Dani why do you hate it when people ask you to buff jessie?
She was mean to me in school.
Dani why do you hate it when people ask you to buff jessie?
She was mean to me in school.
Now that i got your attention, tell me who is in control of the Twitter account 🔫
It’s Emz.
Haha, daaamn. It didn't destroy anyone! The post was just joking with the fact that the player said that Brawl Stars forgot a game mode that apparently he also forgot :D.
It was definitely very clever (even if it was an accident :D)
We really hope so! :D
Yep. The Map Maker was definitely the best thing we developed for Brawl Stars.
Amazing work, u/everynameistaken246 !
that's normal, but I'm kinda surprised this cant get underdog
It probably got, but the underdog trophies are only given after this screen
Welcome back. 👊