
Dauntless Dev Tracker

20 Jun


Give your options a check, the "enable cross-play" option might be disabled, limiting your matchmaking pool to PlayStation players only.

If not, you can always stop by the Discord server, you might find some teammates there. Cheers! 😊

17 Jun


Originally posted by fondocean

I've been having the same issue and reporting since 2 seasons ago, and still no answer

Hey Fondocean, sorry if you sent in a ticket that went unresolved. Can you please try sending another? I'd like to look into your account more in-depth as this may be an account-specific thing, so waiting wont necessarily resolve it.

It's also possibly visual. I'd say check out our section on recording here and take a short clip changing the armor to see if we can find any visual indicators of what's going on.



Originally posted by wearynail

Hi, thank you for your input, you do make some valid points. Let me try to explain my PoV

As both a destiny and warframe player I see Dauntless as a game that could benefit from some of the systems implement by both games. Having to work for you weapon parts, even though it doesn't make much sense lore wise, for me it would make the grind more meaningful and rewarding (not saying it would for everyone) of course I would expect the crafting costs to be reduced.

Cells wise, I think the current way to get cells is extremely RNG heavy considering they're very important, enabling cells to be focus farmed, to me, would make them feel a lot more special and incentivise me to play whichever content they were locked behind.

Revive wise, I think the game lacks any risk outside Escalations, making fights feel trivial and impossible to fail, resulting in a dull experience (again, my opinion)

Escalation wise, I think the power boosts make the game, yet again, ext...

Read more

I appreciate you bringing in more context and explaining the "why" behind some of the more prescriptive items in your list.

Thank you for taking the time to write all that down, there's some good pieces of feedback in there and I'll make sure to pass it on to the team! 😊


Removing the duplicate, cheers!

16 Jun


Hello {{original.poster.user_name}}, thanks for the report on [issue to make sure they know you read it and are taking it seriously]. I've gone ahead and [forwarded it for investigation / looked into the matter, it should be resolved now / credited x].

Thanks for your patience!

15 Jun


We've got some exciting events and new content for you, Slayers! Check out our 1.11.X Roadmap.

1.11.X Roadmap

☠ī¸ New Season: Dire Discovery
🌈 Lightbound Boreus
🎟ī¸ New Hunt Passes
đŸĒļ Behemoth Part Alchemy
đŸē Variant Upgrade: Fenroar
✨ and more!

➤ Read more on Favro: ...

Read more External link →

14 Jun

13 Jun

    on News - Thread - Direct

This update brings the Soulreaper Chronovore, more Legendary Lantern Amps, and various quality of life improvements.

Return to Light appeared first on: playdauntless.com.

11 Jun


Our Community Roadmap update is live!

New additions:

👹 Behemoth Balance
⚗ī¸ Tonic Refresh
đŸĒļ Behemoth Part Alchemy
🔱 Hunting Specific Behemoths in the Hunting Grounds
✨ and more!

➤ Read more on Favro: https://playdauntless.com/roadmap/

External link →

Originally posted by MrPC_o6

I know, I want another


You won't get that but I did fix a bug recently that caused some areas in the body to overlap with them that'll be in 1.10.5.


To clarify for y'all :) the goal we're working toward here is having a bit more control over what you are hunting in the Hunting Grounds. More ways to make sure you're getting what you need. Think, something like a bait system rather than a return of pursuits.

Of course still in early design phase, but feedback and thoughts are always welcome!


Originally posted by Serfrost

Just an FYI that this shouldn't be read as "we're bringing pursuits back," else that would have been mentioned directly in the notes if that were the case. They are most likely working on a different system that will not harm Hunting Grounds' player activity.

Believing that pursuits are coming back is more than likely setting yourself up for disappointment.

You got it frost, the description in the item is:

We've heard lots of feedback since Dauntless: Reforged about how sometimes it can be difficult to hunt the Behemoths you want to be hunting. Whether you're working on a specific quest or trying to grab a particular part, we want to increase the options Slayers have for finding the Behemoths they want to find.

And that's certainly the goal we want. Increased ways to do that within the hunting grounds.

Of course still in early design phase, but feedback and thoughts are always welcome!