
Dauntless Dev Tracker

12 Feb

Hello, Slayers!
Let’s talk about our studio’s approach to development and how that plays into the information you’ll find on our new and improved roadmap.

You can find it HERE.

Our studio works under the principles of agile development. Contrary to what you may believe, this doesn’t mean we’re all gymnastic ninjas. Agile development is about breaking large chunks of work down into smaller pieces in order to be more adaptable. This allows us to deploy smaller improvements over time instead of one large content launch. Think of building a feature as building a house. With agile, we build that house one room at a time instead of all at once. This means you get to access the fun rec ...

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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Thanks for letting us know. We can take a look.

11 Feb


Originally posted by Fa_Len

Could I get an actual number on that? I'm quite curious.

I don't know the total number, but I do know they are of this flavour :D


Originally posted by Vozu_

-The -ska syllable also had a somewhat Nordic or even Russian sound to it that fit the Skaldish language (such as it is) as well.

It is actually also something select Slavic languages (Polish, for example) commonly drop at the end of a noun to make it sound like a noun. It just also happens to sound female.

Point is, knowing where the Ur- came from, I can fully relate to the meaning of it. It logically conveys the "She, the original one". So good job!

Thank you very much! The reactions have been varied (and many have mentioned the "bear"-like sound) but I appreciate the chance to dig into my thinking a bit.


Thanks for the feedback. Passing it along and discussing what patch notes in the mailbox could look like with the team :)


Thanks in advance for letting us pick your brains :D

Hey Slayers, our team is wondering if supply crate skins were something you'd like, so we thought we'd check-in.

Question: Would you be interested in supply crate skins or not?

Let us know your reasons in the comments below!


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Originally posted by oddlyquest

Hey Devs! Thanks a ton for the fun! I also like the new feature of walking in the air in the hunting grounds. If this post gets noted I'll just dump the video on YT for you to see. I don't know how else to post any media around here.

I was in brightwood and after using an aether vent to get in gliding mode, I hit a tree and never actually landed. Was unable to draw my weapon, fight, jump, but could walk. While in this mode I could go higher and higher, never falling off the map. Those islands you use as "far away, unreachable islands" have the basic island structure with cardboard trees. At one point I was 1500m (about 1 mile for others) away from the farthest character.

Getting out of it worked as follows: went on top of the hunting grounds, stayed still and slowly descended. Placed myself in front of another vent and let myself land. This got me out of the walking in the air greatness, without having to leave the grounds :D

Here's the video to it. ...

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Oh no! Sounds wonky. Sending a bug over to environment folks to check it out


Originally posted by Infernal_pizza

At the moment they don’t drop at all, they should be adding them back at some point soon though

Heroic dyes are coming back next patch. A few of them at least!


Currently, PSN is having some issues!

10 Feb