@NakedByo @consulmac Not this week, development is still running high for the 1.03. :) Thank you for reporting issues to the Feedback Tracker, it is never in vain.
Please be advised, the Stable branch servers will be down due to maintenance every Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 (CET).
📷 @consulmac
@bohemiainteract: Head back to 1980s northern Germany with the first #Arma3 Creator DLC: Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany.
@Furry_Zraigo DayZ is an online experience based on distrust towards other players. Keep your guard up and only enter dangerous areas if you are prepared for a fight.
@Elvis56309384 Later this year. :)
@Michael61452967 Will be released later this year. :)
@macamichael1 @PlayStation Will be released later this year. :)
@YasudaTV Later this year. :)
@janedoe_papadoe Later this year. :)
@DatGuySyl: GAMEZ and GAINZ! Rocking that sweet @DayZ merch in the gym!
Let's celebrate the #InternationalDanceDay 🕺 together in #DayZ! Is anyone partying tonight? Let us know your platform, server, town and time in the comments!
@Harpuajim @SukahnGaming We did not promise monthly updates during post-release development, making the entire discussion of "a month without update" obsolete. Updates are developed and released and we are working on the third one of this year.
@SukahnGaming The last Stable Update was on April 3rd, the next one will follow in May. And yes, it's about time for another Community Spotlight. :)
@clutch_uktrib They are all in. :) Some of them are rare to find though.
@SStudderz Report all issues to our Feedback Tracker at . Thank you for your support! :)
Don't mess with the Deez company.
@limpnoodletv That's where he's hiding when it's not Christmas. :) Good find!
@fitzytribe81 Thank you for your support. :)
@StattyTV Rain, wind and temperature are the only dynamic elements in DayZ. Snow that dynamically appears will probably not happen.
@Faith_Turtle1 There currently is an issue with that server, that it is not displayed if you filter for European servers. You should be able to see and join it if you filter for all servers. We will have the filter issue hopefully resolved soon, but your server is up and running. :)