Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

31 Aug


after testing it some more we thought it might be too p2w and could also potentially damage/completely destroy player trades with f2p within the clan (everyone would just go here and get the exact card they wanted) so for the health of f2p we removed it


Originally posted by inSAnE_2000

Hi! can you please explain the science behind the war deck cooldown? I have noticed that many people are all experiencing different amounts of time that they have a cooldown after they play!

midnight local time!


Originally posted by keroils2010

Bro is there any compensation for war bounty as it gives us tokens or gems? What is in the war II equalling it? The same with daily gift which in quests we used to get gems from wooden chest or the quests themselves.... Finally where is the replacement of daily as it mentioned it will be in the war.. I hope you satisfy my needs 😇

yeh i'll be making a rewards post tomorrow as there's a lot of info out today.

basically trade tokens and gems will be going into special events (global tournaments, challenges) etc. but will make a more detailed post tomorrow

replacement of daily chests will be in the shop starting tomorrow!


Originally posted by anonymer_unbekannter

Ty! And what about the hover mechanic for the Battle Healer and Royal Ghost? You said that they would be able to hover over the river after the next client update and that this would be a unique ability fitting to these 2 cards ... 🤔

i've asked about this too. at this stage it is also a balance consideration!


Originally posted by KariZma61

Hi man great update! One question I thought the shop will be changed? is it still the same?

we added a few minor changes such as the way stuff is presented and the daily gift. however a much bigger change, more visible to players, is in the works.


Originally posted by 0nly4Us3rname

You really think somebody reading the patch notes is going to make any difference in stopping them from tapping the exact same place they’ve tapped thousands of times before?

i don't think it would have stopped any of these accidental muscle reflex gem openings


already responded to this on twitter - this was in-game and working (also why would i lie about this and not something that's like super mega cool) but it got removed along the way for whatever reason.

i noticed this yesterday as i was cleaning up the patch notes/texts files and noted it was missing. it should be making its way into the next optional update.

note: should. i'll confirm in release notes if it is nearer the time.


yep this has been flagged and we're currently making an optional with this change in it. thanks for the feedback


edit: just so you are aware, i have shared the feedback on the change with the rest of the team - i don't think i made that clear in my original message (judging from the replies).

OK there seem to be 2 issues here:

  1. your image on the left is super outdated. we added the colour changes to these buttons back in 2019. this was due to feedback that the pass royale 'queue chest' button and the open now button were too similar a colour.
  2. you're right, i didn't put this in the patch notes. i did some digging and this change was committed to the build back on january 23rd and was missed due to it being from a long time ago (we have had optional updates since and it must have got missed somewhere)

we actually added this due to player feedback (yes, really!) ...

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Originally posted by Valibak

u/supercell_drew Patch notes states that deck cooldowns reset at 8AM, is this UTC ?

incorrect info - have updated to midnight (local time)

30 Aug

29 Aug


we 'retired' the account because we changed to having personal accounts instead on reddit.

like me! makes it a bit more personal.


Originally posted by TheDonsie

Will there be some sort of tutorial for CW2 in game ? Or a video Monday to explain how cw2 work ? I think most of us get the river race but I assume that race leads us to the main event in the coliseum

there's gonna be a tutorial in-game!