@Martin87418862 The fix is currently being tested on the Experimental servers and will come over to Stable soon. :)
@IAceManI @OmegaHps Have you reported the issue to our Feedback Tracker at ?
@xprxfirex1 The team is working on a solution for the issue.
@patrickgosseli1 Not yet, but we will support it in the future.
Please be advised, the Stable branch servers will be down due to maintenance every Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 (CET).
📷 @OmegaHps
@ThisIsSweex This year!
@DatGuySyl @YouTube @YouTubeGaming
The new Experimental update is out! Check out the changelog here:
@SneijdersKerwin Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we are looking into it. :)
@teod0r2012 Is your friend using any mods? He can try to reinstall the game first.
The Experimental servers are going offline for a new update. We will be back as soon as possible.
@AussieRogue Our official servers are not affected by this. So the best you can do is have the affected servers report their crashes to our Feedback Tracker. The team is looking into it.
@TrojanFTQ This issue is already fixed on the current Experimental version. There are still some fixes in the works that will be deployed during this week.
@BrianLowry2434 Currently not, the keyboard and mouse support will be added in the future.
@SuperBabyYoshi Do you have mods installed and are you trying to join official servers? Have you tried verifying your game files via Steam, with all boxes checked?
PsychoSkoobz is currently doing a 24 hour charity live stream for - a help service for anyone experiencing mental health problems. Let's show some support!
@BIGB0SS7 Can you be a bit more specific about what kind of issue you have? :)
The Experimental servers are back online with the new update. Read the patch notes here:
📸 ArjenChernarus (reddit)
We will have a quick restart of 23 Xbox servers. This is in preparation of those servers going permanently offline on May 27th. Read here for more details: