Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

21 Dec

20 Dec


Originally posted by Adhdrumner

They could add it so you can see them when you go to the activity log. Feel free to keep asking questions, if we’re luck u/frank_supercell and u/dani_supercell will see this and we’ll have everything laid out for them already πŸ˜‚

We've actually considered exactly this. It's just not high on our priority list right now. πŸ‘Š


I'm also talking to my coffee milk every morning. Know that feeling. 😏

19 Dec

18 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]


It’s actually not. As you can see, the ticket is still pending, so most likely an answer and a resolution will come at some point. I guess worths mentioning that our support is not a live chat. So you fill a ticket with your message and our support team will get back to you ASAP.


Thank you for that! The team loved it! Amazing work <3 <3

17 Dec



First: Congratulations for being the first!

Second: I've posted this a couple of times already on Twitter, but it's very applicable here. We would like to give out some rewards down the line, but not during the BETA while we are still figuring out things. I am not 100% positive if we'll hand out rewards retroactively, etc. - but we'll see about this when it comes to it.

So we'll see! :)


Originally posted by AdDiscombobulated480

Uhhhh u/frank_supercell really really sorry to disturb.... I updated (optional one)on my device and yet the ios 9 crash persists 😫

Yeah, there are unfortunately still some open issues. We're working on another optional update. Sorry for the hassle.

16 Dec


Originally posted by Simonirico

I guess it’s some weird way to compliment us... πŸ˜…


Originally posted by edog37

Wouldn't that be super hard to do? I mean, you would basically have to make new model just so he could melt, right?

Depending on the tech used, yes. Our Brawlers aren't made to "melt" I'm afraid. ;)


Originally posted by Connect-Tea

I've suggested that to our animator Felix

Before you saw this post or after? just curious..

4 weeks ago.


I've suggested that to our animator Felix. He laughed at me, can you believe it?! πŸ˜‚


Optional Update

  • Fixed Social Quests disappearing from the Quests menu if they were the only Seasonal Quest available for the player
  • Fixed an issue that caused controls to become unresponsive in the Training Room when selecting Edit Controls from the Settings menu
  • Fixed an emoji related crash that happened for players leaving and re-joining a game room
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some battle music to be played correctly
  • Fixed a line break text issue with Mascot Darryl
  • Fixed game crashing on launch on iOS 9 devices (iOS only issue)
  • Fixed Brawl Ball overtime crash issue (iOS only issue)
  • Fixed missing Brawlidays skin icon graphics in Brawler Menu (iOS only issue)
  • Fixed an issue in Map Maker where a fully red level area was displayed after pressing Clear All and attempting to save the map (iOS only issue)


  • Fixed Server Error 43 when Carl died mid-air while flyi...
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