Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

31 Aug


yep this has been flagged and we're currently making an optional with this change in it. thanks for the feedback


edit: just so you are aware, i have shared the feedback on the change with the rest of the team - i don't think i made that clear in my original message (judging from the replies).

OK there seem to be 2 issues here:

  1. your image on the left is super outdated. we added the colour changes to these buttons back in 2019. this was due to feedback that the pass royale 'queue chest' button and the open now button were too similar a colour.
  2. you're right, i didn't put this in the patch notes. i did some digging and this change was committed to the build back on january 23rd and was missed due to it being from a long time ago (we have had optional updates since and it must have got missed somewhere)

we actually added this due to player feedback (yes, really!) ...

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Originally posted by Valibak

u/supercell_drew Patch notes states that deck cooldowns reset at 8AM, is this UTC ?

incorrect info - have updated to midnight (local time)

30 Aug

29 Aug


we 'retired' the account because we changed to having personal accounts instead on reddit.

like me! makes it a bit more personal.


Originally posted by TheDonsie

Will there be some sort of tutorial for CW2 in game ? Or a video Monday to explain how cw2 work ? I think most of us get the river race but I assume that race leads us to the main event in the coliseum

there's gonna be a tutorial in-game!

28 Aug


you need to collect it from the shop before it leaves, which should be 7 days later.

as long as you collect it in time, you'll get it!


lol those emotes


Originally posted by UserSrivatsan

Going a bit off topic, will there be any sneak peek videos?

there have already been 3 videos which should satisfy your curiosity until monday (hopefully)!


Originally posted by OcelotSpleens

Really!? At the start of the working week? That sounds like a political decision, not a marketing decision 😂

it's the reason why a lot of gaming companies/platforms do their updates on a tuesday (PS4, Xbox etc) - stuff is likely to break in some unforeseen way and you have the week to crunch out a fix before the heavy traffic at the weekend.

it's just a common sense decision 😅

27 Aug