@KiefyWonder A bar showing the battery life will come to consoles with a future update. :)
@KiefyWonder Could it be that your battery ran out or are multiple batteries not working?
@A_Chained_Angel On what platform is this? Did a relog fix the issue?
@sebdejesus 1.03 will not be pushed to consoles. Console players will receive a combined update of 1.03 and 1.04.
@NovaAlshehri Suppressors can be used very efficiently with single shots (e.g. stealth with pistol headshots against infected) or with a sniper rifle to make it more difficult for opponents to hear where your shot is coming from.
@NovaAlshehri Suppressors do not completely remove gunshot noise, they spread and reduce it. So you will attract less infected, but automatic rifle fire will still get you in trouble.
This will be all for today's test. We gathered information on server behaviour under stress with both old and fresh storages. Our programmers are now looking into the results. Thank you all for your participation!
@Derlethe We are running additional profiling on the server, which is responsible for most of the heavy lags.
Ok, we will have one more restart before the test is over, the server will be back in a few minutes. :)
We have one last restart, will be back in a few minutes, again a new character. :)
We are having the first server restart, we will back within a few minutes. You will receive a new character, this is intended.
@Krasnooo Yes, we are observing this as well.
The server is online and you can connect to play. As mentioned there is not objective you have to look for, just have fun! There might be server restarts that could last for up to 5 minutes, but the test will be ongoing for at least 1 hour.
In 90 minutes (1 PM CEST) we are starting a play test for performance monitoring. It will happen on the server in the Community Tab and run for 1 hour. You can play normally, there are no specific goals. Thank you for your participation!
@UndertowGames: #Barotrauma is now out on Steam! 15% discount for the first week. Go get yours from Steam ! #ind…
@TennisJuanSala @Criied @PlayStation Can you please check your server browser filters if all of them have been reset?
@fatkoala1 No, your character will be saved across servers.
The stable branch is back online with a new update. Patchnotes:
@Goevex We are looking to work with an external server provider to bring private servers to console.
@LottaLottieT Today's PC maintenance will be prolonged to include a new Stable update with the hotfixes that have been tested on the Experimental branch.