@Spaggie He is, but he didn't died from bruises :)
@DudeIRage Bullet spongey is relative - ballistic helmet saves you from 1 headshot when hit from full power cartridge in trade of unconsciousness. Anyways balance is not set in stone and it can be shifted back and forth until sweet spot is found. Especially when such changes are introduced.
@MNagant That would be the best approach, however it will be absolute nightmare to balance and I can already see all that 'bugs' tickets on feedback tracker.
@Dude51149951 Armor already protects from bleeding all the time unless is ruined.
@Joeldinho79 But you know, duct tape doesn't have to fix everything at the end.
@MNagant That's not the case right now. Reducing less dmg proportionally to condition of armor is in consideration , but that still counts as 'No, any hit should matter' option.
@Spaggie 'Unsure' option is there for you then. Reducing less dmg proportionally to armor condition is considered as well, but that still lives in land of 'No, any hit shoudl matter'.
@SeeJay_DZ That's already in, different projectiles deals different damage to armors.
@dominikd1 Armors are collected even if they protect partially.
@wartzilla There are already 3 tiers of armors.
Out of curiosity, currently, armor is directly reducing dmg dealt by projectile to health, which is common approach. Different projectiles deals different dmg to armors already ofc, but what if armor has to be ruined first to allow dmg from projectiles to be applied?
@TheRunningManZ: Seems a long time ago since I bought a new PC on 21 subs to try and be a YouTuber! I'm still trying....
@groovebox505 Try to restart your console, we don't see any issue on our side.
@Davidbr07634697 We can't promise Private Servers on Xbox right now but we're looking into ways how this could be made possible! It's really important for us and if there is a way to let you guys run your own servers on Xbox, we'll do it!
@DrnkonShdws: Big shoutout to the @DayZ and @bohemiainteract team for this #DayZonXbox care package.
Thank you so much. This is actuall…
@Simply_Sabre: Where are we travelling today? 😂😎@DayZ @RaptorM60 @BatyAlquawen #FightForSurvival #DayZStandalone #JustForFun
@adamfrancu: It is time again for an update on #Namalsk. I did played a lot of #DayZ on it this month, so lets see how it was :) https:/…
Maintenance is done. See you in Chernarus! 📸@UncuepaOfficial
@IBeastnn More updates will follow over the course of the year, to introduce new content, features and fix current issues.
@Spaggie @consulmac The humans currently have a national holiday, robots are taking over! 🤖