Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

06 Jun

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thank you for reaching out to us. Here are some ideas of what could impact or provide that error message. Please try the following:

  • Update Windows (no need to change to Win11 though, just update the current version you have)

  • Update Graphics Driver

  • Change to Default Graphics Card

  • Verify files in Steam

  • Disable NVIDIA Geforce/ AMD Radeon Experience Battery boost

  • Disabling Antivirus/Firewall Software

  • Turn off Overclocking and SLI Technology

  • Reduce PC’s energy consumption

Make sure to reach out if the issue still persists.
We hope this helps!

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, that was an issue found on the server merges, not on the character transfer feature. Our team is still investigating the causes but we still don’t have an ETA for it.

Please let us know if we can assist you with any other matter. :slight_smile:

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thank you for your report. Can you tell us more about how it gets worse with the default emotes?

Also, if possible, can you share the saved game without mods where you tried and experienced the issue?

Thank you in advance.

04 Jun

03 Jun

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, you can still transfer between official servers until the 7th of June.

02 Jun

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

The answer for that will be that you can keep the character in limbo until the feature will be turned off.
You will have to choose a server and move the character before the 7th.

If you are experiencing any issues then feel free to poke our team over on Zendesk.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

The feature will be disabled on the 7th of June.
Not sure when and if we will enable transfers again (on official servers) but as always, we will post any additional updates here so keep an eye out for that.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Eishobbit

Please make sure you check out our post on how to report character transfer issues: How to report an issue with Character Transfers

Also please make sure you select the correct option (Character Transfer Issues) in the Request Type drop down menu from our ticket form.


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    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our team over on Zendesk will still be here to help out with any characters stuck in transfer limbo so please continue to reach out to them if you are encountering any issues.

Before reaching out, please make sure you check out our post on how to report character transfer issues: How to report an issue with Character Transfers

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


If needed, here’s some information we put together to better assist with transfers:

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01 Jun

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thank you for reaching out. Please reach out to Zendesk with all the evidence available and our team will investigate it further.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

    Dana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Exiles,

Due to the current issues affecting the character transfer service, we’ve decided to temporarily disable this feature.

The character transfer feature will be disabled for all official servers on 2022-06-06T22:00:00Z
Please be aware that transfers will still be possible between private servers.

We’re currently working on improving this feature, so please keep an eye on the forums for upcoming announcements regarding character transfers.

If you’ve already transferred your character and are experiencing any issues, please make sure you reach out to our team over on Zendesk so we can provide assistance.

We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work on these issues.

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thank you for reaching out. Would you be able to record a video of this issue and share it with us?

Apologies for the inconvenience.

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for letting us know.

Have a great day! :discopug:

31 May