@dfootball33 @MDe4th We do not intend to have different characters for every server, but we are working on a solution against server hopping which will conflict with that play style, as it is exploited too often.
@James70211283 @Micah16162479 We still plan to release the next Xbox update this month.
@DaysEndSurvival Sounds good!
@JoshuaR870: We ❤️ the @DayZ Xbox dev team
@DaysEndSurvival If it is not needed to pay something to join server/event or pay for loot, it is ok.
@looklikeshaggy We don't want to wipe anything, only if it will be necessary.
@xxbob92 This year. :)
@Adamshaw1122334 @CiNeMaPeL @cheezywad @bohemiainteract That is not true with the Xbox console exclusivity. :) PS4 will drop this year, but we can't say any date right now.
@GamingXinsanity This bug is very hard to fix, but we are working on it. :)
@Miss_Ingvalid: Only on #DayZ you can have a GIANT meetup on the coast ( oh and fit 15 people into a small shed ;) )..
Gosh I love this…
@Micah16162479 No, we don't have any date now.
@tylerblackwood3 We are working on the fix.
@FalloutNewDovah No ETA, but we are close. :)
@ChrisTooGodly1 @_BlacKTaloN_ Soon!
Maintenance is done. See you in Chernarus! 📸Cpt-Herpes
@xN2oBxKeyNanDo It should be back online!
@DanielNolam It should be back online!
@katie_saut It should be back online!