
Dauntless Dev Tracker

01 Jul


No question is silly if you learn from it! This was asked a few months ago, you can find a response there as well:



Originally posted by ModsCanEatMyShorts

Type of Bug: Challanges

Expected behavior:
Week 12 challange; Poision Prevention.
Break 25 fire sacs from Sporestruck Charrogg while Aether-charged.
Even if the text for "fire sacs" is not applicable to Sporestruck Charrogg.
It made no sense at all when I read it. Was hoping for it to just be a tooltip error, since they are in essence the same behemoth.

Actual behavior:
Destroying fire sacs for Sporestuck Charrogg AND Firebrand Charrogg and for the heck of it, even baseline Charrogg does not count towards challenge completion.
Tested in private against all three, making very sure to only attack when aether-charged..
The obvious tooltip error... is an actual error.

Reproduction Rate/Steps:
It is... 100% reproducible. It is right now a broken, uncompletable challange.

Thanks for the report - we're not sure what happened here as we were tracking this as working fine (and the odd naming of the part was a known issue we couldn't address any time), but I've now removed it. Thanks for the report!


Thanks for the report - we're not sure what happened here as we were tracking this as working fine (and the odd naming of the part was a known issue we couldn't address any time), but I've now removed it. Thanks for the report!

29 Jun

28 Jun

27 Jun

24 Jun


Originally posted by noocarehtretto

• In-Game Name: marill404

• Type of Bug: Performance I guess

• Expected behavior: the game not to crashed when going back to Ramsgate

• Actual behavior: if I'm in a hunt or escalation when go back to Ramsgate the game freeze or crashed. I have to restart the game. At least I can travel between islands. It's been like this since 1 or 2 weeks. This happened when I play on my Switch.

I already reported this in game but I haven't see this bug on Favro and I saw a few people who has the same problem as me. If possible, I would appreciate an update if t5y666y666

• Reproduction Rate/Steps: 10/10, going back to Ramsgate from a hunt or when the escalation is over.

• System Specs: Switch

• Geographic location: Canada (ET)

Much appreciated, we're looking into this one as it appears to be happening to several people, no ETA on a resolution yet.