Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

25 Mar


Originally posted by CaptainMiho

Sadly, I do not know if he has seen this art.😂

Yes! I’m seeing now! Thank you, Miho!


They got us

23 Mar

21 Mar


it's beautiful!
thank you so much! <3 <3

19 Mar


Originally posted by RoryIsAwesome6116

So Frank needs to be fired twice, once for OG Grim Island, and another for Iron Core.

Yeah, I keep accumulating these for some reason. 😅


We did, and as Kairos explained, there was a lot going on. Not trying to justify a mistake as it is still an oversight and could have been avoided if we were more careful, but just explaining that the benefit of being in a small and community centric team is that we have the freedom to change stuff in the very last minute if we believe this change will be for the better - on the other hand, for the same reason we are more inclined to making mistakes and miscommunication issues such as this one

But, live and learn. We are happy he’s not OP right now (a bit strong though)


Hahahah, wasn’t expecting this crazy amount of effort at all! Awesome production!

16 Mar

12 Mar


This format was one of the ideas for the brawlies, but we couldn’t make it work, so I’d definitely take a look at your video!

11 Mar


Hmmm, it should convert to coins if you can’t spend power points, could there maybe be a brawler who’s not at power 11 still? If that’s the case, then it’s a bug - and I guess the workaround is to unlock the next brawler to claim it Could you share your player tag so I can take a look?

10 Mar


That’s very actionable - your just need to report the message (if you tap the message itself there’s an option to report it) It doesn’t need to be in English as well, so even the first messages could have been reported… if you already did that, then it’s case closed. If you forgor 💀 then you can just open a ticket to support directly through the game and share the screenshots

09 Mar


We discussed masteries being task/achievement based, but the reality is that it would make everyone play the game weirdly to complete your mastery track, and not doing their best to win the game I actually had the same idea as you before, but we agreed that winning would be the best for the game overall

Since most of the matches are team matches, we must encourage all the players to aim at the same goal (winning a match)

The simplicity also makes it a lot easier to understand the system and you also don’t need to keep track of all the different tasks for every brawler

08 Mar


Originally posted by Simonirico

Dani, in Italian some titles got "worse" tho, for example Edgar was CEO of Brawl stars in English and AD di Brawl stars in Italian, which is a direct translation, but now his new title translates to "I am the ruler here", there are like 20 more brawlers with very different meanings from English now, isnt that the opposite of what you guys were aiming for?

We are ok with the changes now and we trust the localization agents can judge what translates better to each language/culture

In the example above they both have very similar meaning… going into the details now of what’s “better” or “worse” is highly subjective, so unless something is incorrect/broken, it’s better to keep it, because changing it to make someone happy, would probably make someone else sad too. It’s tough

06 Mar


Originally posted by eman1605

If i could give you an award i would

Helped you out with that.


If you tap on that little heart, it'll tell you. So at least you don't hate an anonymous person. Hope that helped, have an awesome day (likely not playing Heist)! 🤝

03 Mar


Originally posted by HotelCommercial

Can you blame them they made like 66 faceplam pin, 66 pfp and title(which are just word but my point still stands) for each brawler PLUS all the skin pins and more skin, remodels, new maps and that like just the beginning of it, my point is this is a pretty big update (and a good one too) we should give them credit for what they did do not what they didn’t .

I love you

02 Mar

28 Feb


New Brawler: R-T (Chromatic)

  • Attack: Tap Target/Eat Static
    • Fire a projectile that marks a target. Any damage to a marked target will consume the mark, dealing bonus damage
    • If split, R-T and his legs blast a strong signal, damaging all targets around them
  • Super: Hide and Seek/Radar Waves
    • If not split, R-T splits, leaving behind its legs and giving its head a movement speed boost and changing his attack to be AoE (area of effect). Destroying either legs or head destroys both. Attacking as the head makes the legs do the same attack. Both mark enemies. The legs take reduced damage while split
    • If split, R-T becomes whole again te...
Read more External link →

27 Feb


Originally posted by FunSign5087

So this is what it will likely look like upon release?

Very likely. Looks like it's using the wrong model.