
Crowfall Dev Tracker

29 May

    Pann on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, there will be a wipe when the game transitions to beta. We try not to wipe unless we have to, but when there are major updates that require it, we will. This means it's not possible to project how many more wipes there may be between now and launch. And, yes, that means we will do a final wipe before the game launches.

Regarding Dregs, the testing for that will continue to be the focus on our TEST server environment. Those who want to participate in Dregs campaigns can playtest it on TEST.


5.110 Patch Notes and Known Issues

Please share any feedback you may have from your time playing the game. This includes subjective observations about your gameplay experience. Bugs that you have encountered should be directed to TEST Bug Reports

If you encounter disconnection problems, showstopper bugs or any other issues preventing you from entering or playing the game, please send an email as well as your client logs* to [email protected].

*Client logs can be found here: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Art+Craft\Crowfall


5.110 LIVE Patch Notes and Known Issues

Please share any bugs you noticed while playing the game, these are objective issues with gameplay. Overall feedback or opinions on systems should be directed to LIVE Feedback

If you encounter disconnection problems, showstopper bugs, or any other issues preventing you from entering or playing the game, please send an email as well as your client logs* to [email protected].

*Client logs can be found here: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Art+Craft\Crowfall


War of the Gods Update
Crowfall Alpha Build 5.110.0

Welcome to the Crowfall Alpha 5.110.0 Release: War of the Gods. This is the largest release in Crowfall’s development and represents a significant milestone of moving from Pre-Alpha to Alpha. Given the number and scope of the changes in many areas, the Release Notes format has changed slightly to give greater insight into the intent of some of the changes where appropriate.

You may need to run the Crowfall Client as an Administrator. If the game closes immediately after launching the Client without receiving a patch, click on the wrench icon to the left of the launch button to repair.
We are investigating issues that cause players to teleport. If you encounter a location where this happens, please report it.

To report these issues or any bugs, please go here: 5.110 LIVE Bug Reports
To report feedback, please go here: 5.110 LIVE Feedback

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    Pann on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it's today. Edited the original post. Thanks!

    Pann on Forums - Thread - Direct

In light of our announcement today that Crowfall has officially entered the alpha testing phase, we are ready to bring the War of the Gods (5.110) update to our LIVE testing environment!

On Friday, May 29, the LIVE server will be taken offline at approximately 8:00 am CDT | 15:00 pm CEST in order to perform maintenance and to deploy the update. Initially, the LIVE environment will offer three of our five world bands: Eternal Kingdoms (the player-owned realms), God’s Reach (the starter area), and the Infected (3-faction-based campaign wars).

We are still in the process of testing and balancing the fourth world, the Dregs (guild -vs- guild campaigns) on TEST and will continue to do so, on TEST, for now. Those who wish to test this mode – and have a higher tolerance for playtest issues – are invited to download the TEST game client and log into TEST.

It’s important to remember that Crowfall is not a finished game. Whether you’re play...

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    Pann on Forums - Thread - Direct

In light of our announcement today that Crowfall has officially entered the alpha testing phase, we are ready to bring the War of the Gods (5.110) update to our LIVE testing environment!

On Friday, May 29, the LIVE server will be taken offline at approximately 8:00 am CDT | 15:00 pm CEST in order to perform maintenance and to deploy the update. Initially, the LIVE environment will offer three of our five world bands: Eternal Kingdoms (the player-owned realms), God’s Reach (the starter area), and the Infected (3-faction-based campaign wars).

We are still in the process of testing and balancing the fourth world, the Dregs (guild -vs- guild campaigns) on TEST and will continue to do so, on TEST, for now. Those who wish to test this mode – and have a higher tolerance for playtest issues – are invited to download the TEST game client and log into TEST.

It’s important to remember that Crowfall is not a finished game. Whether you’re play...

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    on News - Thread - Direct

In light of our announcement today that Crowfall has officially entered the alpha testing phase, we are ready to bring the War of the Gods (5.110) update to our LIVE testing environment! 

On Friday, May 29, the LIVE server will be taken offline at approximately 8:00 am CDT |  15:00 pm CEST in order to perform maintenance and to deploy the update. Initially, the LIVE environment will offer three of our five world bands: Eternal Kingdoms (the player-owned realms), God’s Reach (the starter area), and the Infected (3-faction-based campaign wars).  

We are still in the process of testing and balancing the fourth world, the Dregs (guild -vs- guild campaigns) on TEST and will continue to do so, on TEST, for now. Those who wish to test this mode – and have a higher tolerance for playtest issues – are invited to download the TEST game client and log into TEST. 

It’s important to remember that Crowfall is not a finished game. Whether you’re playtesting on LI...

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28 May


What @Shadow_Disciple said. Flat increase added to the min/max base roll.

    Pann on Forums - Thread - Direct

The current active test groups are Pre-Alpha 1 through Beta 3. They can see their test group from their Account page. The TL;DR is that if someone has a pledge or backer pack, they can play. Anyone without a pack who has registered will get an invitation at some point during closed beta.


All backers have access now. We'll start to invite registered players in waves once we announce beta.



We're trying to decide that... It's certainly in a much better shape than what is currently on live, but we won't be able to start inviting beta folks until at least the first section of the NPE (new player experience) is ready. That's cooking right now internally.


yes, we are working on that right now


Hey folks,

Quick note -- we're not making a huge deal out of this, but with this latest patch we are officially ticking the version from pre-alpha to alpha. The game has been in development (and in 24x7 testing) for a few years, now, and frankly we probably should have called it 'alpha' some time ago. We'll do an announcement this morning, but we are electing not to do an official press release, because we feel like the distinction between 'pre-alpha' and 'alpha' doesn't mean much to the audience at large... Internal designations vary so much between teams and projects that frankly, it doesn't mean much until you start to invite in the public en masse. That's beta and that's when it gets real.

Beta is what we are all focused on right now. We have some solid momentum going now on fps improvements (huge strides in the most recent build, as you can all attest!) and we're rapidly narrowing in on final elements that we need for launch.


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Hey folks,

Quick note -- we're not making a huge deal out of this, but with this latest patch we are officially ticking the version from pre-alpha to alpha.   The game has been in development (and in 24x7 testing) for a few years, now, and frankly we probably should have called it 'alpha' some time ago.  We'll do an announcement this morning, but we are electing not to do an official press release, because we feel like the distinction between 'pre-alpha' and 'alpha' doesn't mean much to the audience at large...  Internal designations vary so much between teams and projects that frankly, it doesn't mean much until you start to invite in the public en masse.  That's beta and that's when it gets real. 

Beta is what we are all focused on right now.  We have some solid momentum going now on fps improvements (huge strides in the most recent build, as you can all attest!) ...

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    Pann on Forums - Thread - Direct

Alpha has arrived for Crowfall!


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Alpha has arrived for Crowfall!


27 May