
Dauntless Dev Tracker

22 Feb


One change I've made for 1.5.4 is insuring that Linnea will never choose the same boon two rounds in a row. This will help reduce how often this sort of case might happen. I would like to make some further improvements to these amp pools though as well.

21 Feb


Wait what 👀 that's weird!

20 Feb


Originally posted by Thedeacon01

So this will help with the constant time outs on all platforms???

It should! 🤞 We're still actively working on it so I can't promise anything just yet, but we've already made some good progress.


Hey there! Sorry to hear that you experiencing this. We are working hard to resolve these disconnection issues, and we've been rolling out some small improvements patch after patch, but 1.5.5 (coming early march) should contain some big improvements in that regard. Hopefully that'll solve your issues!

19 Feb


Originally posted by llMadmanll




This looks like a concept pitch for Dauntless GO the mobile game lol


Originally posted by Serrishtar

The fact an official account had to ask why this is needed tells you how much they play their own game, or games in general for that matter.

Like /u/_RitZ_ pointed out, I do in fact play the game quite a bit, but this can actually be more of a burden than an advantage in a lot of ways when it comes to design.
Letting go of biases and staying open minded is very important, otherwise we'd end up making a game for a very specific "us", instead of a game for all of you, our players.

By asking for player's "why" in an open-ended manner, I was hoping it might surface things I would have personally never thought of. And it did, so thank all of you for your answers, it's really helpful. ;)


This is indeed a bug, but it should be fixed in this coming patch (1.5.4). Sorry about that!


Originally posted by tinouti

Hey there! Do you mind me asking what those situations would be?

Taking notes, thanks for your answers everyone! 😊




Hey there! Do you mind me asking what those situations would be?

18 Feb


Originally posted by Dawg_Top

Many effect share the same image so you often really can't tell which is which and just looking between even 10+ buffs for the one you needed to check is taking too long also because they're all pale blue symbol on light blue background what makes them less recognizable than different coloured buffs would be.

We agree the buff UI can get too cluttered and confusing, and we're exploring solutions, some for sooner and some for later!


Originally posted by Agent_Eclipse

Will this stop people from changing equipment with a supply crate to lower levels?



It does. ;)