Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

16 Apr


Originally posted by rochastes

Yes exactly. I have a top 5k ranking, but now with the downgrading of leagues, meta shift, plus increasing the league entry points, it is obviously much harder to push. Redditors here saying, work harder as it is easier to progress now basically don't understand how leagues work. I know people who are top 1000 rank with champion badge. Now they get downgraded to master 3 badge. That's even worse. People worked hard for their badges. You shouldn't just take away as you deem fit. It's just ridiculous.


I'll be replying to this 'properly' (with the thoughts behind the change etc) soon.

My initial response however is that we are hoping the changes that we have made will allow players to push further than their previous highest Trophies - it is still only the first day of the update so it may seem like a daunting task but I do totally sympathise that it is not ideal when you lose something that you have worked hard for, even if you can get it back.

This is something we have been discussing in the team as well - my personal feedback after reading these comments was that we could have added Leagues on to the top rather than move around the current existing Leagues. That doesn't change the current situation though - but I just wanted to let you know tthat I have passed this feedback on and will be providing another response soon with reasoning etc.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Just hijacking this top comment to say we are going to reply to the various 'x2 rewards discussions' tomorrow with a proper response that explains it in detail.

15 Apr


we're aware of this - thanks for pointing it out!


addressing several comments and points of view here:
1. the fantasy royale emotes were never stated as being exclusive to fantasy royale - the exclusive CRL emote is the goblin kissing the trophy that players got for watching the CRL 2018 finals. THAT emote will never be available anywhere else.

if you google 'fantasy royale emotes' the cached google article even states the following "These Emotes are only available through Fantasy Royale for now, but may appear in the shop at a later time." instead of putting it in the shop for gems, we put it in the trophy road.


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We're live! Let the great Trophy Road reward collecting of 2019 commence! 🎉


Yes, that's a new loading screen 😎


A brand new way to progress in Clash Royale 1v1 Ladder Battles!

  • Collect rewards as you earn Trophies and progress through the Arenas!
  • The higher your Trophies, the better the rewards! Earn Gems, gold, Chests, stacks of cards (of different rarities), Trade Tokens AND Emotes on the Trophy Road!
  • Protect your Trophies! Reaching a new Arena activates a Trophy Gate! This means you can’t drop below the Trophies needed for that Arena, or drop to a lower Arena! Once you hit 4000 Trophies, you will not drop below Legendary Arena’s Trophy Gate of 4000, but you can drop through League rankings.
  • ...
Read more External link →

14 Apr


Originally posted by kehmesis

Or it's a way to re-introduce the 9 elixir cost.



Originally posted by Imonvinyl




A few people have already commented below with the correct info but just wanted to confirm!

Trophy Gates up to 4000 - you won't drop Arenas

Trophy Gate 4000+ - you will drop Leagues, but you cannot fall below 4000 Trophies. The only Trophy Gate here is for Legendary Arena at 4000 Trophies!


Originally posted by rochastes

u/Supercell_Drew can you guys address this? Those who reached the old league certainly want to retain their badges. We do not want supercell to demote us one league down juz because of this update.

off the top of my head - i don't know. when i'm in the office tomorrow (and the update is out!) i will double check with the people who will know the answer!

11 Apr


thanks for the reports everyone. we are aware!

unfortunately it would require a client update (new app version) to fix so will not be fixed for the current challenge. however it will be fixed for future touchdown challenges.

apologies for this bug.


not cancelled but after feedback from the first episode we are having a rethink on how we can make it better for viewers and players alike!

10 Apr


Hey! Quick thoughts on the cards you listed:

- Freeze: We had a balanced Freeze (as in, within our acceptable use/win rates) for 2 months and it produced a pretty unfun meta. Freeze is a tough design to balance since there is no counterplay. It punishes you for doing exactly what you should do (playing cards to defend attacks) and thus isn't something we want to be as popular as Fireball. Its currently at a 3% use rate in GCs and I think thats about perfect for a card like that. It should be a rare surprise, not a meta staple.

- Arrows: We have looked into ways to buff it, but a lot of the mechanical additions (like adding a Snare effect) won't be happening because its a starting deck card. We don't want to confuse new players with a lot of mechanics, keep the focus on core health/damage gameplay. Potentially buffed in the future, likely either Damage or Projectile speed.

- Barb Hut: The biggest victim of the Barb changes, we are going to let them settle for...

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Originally posted by Lifthil

But why is it so low priority? New cards make SC money, I get that, and clan QOL stuff is good, but then what?

but then what?

then we add it in a later update.

it's not exactly easy to explain why we prioritise stuff over others without offending some vocal players on this sub, but i'll do my best without sugarcoating it.

  • it is not an issue that affects gameplay in a drastic way
  • it has been the same for 3 years and has a minimal effect on gameplay as a whole
  • it affects both players at the same time
  • with the amount of other features we want to put in the game, we simply want to spend time making other features before this one
  • we also think of how many people this would benefit and how much time it would take to implement compared to other QoL changes
  • this isn't a bug, just a nice to have feature. therefore takes lower priority over other work
  • it is hard to quantify community sentiment like this. a popular post on reddit does not necessarily reflect the entirety of our playerbase, co...
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09 Apr


Originally posted by Merpinderp

Since u responded Drew, will a transparent countdown be implemented in the next update?

definitely not the next update. this is because it is generally considered a low priority compared to other features or improvements (such as a new card or certain clan quality of life improvements for example).

its already on on our long (!) list of QoL improvements however, as it is brought up occasionally both here and on twitter, so the team are aware that it’s been requested.


thanks for the feedback on this. next time we do a mirror event the decks will be rebalanced. less giant skeleton too!


Originally posted by dV8703

They would rather comment on arts but not on this😒

you're right, we ignore all posts that aren't fan art

08 Apr


hey guys - we've been trying to find an issue on our end but it looks like it is localised to central europe & certain internet service providers - unfortunately not our servers so we can't help!

i'd contact your ISP directly for any troubleshooting tips - but we also have reports from players that have contacted us that resetting their router (on home wifi, for example) works!