@LallygagTV Your style is perfection. Slaying
@femininetop Thanks! ❤️
Feeling it 🔥 💥
@bj98933422 Coffee is too precious to share. But I could offer you a cup next time you're in Seoul.
@TokkiTTV ❤️
@Xbox Latte this time. Already had 2 macchiatos earlier today.
Been working all night ☕️
Stay tuned
Level II has unlocked. Sally feels the asylum closing in on her... Watch The Nurse’s memory in Tome VI: DIVERGENCE.
@eturafulofsh*t This is the content I was looking for. Good loaf.
@lilneon7pc I can only imagine how long this took, and that just makes me respect it all that much more.
This week's shrine is: Diversion, Hex: Haunted Ground, Thrilling Tremors, and Windows of Opportunity.
@FrankByDaylight @vetrix_tron ?
@vetrix_tron Yes, but not well on the account the missing mouse and keyboard. It becomes really hard to play.
@MermaidKilljoy It's okay, my back already hurts from all the carrying.
@Madtingzzzeenit Honestly, how does anyone manage with less than 5?
@Cahlaflour I was thinking the same thing, I just needed to hear someone say it.
@derpbydaylight Not a typo, by the way. Dadbydaylight.
@derpbydaylight Finally, a monitor I can dedicate solely to r/dadbydaylight
@TatariuTV If you aren't constantly being blasting by the high pitch whine of your CRT, are you really gaming?
@SincereMeteor20 He's a real pal, always asks me to play games.