
Dauntless Dev Tracker

13 Jul

12 Jul

11 Jul


It looks pretty solid for 1080p to me, but it can be difficult to tell from a static image. u/Zwixern if you're seeing worse quality than in the past please do the following:

  1. Go to the "Video" settings page, at the bottom under "advanced" try dropping the "Epic" quality down one notch.
  2. Go back into game.
  3. Go back to Video settings and bump them back to Epic again.

If there is an issue, this should refresh the settings and fix it.


Winners were announced across our 3 social media platforms on Jun 30; reposting results here to close the loop.

Here are the Top 3 Fastest Teams!

๐Ÿฅ‡ B0LK0LAKโ€™s Team (08:24) - Twitter entry

๐Ÿฅˆ Dekapustnikโ€™s Team (08:51) - Twitter entry

๐Ÿฅ‰ Sebastian Eberleinโ€™s Team (08:55) - Facebook entry

We loved seeing everyoneโ€™s #HEscaContest entries!

So, we awarded prizes to the top 3 teams, instead of just the top team. ๐ŸŽ

Stay tuned for more exciting contests coming your way.

Clear skies, Slayer!

08 Jul


This season was extended by a week, so the refresh to the reward Cache will be on 14 July now (looks like we missed updating that blog post!).

But to note, when the new season starts that day, it'll be a new seasonal currency to use, so you should spend your Prismatic Coins before then!

07 Jul

06 Jul

05 Jul


Hi, we're not aware of any general login issues - can you please contact Dauntless Support so they can work with you directly?


I find Kharabak when mixed with other more difficult behemoths can be rough since it's good at attacking over/around them. Thrax claw portal always seems to come when I run out of stamina. Second Torg activation after jumping into the arena is a bit harder to time than the first, though likely just the limited encounters. I haven't tried the new heroic chrono solo so I can't speak to that as I'd imagine it's much harder solo due to its moves.

I still have a lot of improving to do, but have a bit of an edge over most as my Slayer Tree is starting to fill out and I've maxed Escalation trees.

Savhyt I find isn't as bad once I started dodging in the same direction it's going so I don't have to chase it in circles as much.