I think we need to wait for dani to respond u/dani_supercell
I wasn’t talking about the legendary cap :( I was answering Blue_Alu who mention the purchase limit in the club shop!
So we are never going to get a fix in the progression? Because club league is not helping with the limit it has
The limit will be removed! As for other progression improvements, we haven’t really discussed properly after the update. But we do wanna address all the biggest concerns you guys bring. Can’t promise to fix all of them, but definitely improve some bits (:
You can zoom in to view all and congrats to the winners!!!
thanks! you made my life easier, hahah
I will say it again. Brawl stars team is one of the BEST mobile game teams we're blessed to have. Not only they have a passionate dev team but a beyond amazing community manager teams who knows how to make their player community feel important. They understand that community comes first.
Despite the few bad times (quote landscape days, yes I've been playing since canada launch, and recent gears update) I strongly believe they will never would want us to be disappointed.
In short they truly value our community first and we also value them. Also a big shout out to the Youtubers too! Truly the best and wholesome people ever!
Thank you guys. :)
"oh no, are you crying, Dani?"
And guess what: I filmed the heartwarming message at the end of the Brawlies on the same day I got this massive downvote, haha. I meant every word even though that wasn't the best day to record that scene...
Looking back at this, I could have worded my answers better to make sure we are listening, but at that specific time, I had no time to focus much on that because I knew things would calm down after some weeks, so that's why I backed off for a while :D
And thank you for worrying and coming back at this... that's why we are not perfect, but WE ARE the best.