
Dauntless Dev Tracker

15 Jun


Thanks for the report! Logged the bug for the team!


Originally posted by vectorvice365

I dont get any error messages it just crashes really bad on every escalation attempt, like back to back. One time it crashed on the first monster but it mostly crashes on the last duo before the Keystone behemoth. Also i have an xbox one and my in game name is L Aon Flex L

Just to confirm, by crash, you mean that the game entirely exits back to the Xbox dashboard/OS, yeah?

I'm not finding any reporting on our side, and I can't reproduce here either on Xbox One. Could I ask you to try fully deleting Dauntless from My Games and Apps on the Xbox, restarting the Xbox (not sleep mode), and redownloading/installing the game? It almost seems like you may have a data issue of some kind. If you're still seeing it afterwards, I'll see what else I can dig into.


Hi, are you able to give any more context/details here? We’re not tracking any particular crashes on Xbox (or any platform) currently - looking at the data things seem pretty stable. What behaviour are you seeing, and do you get any error messages?

14 Jun


Originally posted by bruceleroy99

This bug has been happening for a while and isn't specific to this build, but has been ongoing for a while (at least a month or two):

Type of Bug: Combat Debuffs

Expected behavior: Debuffs that have their duration reduced when dodging (e.g. On Fire and Chilled) are reduced by an equal amount no matter the state of the player (e.g. perks / boosts)

Actual behavior: Debuffs that have their duration reduced when dodging (e.g. On Fire and Chilled) are reduced by lesser amounts (or not at all in the case of Cascade's Stamina Boost) depending on the state of the player.

Reproduction Rate/Steps:

As far as I have seen it this is reproduceable 100% of the time.

  • 1. Have an effect that reduces the stamina cost of dodging (e.g. Agility perk or Cascade's Stamina Boost)
  • 2. Get debuffed by On Fire or Chilled
  • 3. Dodge roll
  • 4. Observe debuff being reduc...
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Uh, that's a fun one. We'll look into it, thank you for reporting it! πŸ™


Originally posted by MugiwaraBoy1

Rumour fix when ? Ironhide pylon still not registering against umbral behemoth . can't you change it to craft 10 or even 50 ironhide pylon , or remove it from the quest since it's bugged and doesn't count , i tried against every umbral + touched and spammed 3 at a time and let it hit me first then kill him , and killed many while inside the circle while it's active + after getting hit , not even 1 count

ign: MugiwaraBoy Type of Bug: Rumour Expected behavior: Completing the quest Actual behavior: didn't count at all and asked many ppl about it in discord they got the same issue + last i googled it were there since 3 years i think ? i really love the purple helmet , really sad about it

Reproduction Rate/Steps: 10/10 Happens Every single time System specs: https://www.speedtest.net/result/11577359928 < internet speed i5-3550 cpu 5700XT Gpu

Location : Saudi arabia , Riyadh

sorry about the form...

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This shouldn't be an issue anymore after 1.6.5 (going live this Thursday) as we removed that objective altogether. Cheers!


Originally posted by Killing_Laugh

Two Visual bugs that need fixing;

1:There is still the burn debuff icon in almost every hunt appearing next to the buffs.

2: Dye regions on MOST of the armour pieces (Colours originally changeable are now default white)

I understand the format is needed but I'm sure these have been brought up many times. Thank you!

These two bugs should be fixed in the next patch, 1.6.5, going live on Thursday. ;)


Hey, Slayers! We missed posting a 1.6.4 bug mega thread, so here it is! Please add any bugs that you are seeing post 1.6.4 here.

Please also keep an eye on the current tracked issues here: https://favro.com/organization/e5b8ad4a71148d7b5940992b/f86fee6bdc9be495922f7de2

This Bugs Megathread is where you can report bugs that you encountered while playing Dauntless. With every patch, comes with unforeseen bugs that can find their way onto our airships and into gameplay. To avoid flooding the subreddit with similar issues, we are collecting all bug reports in this megathread to consolidated incoming reports. This will be the place to post all bug reports until a new Bugs Megathread is made....

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Originally posted by M4jorgunz

PHXL really needs to reword the Box tool tip from "Claim your rewards" to "Open Box to review your reward summary" or something to that effect...alot ppl dont know its not an actual lootbox.

Thanks for the feedback, I will bring it up with the team!


Dawww! So adorable =) Thanks for sharing it!

13 Jun

12 Jun

11 Jun

10 Jun

09 Jun


Originally posted by Memoglr

It has also been crashing on ps4. A lot actually

Yep, crash fix rolled out on PS4 about 20 minutes ago too - let us know if you have any further problems there!


Originally posted by Antoxik

He was playing on Xbox, and probably the game crashed on him during trials, which was happening quite often since the last patch from what I have heard (I did not encounter that many crashes on PC), but when he started the game again, he could not load back into the ramsgate with a message, that he needs to update the game.

He was streaming, so we were cheering him up on his trials.

Ah thank you, I appreciate the extra detail. If it helps, the patch was specifically to fix that nasty new crash that had popped up!

Thanks for following up - we're definitely reviewing how and when is best to release non-content patches, and this post started some good conversations internally, so thank you!