Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Originally posted by Tick_87

They didn't know that star points would become so easy to get in 2019

And we learned from our mistake. It was a bad idea :(

24 Sep


Originally posted by Monsteruser

I don't get it

I didn’t get it either

But I agree

18 Sep


Originally posted by MrFloppySalmon44

Yeah, I tried that and they cut me off. What I was wondering is how long it would take for the account to be available again?

I’ll send you a dm, but you can unlock your account yourself by going through the “lost account/account recovery” process, having the receipts of your purchases should validate the legitimacy of your request

17 Sep


This is done exactly to prevent any further damage to be done to your account. Now you have to contact support and answer some security questions so the agents can tell who’s the original owner of the account


We literally discussed the evade mechanic for charging his super last week at the office, haha It’s pretty cool! We don’t have any concrete plans for Edgar yet though, but we are aware he needs a bit more love :D

10 Sep

09 Sep


If someone is accessing your account, means someone has access to your email (or the account was shared at some point), either way, you can contact support and report that, so they will initially block the account and then ask you some questions… hopefully the original owner of the account will answer all the questions more accurately and you’ll be able to have full control of your account again!

If you never shared your account, then I’d make sure to change you change your email password!

08 Sep


Originally posted by -_miro_-

Definitely the most annoying and unjustified mechanic in the game, literally no reason for brock to deal damage over walls like that when he can so easily break them.

Tbh I thought it was weird at first as well, but it does make Brock more unique than the other sharpshooters, and now I do think you can use this smartly to your advantage (or avoid getting hit by it if you know how it works)


Originally posted by shinshajo

O i didnt know that ty

Really, shinshajo? You didn’t read that?

07 Sep

05 Sep


Originally posted by FunnyCraftSheep

I think so, I bought both the Gale and the Collette Brawl Passes

That’s it! :D

04 Sep


Originally posted by HyruleCool

I'll admit, that was a poor choice of words on my part. I just meant it'll probably not be addressed because Frank views it as a strategy.

In fact, I don't and I avoid Solo SD as much as I can because of it. 🤷‍♂️

When I talk about this topic I typically talk about the fact that there's no concensus on the topic. Not within the dev team and not within the community either.

Why is that? By definition the ultimate goal of Battle Royale is to be the last person standing. There are no caveats to this. So if Showdown is a BR mode, shouldn't that be the goal?

And if that's the goal - wouldn't teaming be a strategy?

Once again, I personally (as a player) don't like teaming. It's infuriating and annoying.

We've tried different alternatives to see how the community actually reacts to changes - not the vocal minority on socials, but the actual lion share of our community based on ingame behavior.

Showdown+ yielded minor improvements on teaming but on high levels (800+) teaming was as present as in regular SD but people were able to gain more trophies. Also after an initial update,...

Read more

31 Aug



Sam is the new chromatic Brawler of the season, and he’s the brawn behind the brains of the Goldarm Gang! He also has some personal beef with all the robots in Starr Park.

  • Trait: Sam starts with a fully charged Super.
  • Main Attack: Heavy Haymakers
    • He unleashes a double dose of hard-hitting punches that deal a lot more damage when wearing his Knuckle Busters on
  • Super: Knuckle Busters
    • Sam combines and shoots his gloves forward, dealing damage to all enemies on their way. Using the Super ag...
Read more External link →

28 Aug


Originally posted by aaronhereee

but wouldnt people kind of abuse that?

That’s why we wanna collect data first, our guess is that people who are being toxic intentionally, will get way more reports than false reports… then we can manually check the replay and see if confirms the number of reports But yeah, it’s gonna be an experiment for all of us :D


Originally posted by Lonely-Ad-132

Wait, I got a question pls. I created my account when I was 16 so I set my age as 16 but now I'm 18 and some features are still locked for me like not being able to chat after using the LFT button. Is there a way to update or change the age? I've tried contacting support but I didn't get a response...

All features should be enabled if you are 16 years old, they are only blocked at 13 (and below). The LFT doenst allow chat as well… the only way to chat with them is if you add them as friends


Originally posted by Lonely-Ad-132

YES! Asphalt 9 has this so that you'll know when someone is lagging or has poor connection. I'm tagging Dani on this, hope he sees it


We believe a system that track reports will kind have this mapped out… people will report others for any possible reason, so a couple of games shouldn’t cause you any problem. But if you do have connection problems in every single game, then the report might make sense actually 😅

22 Aug


Any specific mode you were playing? Was it the mystery mode?

16 Aug


Originally posted by begomeordodocks



check the other replies, i sent it in another comment

Oops! I'll DM you!