There isn't better start of a new day than attending theater performance with your kid :)
Please be advised, the Stable branch servers will be down due to maintenance every Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 (CET).
📷 @LottaLottieT
Simply astonishing... @Tool is hands down the best band in the known universe, period.
My DayZ story has ended. It was great 5 years as Lead Designer on such a unique game and I'm proud of what we have achieved. I'm glad to had that opportunity and I wish @DayZ and @bohemiainteract the best. You are an amazing community. Stay strong… see you in Chernarus folks!
The Experimental servers are coming back online, read the patchnotes here:
📸 @HpsSil3nt
The Experimental servers are going offline for an update with hotfixes. We will be back as soon as possible.
@V3n0mK Can you try reset your server filters to show all servers?
@LottaLottieT: Exploring Deer Isle on @DayZ was a good change of scene and pace tonight. I enjoyed wandering around a new landscape. The…
@ShadowPlayX1 Max. stamina gets depleted the heavier your equipment gets. There's enough food out there, also some infected are carrying it.
@wilout1123 You can report bugs on our official Feedback Tracker at .
@daniel_sayers @PlayStation They are sorted in Asia category (AS), but located in Sydney (SY). :)
@imagineakCS @PsychoSkoobz Thank you for reporting this, we are looking into it.
@KommandoNeutron On which platform are you playing?
@imksoon1 @PsychoSkoobz The team is aware of the issue and looking into it.
@daniel_sayers @PlayStation There are already Australian servers available. :)
@RaidzzDxnny No plans for that, permadeath is a core part of the DayZ experience.
@V3n0mK @PsychoSkoobz Have you tried resetting your filter settings in the server browser?
@AdyYoung5 @bohemiainteract @gportalint We are in talks with possible providers for private servers in console. So far we can't make promises, but we want to make it happen!
Today is the f*cking day!
After 13 long years I can finally enjoy @Tool live again!
📸 @PsychoSkoobz