Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

08 Oct


Originally posted by Hanz_Boomer

Sounds like you're a diplomat as well. It's a smart answer to the community imo and no one should feel bad for their lately posted opinion. Keep it up!

So long as those opinions are actually useful to read and not just a steaming sack of bile, then I welcome the negative posts. They are extremely welcome and a big help for us.


Originally posted by BHMathers

Was not expecting a real life dev to respond and after re-reading my question I realize it could be misunderstood

I was talking about putting some assets from rogue core into DRG, and I don’t know if that’s how you read the question because it could also be interpreted vice versa and I’m sorry for that. So will assets from rogue core be used in DRG, DRG assets in rogue core, or both?

Again sorry for the confusion and thank you for responding

No worries - and my answer stands. I think it's a given that specific assets from either game will find their way into the other, in some form. That is one of the reasons we are keeping the artstyle intact.


Originally posted by InstanceDuality

I read somewhere that you guys struggled to come up with new ideas for weapons in DRG that weren't just rehashes of what already exists. Is that a concern for Rogue Core and its available weaponry?

Struggled? No. We have stacks and stacks of viable concepts. It's a matter of manpower in the end - creating a new set of weapons is a massive amount of work we don't undertake lightly.

I have no present concerns when it comes to Rogue Core and available weaponry.


Originally posted by Devisidev

So wait, if you don't mind me asking, that makes me curious as to if you guys currently have an idea/ideas as for who the rivals are. I'd assume the plan of if you do go down the path is that you'd simply work out who would fit best for the gameplay you've developed out of those ideas, or simply workshop a new fit if none of the current ideas seem to fit well.

I could imagine it being either or, that you internally aren't really sure and aren't really concerned because, well, it's not the story currently being told, or you've got a good chunk of ideas as to who it could be, and you'll simply decide later on once the best fit reveals itself.

There are ideas and concepts, for sure. But as said, we've kept it open in case we want to explore new angles on that story later. If the ideas and concepts don't fit that at that point, then we can tweak it to fit, before release.


Originally posted by TheDiscordedSnarl

Thanks for doing all that. Makes me more patient for season 5. I dislike most plague-themed stuff and hearing we'd have another 7 or 8 months of this just made me want to drink a Leaf Lover's. Rock And Stone :)

You said "Adding 8 player content isn't as simple as just putting four more players on the team" ... how could it not be as simple? I figure it'd just be a bit tedious to copypaste four more slots into a mission session. Bug waves scaling up to X people aren't that hard, are they?

Distilled down to that, it pretty much is that simple, yes. But I think we'd have larger ambitions than that if we went for an 8-player mission. :)


Originally posted by EmotionalCrit

You're being a little too generous. Some people just like to complain because they have nothing better to do with their lives, and some of them just want you to keep shoveling content into their mouths for free without stopping, slowing down or working on any other projects. It's not always from a place of genuine concern.

Not always, no. That's the internet too. But for the most part, I still feel I can distill useful information from most negative or concerned posts.


Originally posted by crystalworldbuilder

Wait you are one of the developers cool! also great game keep up the good work 👍 I’m new and already love this game!

Welcome aboard. Rock and Stone, Miner. :)


Originally posted by Aettyr

I don’t want it to go the way of so many popular games, wherein people become so vocal and downright rude the developers just stop talking to us. I love and appreciate that about GSG, we get kept in the loop and spoken to about everything, and honestly I’d love more of that

That's always a risk when communities grow. We're seeing more undirected negativity these days than we used to, but at least most of it comes with actually useful constructive criticism. It would have to get a lot worse before we stop trawling the Reddit and Steam forums and Discord for input, even if some of it stings.


Congratulations miner, well done. Rock and Stone!

07 Oct


Originally posted by Full-Marionberry638

Why does all communication have to be in a 2 hours stream format? I appreciate that the devs are trying to communicate with players but this is just inaccessible for a lot of people. Why not post answers in text format on Twitter, Reddit and Discord?

Because this was something that happened during our regular Friday stream, which is a thing that happens just before we close down for the weekend.


Originally posted by CautiousConfidence22

this whole stream can be summed up as

It's too hard :( give us your money

At this point, all your posts are telling me that maybe you just shouldn’t buy the game. :)


Originally posted by glassteelhammer

@ u/GSG_Jacob

I have 1 question. Just 1.

The stream yesterday, one of the recurring themes was 'we have to balance dev time between getting Rogue Core to a somewhat stable alpha, which means we have to delay season 5 of DRG. No matter which way we turn there's just no way around that.'

That's fine. Nothing wrong with that. Perfectly understandable.

But the question I kept asking my self as I watched the stream was why you guys placed this (what seems to me) artificial time pressure on yourselves?

Hypothetically - Why not just focus on Season 5 and when that gets released you announce Rogue Core with a note that dev times needs to be split, and newer seasons will see longer spans of time between them so you can block out time for both games.

I know it's too late to do that. But the core of that question remains - why the time pressure for Rogue Core? Why not delay the Rogue Core Alpha by 2 months ( I...

Read more

… That’s not one question.

But anywho, I’ll try to address it all, but it’s going to be in short form as it’s late/saturday.

As to why not do season 5 first, I think Mike did talk about that, but overall, the reactions would have been the same. Season 4 already took long to do, and it didn’t make sense to keep it secret for much longer, when it outwards seemed like we were just slow at seasons. Resource wise it just makes more sense to focus on getting RC to a state where we can test it and collect feedback, and at that stage we can look into the next season.

Essentially, we’re not putting ourselves under pressure. On the contrary, this is the setup needed to not be under a time pressure. That’s why Season 5 will arrive later than we originally wanted to - so we’re not spreading ourselves thin.


Originally posted by Roastie1990

Idk what having more q&a time will do. It's the same answers every time. "We hear what you're saying but we don't wanna and it's too hard and now we're doing this other thing so wait for that" this is dare I say getting like cube world

Did you watch the stream?


Originally posted by VideoGames1000VFX

Is there a possibility for the new weapons in Rogue Core to be added at any point in DRG or are those going to remain exclusive for RC? Nothing wrong if the latter is the case but just intrusive curiosity.

Everything is possible. Whether *viable*, that remains to be seen. Time will tell.


It's the internet. People will complain. And then people will complain about people complaining. And then people will complain about that. And so on.

I'm seeing a lot of valid complaints or concerns out there. And I also see people coming to GSG's "defense". I hope ya'll know we appreciate both sides here, and that those two sides are really not that far apart when you think about it. If you didn't care about the game, you wouldn't spend time complaining. All this talk back and forth comes from a place of passion for DRG, and that is pretty much the greatest compliment we as developers can get.

We might not agree on the best way to get there all the time. But at the end of the day, we all want DRG to be the best it can be - GSG included. So long as we can talk about things in a civilized manner, we'll keep listening.


Originally posted by Tab2ugo

Not to sound rude but i hope you know what you are doing with the lore .

I used to be invested into other game's lore who started vague on purpose and let themselves a wide angle of space to build upon later in response to Fan theories and the results were....

Well, rough to say the least, i think you may see wich games (yes, gameS) i'm reffering to.

So yeah, i get that Lore isn't supposed to be DRG main focus for developing the game or the main motive for the majority of people who play it but having a good story and explanation to what's happening is always more immersive if it's coherent and not ridiculously hard to figure out or understand wich i absolutely believe you can do.

I mean hey i'm all for knowing whose behind the rival tech , or what the error cubes do.

Don't downvote 'em, folks - they're allowed to come with constructive criticism. And it's a valid concern.

To answer: I like to think we mostly know what we're doing. ;)
We have explanations for most things behind the scenes, but one major reason for us keeping stuff simple lore-wise is to allow us to put the gameplay first. The lore is usually figured out after the gameplay is designed, rather than the other way around. This might seem backwards to a lot of people, but it's worked really well for us.

But take the Rivals, as a good example: Right now we have not revealed who they *really* are. That means, if and when we want to pursue that story again, we have all options open. And then the story can evolve at that point.


I've replied to a lot of comments in this thread now, so I encourage you all to seek those out too, but let me pipe in on the "narrative" bit here:

Don't go in expecting a full Mass Effect-size narrative, but Rogue Core is definitely "a new chapter" in the DRG story. There will obviously be new lore, but it will likely be given to you in much the same way as we do in DRG: Keeping it a little vague on purpose, so the players can get to speculate and come up with their own theories, as well as allow us the widest possible space to build upon later.


Originally posted by RavenTengu

My only worry is how they are gonna make the coop elements work. DRG was designed with coop in mind and that's why all the 4 classes are balanced in a way they complement each other.

I know not having classes can still work (see L4D), I just have not seen any mention of how they would encourage teamwork so far.

Well, our motto remains "Co-op First", so trust that we're focusing on it. We'll show off more when we have something to show.


Originally posted by Im_winning_dad

Yea but can we play it in the spacerig on a vr headset or naw

Likely naw. But hey, that's what mods are for... :D