
DayZ Dev Tracker

16 Apr

15 Apr

14 Apr

13 Apr

12 Apr

    ImpulZ on Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you provide screenshots or videos of these issues? We are aware of the other problems, and they will be tackled when our prioritization allows it.

Sadly it's not as easy as "outsource to modders". While there are definitely very talented modders, their knowledge varies massively, and they have their own ways to achieve whatever they want to do with their mods, and those aren't always the most efficient or future-proof approaches.

    ImpulZ on Forums - Thread - Direct

As mentioned in our guidelines, DayZ Staff can not and do not have access to BattlEye global or VAC bans, and can not revoke them in any way possible. You MUST contact the BattlEye or STEAM support about any bans issued on you. Closing.

09 Apr

08 Apr