
Dauntless Dev Tracker

27 Feb


Originally posted by jordanpowpow

Will look into it right away!

Should be fixed next patch. Please let us know if you're still seeing issues here!


Now fixed - you should see it in the next patch :)
Thanks for reporting, though - that's how we were able to jump on it so fast!


Originally posted by myleslink

Dauntless has the best and most creative devs ever, I love it!

Appreciate it! Look forward to more information about the Radiant keystone behemoth in the future!

26 Feb


Welcome back!
The fact that you have all these questions shows that we still have some work to do when it comes to onboarding returning users and tutorialization, so thank you for bringing that up.

For now, I'd recommend giving our blog posts a read, it should help clarify a lot of your questions/confusion:

Read more

Originally posted by YeastBeast1980

IGN Dad80dDynamo

Bug: Loading

EXPECTED: get to Ramsgate or leave Ramsgate in a reasonable amount of time

ACTUAL: takes 5+ minutes from log in to get to Ramsgate, leaving Ramsgate to airship take 2+ minutes, returning to Ramsgate take 5+ minutes or times out. Also lots of lagtime on HG when loading menu from supply crate to change build.


Eugene OR

Hey, we're currently working on improving disconnects and loading times. Hang in there!


Originally posted by AresThreeFive

In-Game Name: AresThreeFive

Type of Bug: Cosmetic

Expected Behavior: Equipped cosmetic armor to show correctly on the female/type 2 model

Actual Behavior: Most of these issues were fixed in 1.5.4 but these were missed. The Seismic Flak Jacket and the Barbaric Treads both have missing mesh on the female/type 2 model.

Reproduction Steps: Equip and check in Ramsgate on the female/type 2 model.

Image Link:


The image on the right shows the Seismic Flak Jacket as it should appear from the Dauntless Switch launch trailer.


Thanks for the heads up! Logged and passed on!


Originally posted by HolyMantle

Type of Bug: Behemoth/Quest

Since the newest patch, it seems like the Deepfrost Skarn drops are broken. I'm currently in the middle of the Cold Stone Armory V quest, which requires you to get 10 deepfrost browscales from aethercharged ice skarns. For the last 5 times I've attempted this (I am stuck at 9/10 btw...) I've damaged only the head of the behemoth and only while it is aethercharged and have gotten 0 drops. I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be a guaranteed drop from the first 9 I got. If not, then it's an even more tedious quest than I originally thought.

Hey there, we're looking into this right now. Thanks for the info!


Originally posted by CleSilver

Could you please finally add a "send" button on switch for the bug report ?

I'll pass this along for you!


Originally posted by Bango_Bangholo

Type of Bug: Weapon, Chain Blades
Expected Behavior: not hitting invisible walls
Actual Behavior: Hitting invisible walls
Reproduction Rate: In Hunting Grounds for sure, not sure if in Escalation, because I solo Escalations always

Thanks for the info! We've made some improvements, but we have more to do.


Thanks! We've logged this bug!


Thank you so much for sharing and being part of our community! Get well fast <3 <3 <3


Thank you for sharing your story 1nmortalas, I'm glad Dauntless was able to offer you a respite during a super tough period of time. Sending you Slayer hugs from PHX Labs <3<3<3


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ❤


People like you are why we make games. Thank you for being you, for sharing this, and for being in the Shattered Isles with us <3


I'll be adding Frost Variant behemoths to the Hunting Grounds for the patch after 1.5.5, I'm looking forward to having them available everywhere too! As for Bosses in hunting grounds. We have ideas and it's been a discussion lately, but we have nothing to announce at the moment about ways they might be accessed outside of Escalation.


Originally posted by midoge

Yes, I'm sorry. To be more precise, it's about dragging.

Components inside a scroll-pane used to delegated onHold(e.src=mouse2) to parent.scroll(yaxis.direction). Those are all gone. Examples are Any view containing a scroll pane (Shop, Loadout, Cells dialog within Loadouts view, ..)

To say it so, dragging itself was just a welcome workaround. The underlying problem is, that you dont carry over scroll events from a focused component to its parent scroll pane. You did so for drag however, and aren't anymore.

On a sidenote: Scrolling lacks acceleration. Means you will have to scroll multiple full circles to see your full list of power cells. (That's why drag got important for PC at first.) - If you ever take on this part: Smooth scrolling for onHold(e.src=mouse2)(think browsers) is awesome, and only a tiny step over the stated issue

Awesome I really appreciate the detail here! We've brought it up to the team and are prioritizing a fix for our next release :D Thank you!