: the average amount of Legendary Brawlers F2P players had earned after 365 days of playing was 0.9. You can do the math how many you can unlock now.

Hint: it's more. 😉

16 Dec


Originally posted by QuitAgitated2275

On the topic of Powerpoints, I have capped out on Powerpoints yet when I collect them from the Bonus Rewards track, they are not converted into coins but instead are lost. Is this intended behaviour?

Nope. It's a bug. Will be fixed with the next maintenance.


The Club Shop - like the regular Shop - currently refreshes once per day. If during the refresh you don't have a Brawler in need of Power Points, it will look like this - and tomorrow they will show.

We'll likely change this behavior moving forward now that you can store Power Points and always offer you Power Points. Will probably happen in the next major update (end of February 2023).

15 Dec


The most likely scenario is that you'll end up with zero (0) Fame and a ban of length x - depending on how well you behaved prior to this incident.

Source: myself.

14 Dec


My work here is done. Frank is in the news with a cupcake headband


Originally posted by wholesomejestermain

because he did the mistake 😂

You overestimate my technical abilities. 😅


Originally posted by Paledarkness707

He might even be watching at us rignt now……

I do.

12 Dec


Originally posted by sad_guy_with_a_smile

Some developer at supercell is definitely getting fired after this🥲



Happy 4th Brawliversary to us! The update is coming right after this maintenance!

New Brawler: Mandy (Chromatic) Mandy is the CEO of Star Park’s Candy Land. She seems sweet, but that’s only a front for the customers. When she’s alone, she’s always cranky, either because Chester is annoying her, or because customers keep acting like… customers.

  • Attack: Candy Dispenser
    • Mandy shoots candy from her Candy Dispenser and while staying still she gains Focus, increasing her attack range.
  • Super: Sugar Ray
    • Mandy s...
Read more External link →

07 Dec


Originally posted by DZ_ZAKI_DZO_O

Brawl pass And trophy road will probably Increase the amount of pp and Club League still exists too

What this guy said


It was a mistake not being clear about the omega box, for sure. This isn’t a big problem at all though, we had a campaign, it worked, players didn’t like the reward, we learn and move on

The loud complains make it sound we did something horrible to the players though, which is quite ironic, in my opinion, that the only reward people complained was the one which is being removed to give room to a new system where you know everything you collect

But just to be clear, this wasn’t our intention at all, it was an oversight from our side. Live and learn!


I’d say it’s a language barrier, as we can see from the comments here, people seem excited

And me, personally, I think it’s one of the best and most exciting changes we did for the game

Now feel free to speculate as much as you want! Sneak peeks are coming on Friday :)

06 Dec


We learned from it, that's for sure... creating a mystery always hypes up everyone, but revealing is often disappointing as it's quite hard matching people's own dreams and wishes, haha

Also, if maybe the whole content we are distributing separately was actually inside the Omega Box, I think it would have created a different reaction, so maybe breaking it down wasn't a good idea in the end

Still, the whole campaign has proven to work and excite the community, we just need to tweak the rewards if we ever do it again

As for my tweet, this wasn't our initial intention at all, but the irony there is uncanny. At least give us that, haha

03 Dec


Originally posted by srmosavi

do it dani, break the news

OK, if you don’t wanna ruin the magic, don’t read it

  • yes, those are real numbers. We run a query every day at 08:30 UTC and it tracks total takedowns per day. We post the results around 9:00.
  • yes, the target was based on the average results from previous weeks, but we increased it a bit more because we assumed players would be more engaged after the announcement (which seems to be happening already)
  • yes, the goal is achievable, but the community engagement still dictates how fast the community gets it
  • why aren’t you just faking it? Because it’s more fun with real numbers. We are actually excited to see it everyday and see how the community is performing

That’s it