Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

01 Jan


If you are using random comments to represent millions of players, I’d use the same logic and suggest you to read the comments of the Reddit post we made. That’s more than “80%” of positive comments.

The best community doesn’t mean it’s a perfect one. But I don’t know any game currently that would get this same amount of positivity on a post like that. As community managers we are part of other gaming communities and we do study our competitors, still, I’d say we are in a very good spot to call our community the best one.

31 Dec


Originally posted by Sata-Dream

This may sound cliche, but Brawl Stars helped me tackle certain aspects of my life that I couldn’t deal with.

One my biggest problems was trying to make friends, ones that truly cared about me. In school, the closest I’ve had were people I talked to the most or just classmates that I knew best. Little did I know that BS would start gaining tons of players in 2019 and eventually blow up in 2020. My best friends not only had similar interests, but it was just pure coincidence that they happened to play the game as well. Since then, me and my friends have visited each other a few times, and helped each other get through 2020.

BS also happened to give a sort of spark in me when it came to thing I wanted to do in life. That spark was for art, it all started while I was texting a friend. Then I had the most random idea during it, I thought to myself, “What if I try to see how well I can recreate Tara’s portrait?” since she was my favorite brawler at the time(and she’s sti...

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I’m reading through all the comments but I had to stop to answer yours. It’s very often that sometimes we just get lost in our own thoughts and we sometimes miss the point on why we decided to make games. But stories like yours are always a great reminder for us.

Thank you for sharing your story with us and for playing our game. I’m super happy how things turned out for your because of Brawl. And from now on it’ll only get better.

Happy new year! (:


Originally posted by CanBnkmn22

Are you sure about that?



Originally posted by JenishYouTube

Its you guys No dev team is so cool, to add a new lore, morse codes, hidden secrets and stuff. You guys are creative. You all work so hard on the game, it makes it cool! The hardwork and effort you guys put in your game sparkles in the result, you never disappoint anyone if us! Thanks for everything you have given to us and Brawl Stars. You all are the best and, I just can't get words! Thank You Brawl Stars Team :)

              Edit:- In the future can we have the rest of the team too with Frank, Ryan and Dani to be in the Brawl Talk?

I actually try to bring them to the behind brawl stars series! But some of them are a bit shy, haha. But you can be sure they are also grateful to you :)


Hello and welcome to a WALL OF TEXT!

BUT don’t worry, there’s a tl;dr version at the end. But if you skip you won’t get all the love!

This might sound cliche, but we truly believe that the Brawl community is THE best community. I mean, who else would try to investigate every inch of an image to see if it holds a clue to an update? Or debate if Mr.P is Gene in a suit or just a normal penguin? Or listen to a broken radio 24/7 just to be the first person to know what’s new in Starr Park? Even campaigning for us to stop hurting poor Jessie! Everyone in this community has a unique voice and that’s why when you’re together you make such a special group that amazes us, literally ...

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30 Dec

28 Dec


Originally posted by PrudentFisherman1

If only you commented on constructive criticism about Brawl Stars as much as posts like these ones. To name a couple things, there are countless posts about the unbalanced matchmaking in terms of what brawlers get placed on each team and the amount of experience each player has. There's also loads of requests to block griefers. People are constantly suggesting that there should be a limit to how many times the same competition map can be chosen as the winning one in a row because it gets boring playing the same ones over and over.

That’s right!

But seriously, that’s fair enough. I’m not that responsive, that’s true. However, we can’t comment on every feedback we get otherwise we wouldn’t do anything else ever again.

But! We do listen to the community (just follow our patch notes and you’ll see that many of the changes and additions are community requests). We have a series on YouTube called “behind brawl stars” where we explain our thoughts and mechanics behind features and other hot topics. Aaand last but not least, we are very active on Twitter which we actually already answered all the concerns in your message above.

But of course, not saying that the game is perfect and have absolute no problem whatsoever, but just putting it out there that every issue will be addressed when the time is right. Development cycles take some time and we are actually faster than the other games to address community feedback.

Moreover, we are always reading all our channels, so feel free to...

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Thank you for sharing this with the world.

27 Dec


Originally posted by God_slayer437

Is it a prank??

In a way, yes. Because this is just a photoshopped image 😅

25 Dec

24 Dec


But wouldn’t be a problem to add this skin to the game since it’s clearly superior than all the other ones?

(Thank you. It’s beautiful 🤩)

23 Dec

22 Dec

21 Dec