Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

05 Apr


Heya, check your filters. It could be that the server is full and your filters have it so no full servers will show for you. This server does appear to be up and running at this time!


Heya! Thanks a ton for taking the time to report this. I’ll check with the devs if they’re aware of this or not but thank you so much in any case! We should be able to reproduce this from what you’ve given us but I’ll get back to ya if we need any more info. Sorry for the trouble with that though!!


Originally posted by OdmupPet

Ooooooooo this sound exciting! :D

As appreciated as it is, the guys above are just referencing all the other mentions from the community that's been giving everyone the impression that development for CE is stopping. :)

(don't worry not gonna bug you guys about "mounts wen?", know all the reasons. Though most things simply get shut down with a no without a clear indication of what will still be expanded in CE)

Development isn't stopping. Every 1 or 2 months this topic keeps being brought up and we just sit here all confused as we're still going strong on the game and working on all these cool things. Just because we took a few months off to focus on bugfixing doesn't mean that we stopped working on it :) As we said, keep an eye on our communication channels!



We're really happy to have you as part of your community.

I feel that us working and improving on the game as much as we can, and also working and trying to listen to the community as much as we can, is the way to go forward. Conan Exiles is a complex game and, like any game, it is not for everyone.

We are currently focusing on performance and issues specific to/on consoles (after we focused on issues that were present on all platforms and on strengthening the foundations of the game up until the recent Steam Free weekend). We are still working on improving our existing mechanics (building, purge, AI, Thrall/Pet System) but are now also re-focusing on new mechanics and content.

We hope that we get to a point where our community can grow through word of mouth and because our players see the effort and our willingness to work with the community to improve the game.

Naturally, not everyone is happy with everything we do and it's underst...

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    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the confirmation. We’ll send this information to our team :slight_smile:
We have this issue up in our Trello board for prioritization as well:


Hey there,

Please make sure to send the crash report through the PS dashboard so our team can look into it.



Originally posted by SirGrinchPSN

Im crashing every 30 min, seems like when I open my crafting menu and scroll right with dpad AND left stick to make it go over faster it crashes frequently. Best I can tell at least, I’ll try to observe more

Thanks, that's actually pretty valuable information. We're sending it to our team.

Make sure to send the crash reports via the PS dashboard as well!


Hey there,

It's unfortunately a known bug. It should not affect ownership, internally the items are assigned to your clan. But on the interface, it is shown as "No owner". Our team is working on a fix that is undergoing some QA tests. Once it's passed them, we will release it as a patch.


It's an eon away from a dungeon.

Or in other words..

A hunk o' crap



Originally posted by OdmupPet

/u/Funcom_Ignasis /u/funcom_kyena

I apologise for the tag guys, though this thread is important and well worth considering. All the polishing and bugfixing is starting to make the game shine and it shows in the responses you guys are getting and playercounts on Steam and reviews.

If there's anything that signals to the higher ups that Conan Exiles is worth investing and expanding upon to something greater and pushing the envelope - now's the time. No need to respond here, but hope it helps.

Keep your eyes peeled on our usual communications channels



    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad to have solved your issue. See you on the Exiled lands! :slight_smile:

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

You should be able to craft it, once you have the carpenter’s bench unlocked, by doing the following:

  • Place down the carpenter’s bench
  • Access the carpenter’s bench and put some wood into it (let’s say, 50)
  • Once the wood is inside the carpenter’s bench inventory, go to the right menu and select the option Shaped wood
  • Once it is selected, you’ll see the requirements, and the option to craft 1 single piece, craft 10 pieces (if enough wood is present) or craft all the shaped wood allowed with the present wood in the bench’s inventory

That should do it. Once you’re crafting it, you can leave the bench until it’s done (it can take a while)

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Umbrella

Welcome to our community.
Shaped wood is a recipe from the carpenter’s bench. You have to select it, and if you placed enough wood inside the bench, it should let you craft as many pieces as you can afford or want.
Hope that solved your question :slight_smile:

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is completely disabled from the code, so it shouldn’t be able to be re-enabled in any way that doesn’t require a rewrite of the code.
We’re going to remove references to it from the interface in upcoming patches, and adding into the UI any missing new settings from the new system.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

We’re aware of this issue and it’s up in our Trello board for prioritization:

Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile: