Last week, we were happy to meet Oleg from the Last Day Roleplay Community. Oleg came all the way from Russia to bring us an amazing hand-made DayZ cutting board for our office kitchen. A truly unique survivor's gift ‒ may it withstand all the knifes!
@leadzone_spain We are aware of this issue and want to fix it as soon as possible.
@nathan_shaxson On what platform are you playing?
@LChaidemenos The goal is not to allow players to exploit server hopping to quickly loot high-value areas across servers. You want to stay at your position, stay at the same server.
@vtladd Both consoles will get the 1.03 and 1.04 combined in July.
@Scoobywrxfan555 Please check your Hardware AntiAliasing settings and try to disable them.
The Experimental servers are coming back online with the new update. Read the patchnotes here:
Let us know about all issues you encounter, see you in Chernarus!
📷 StraightEnke
The Experimental servers are going offline for a new update. We will be back as soon as possible. :)
@VoodooKnives Fixes for those issues are in the works.
@FrobThekaizer Traders are added by certain PC mods and not part of the core game.
@Deathracer14 As mentioned above, we are aware of an issue impacting scopes.
The Xbox servers are back online with the new update. We apologise again for the inconvenience.
This update is only a hotfix for the current version 1.02 (with the mentioned issue), no changes to the game itself have been included.
We will release a new update to fix the scope issue as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Today's game update was released unintentionally. In the now published version we tried to optimise the frame-rate, but an issue with scopes stopped us from releasing it originally. We are now updating the servers to this new version to allow you to play.
@ArrianaOnDayZ Congratulations and all the best! :)
We have now updated the Experimental Server Files, the patchnotes have been updated with server changes. We highly recommend server admins to update their player spawn points to avoid respawning issues (more details in the changelog).
@NakedByo Yes :)
@ReaperNation92 We are aware of vehicles changing their positions upon server restart, the team is currently investigating this one.
We have a new Experimental Update live for you to test, servers are going online. This is the first update of the 1.04 version. Read the patchnotes here:
Report all the issues you can find, and see you in Chernarus!
📷 TrainedRope