
Dauntless Dev Tracker

04 Jun


It's absolutely on the list of things we're looking at over the next couple months! Not quite sure what form it'll take exactly -- but some increase in the ability to "fight what you want" is something we want to deliver.


There are helpful instructions here: https://support.playdauntless.com/hc/en-us/articles/360023290474-Linking-your-Dauntless-Account-Console-Account-and-Epic-Games-Account

But you can always contact the support team - they've helped a lot of folks through the process and can give you personalized help. Plus, they're very nice :)


Originally posted by AnimeAlley03

Personally I would like to see a neutral legendary weapon with the boss in the hunting grounds how Chronovore used to be

Interesting idea!


Originally posted by Aero1372

I guess Gnasher and Shrike would be great terra-behemoths and Quillshot a nice frost-behemoth but it just doesn't feel right.

Maybe not remove it but change it into a completely new element like: -Aqua -Crystal (Diamond, Amethyst, Ruby, Emerald (not stone or ice like in other elements)) -Metal (oh wait no, problems with Phaelanx there...)

I'd love to see a terra-shrike though... If you don't remove it, I'll keep hoping for a sporestruck shrike :)

Sporestruck Shrike... that's too hard to say out loud!

03 Jun


Originally posted by djdirty713

I’m missing hammer and striker empowerment 3-5 and all of Heroic. Everything else has a green check mark.

Hmm, that's odd. Please try to contact support, they'll be able to look into your account details and see if there anything that can be done (or worst case scenario, get more info for us to fix the bug). Thank you!


Originally posted by CSR1115

same happened to me

what do we do now? is it lost forever? F

This should be have been fixed in the 1.10.3b hotfix, but you may have to contact support to get you sorted, sorry about that.


Originally posted by CSR1115

In-Game Name: sharmouta11

Type of Bug: Cosmetic

Expected behavior: I got the "snow trouble" glove cosmetics instead of the "wages of eternity" gloves when i completed the radiant escalation to lvl 25.

Actual behavior: I completed the radiant escalation to lvl 25 and its the only one i have fully completed, I got all of the cosmetics however i obtained the wrong gloves i got the gloves from the frost escalation rewards.

Screenshot/Clip: i can provide screenshots but i have no idea how to post them

Reproduction Rate/Steps: 0 as it only happened once

System Specs: PC

Geographic location: Gulf area

This should be have been fixed in the 1.10.3b hotfix (but you may have to contact support to get you sorted, sorry about that).


Originally posted by Primary-Match-2661

In game name: IBimsCoolEinhorn Type of bug: cosmetic As i claimed the cosmetic reward for radiant escalation level 25 i got the cosmetic armor but not the arm protector instead i got the cosmetic arm protector from the ice escalation

This should be have been fixed in the 1.10.3b hotfix (but you may have to contact support to get you sorted, sorry about that).


It is, sorry about that. It'll be fixed in patch 1.10.5 though, hang tight!

02 Jun


Originally posted by GENM_ACT

Are there any plans to redistribute previously released decorative items? I am very disappointed with the current situation as many items used to be available in the store.

we are planning to rotate some in for sure!


Originally posted by GENM_ACT

What will happen to Omnicell in the future? There is no terra element omnicell at the moment, but with the neutral element gone, will Bastion become a terra element omnicell?

I like this idea and I've talked about doing it a few times. I think it's safe to expect that we might do that soon.


Originally posted by Genkai-

Would it be possible to have our build slots renamed?

Not anytime soon, but something we can keep in mind!


Originally posted by Falminar

so those new heroic esca behemoth titles - are there plans to further adjust the keystones and expand the changes (like reskinning them) to bring them more in line with other dires? or is it just to sound cool and thats it

that also leaves koshai, valo & rifty as the only ones to have heroics but still be untitled, will they get titles too?

also im curious what the beam system rework is all about, whatre your plans with that?

No, but you might see some more name changes in the future! You'll see why in the coming months.

The beam system rework is about making it easier for us to use beams and to make them more robust/consistent. We know there have been a lot of bugs with them in the past and we want to get them fixed.


Originally posted by AnimeMania

Are the beams that Radiant Koshai and Alyra shoot out supposed to go right through the other Behemoth and hit you when you are fighting two Behemoths at the same time?

We are looking into fixing that!