
Crowfall Dev Tracker

02 Apr


The goal, I believe, is for an error to kick you back to the lobby so you can try to log in again. That's part of what needs to be fixed. Having to ALT+F4 and then reload everything definitely sucks. We don't have a way (that I'm aware of) to pull client logs without contacting the customer at all, but we do have some front-end quality-of-life work to do when it comes to messaging errors to the players and asking them for more information.


If you do get the time and energy, please do send us a support email with your client log. This is an issue we're looking into and the more client logs we have on it, the better!

31 Mar


Illara is Moon.
Zaleena is Earth.

We had to do some shuffling to accommodate the god order. There will likely be some adjustments to their lore and personalities, as well (Zaleena is still solidly Zaleena, no worries there), so those bios will need to be updated anyhow. I'll go make sure Illara's is correct, though! Thanks for pointing it out.

27 Mar

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for posting. At one point we had to start shutting things down; I think you came in at the time when that started happening.

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

We will. We just need some litmus tests done before we can start adding different campaigns and layers. Todd and Pann will let you know as soon as those things come on. Keep your eyes peeled for it.

I also just really wanted to relay the info that the horses in the Sun temple had a name but I had to remove them to make them objects instead of NPCs. SOMEONE kept killing them during our testing cycles. They were really clever names, too.
Hunter Horse Helmsley
Man O' War

I spent like 5 minutes coming up with those names, too. RIP.

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

This sounds like a potential bug. Do you mind cross-posting this in the bug thread, please? I'm not sure if it's fully intended.

26 Mar

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct


His name was Hangman Hunter Helmsley RIP

This is an issue we're trying to adjust currently. BOLO for a fix in the future.


You'll definitely get in earlier than the folks who signed up today! New registrations are up to Beta Group 12, and we'll be inviting folks in waves based on their group.


Currently, testing is available to Pre-Alpha Group 1 through Beta Group 3. Beta Group 8 will be invited when we start our closed beta (soon!). Groups will be added to the test in the order in which they registered. You can opt into messaging through your profile to receive news when we go into Beta testing.

18 Mar


Yeah, I know. It's frustrating. It's frustrating for us, too.

Here's the deal: we have a build, and it hung at the 99.99% bar. There is one issue that has proven to be incredibly elusive, and it's causing a massive lag on the server. Overall, the game feels pretty good. We're still working through power-related bugs -- all the underlying system changes we made this milestone have caused a crop of them, but frankly that's expected and we're working them through at a good clip -- but I'd be OK with putting those in front of you. Overall, I think combat is in a much better shape than 5.100, even with these new issues.

But the server performance issue is a killer. Any kind of reasonable player load (and I have reason to suspect we'll hit that) causes this problem to emerge, and it makes the game unplayable. Which would be even more frustrating.

As to "when", the truth is, we don't know. We have top men working on it. ("Top. Men."...

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13 Mar


At least 1! 😉


Hey folks,

Unfortunately, as the title says, today is not the day that 5.110 goes to Test.

We hoped it would be. We wanted it to be. We pushed really hard to make it the day.

This was a crazy week. On Tuesday, Gordon and I decided to institute a mandatory work-from-home policy for the entire team. That meant a quick scramble to get everyone equipped with machines and webcams and microphones and, in some cases, even desks at home. We started sending people home in waves. By Friday, the entire team was up and running in sixty different locations, with access to slack and email and source code and bug tracking and server monitoring and everything else. This morning we were even able to do company stand-ups like normal, only via webcam. so, really, not like normal at all.

In spite of that, we made a valiant run to get you a build, because we know you guys are chomping at the bit to test 5.110 (and believe me, we are, to...

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11 Mar


Like starrshipcs mentioned, please send us a support email. We can get everything ironed out for you.

27 Feb


me watching y'all vote


The Ancients were placeholders til we built the Thrall NPC's. Thralls are specifically for Majors, minors/exploration still come from where they currently do in 5.100.
Thralls do "inhabit" the upper end stations in .110.

White Disciplines will continue to be available from vendors in .110 as they are intended for people to try out builds and experiment.

Yes you can no longer upgrade White quality vendor disciplines via the combine mechanic.
Thralls all drop Blue quality and you combine multiples of 3 disciplines / 3 essences for upgrade stages.

Pretty sure I saw The Blacksmith thrall running around! Harvesting soul gems will continue to come from harvesting.

The +15% is a bug that exists in .100 that has already been fixed for .110.
You threw this out there as kind of a snide remark and I want to drill down into it for a s...

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06 Feb


No the 9th power tray slot slot is a Human passive. Hero's Blood - increases the the amount of Power Bar Slots available to you by 1.
As a mixed race Half Elves get 1 Human passive (Past Lives) and 1 Wood Elf passive (Trailblazer).
As for cloaks they have been removed from Humans/Half-Elfs for the time being as cloaks aren't a launch priority.

04 Feb


How has no one posted Fae Todd Coleman yet?

C'mon, y'all, get it together!

23 Jan


The long list of permanent buffs we currently have on the combat hud was part of my hitlist for 5.110. We mainly were showing passives as permanent buffs for ease of testing. (very easy to see when something was applied because it would put the buff text up). Now that we have other ways to see what is applied to the player and we are communicating this to the player via the spellbook, there is no reason to keep them up on the combat hud. (I do admit it's kinda weird logging in to a character and not seeing any buffs on the combat hud after having them there for many years.)
If you look at t


Hope you have a mount, those Wood Elf legs are no match for beast legs!

We really haven't really thought we needed to lock down powers swaps yet, because you are right there are some implications.


There is no slotting of passives, whenever a passive is granted to you it is just activated and shown on the list on the left. (Assuming of course that passive is eligible for the current selected tray, ie it wont show any stealth restricted passives if you are in the melee tray.)

Trailblazer/master passive is active in both melee/ranged trays and is active as long as you are out of combat. Once you enter combat, you lose the buff. Dropping out of combat starts the pathfinding buff for 9 seconds and once that ends Trailblazer/master buff returns.
No restrictions on swapping, but