Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

07 Oct


Originally posted by AWordInTheHand

Did they actually confirm it would be story heavy? With most rogue likes and drg's history I wouldn't be surprised if what we've gotten is most of the story

We have made no promises that it will be story heavy. It will likely be *as* story heavy as DRG, as in not a lot, but enough to keep you engaged. We've found that approach works super well in DRG, and we see little reason to change that.


Originally posted by VideoGames1000VFX

If these geniuses made the absolute gem that is DRG while it was still a pretty small company, imagine their new project now that they have a much more solid ground, financial stability and resources?

I’ll temper my expectations accordingly but I’ll look forward to Rouge Core!

That's the way to do it.


Originally posted by BHMathers

It looks sick. I would have no problem if they didn’t but I hope they use some of the assets in the base game as well.

We most certainly will.


Originally posted by Zeldatart

Wondering what type of weaponry will be in rouge core, will they be mostly the same ones from drg if will there by new ones? Possibly we could even see melee weapons due to not worrying about friendly fire. Either way I'm hyped!

At this point in time, the plan is for both new weapons and DRG classics to be in Rogue Core.


Originally posted by DarthGiorgi

I'll restrain harsher judgment until we know how it plays, but so far, it gave me an impression that this is content for season 6 that got turned into a game.

Survivor is different enough to justify being a different game, so, let's see how different will Rogue Core be to DRG. If it's 90% the same but Roguelike, well, I'm definitely gonna be very angry.

I can tell you this: Rogue Core is definitely not Season 6 turned into a standalone game. Season 6 doesn't exist in any shape or form yet. We do not plan that far ahead, ever. Our only focus at this moment is Season 5 and Rogue Core. Season 6 will be designed after Season 5 is out.

Rather, Rogue Core was originally planned as a paid expansion for DRG, but as our ambitions for it grew, we decided that making it its own thing entirely would let us play around with it more, rather than being restricted by any design built into DRG.

That said, I think I can promise you that Rogue Core will look and feel a lot like DRG with a Roguelite twist - we are placing it in the same universe for a reason, and it's why we're calling it a spin-off. If that's unacceptable to you, well, that's your call.


Originally posted by arson_cat

I'm gonna piggy-back on this thread to post the most notable excerpts from GSG_Robert's Thursday impromptu Q&A he did in the official Discord. No commentary, interpretation or opinions from me, just quotes presented verbatim and very loosely grouped into logical sections (the original chat flow was a bit chaotic).

EDIT: I should've clarified that, but this is not a transcript of the Q&A from the Friday stream that Jacob linked in the OP! This is a different Q&A that took place on Thursday in a Discord channel.

Big thanks for this effort. It's very appreciated.

Rock and Stone, Miner.


Originally posted by ShadowWolf793

GSG aren't making either Survivors or Rogue, just publishing another small studio's game which uses their IP.

DRG: Survivor is made by our good friends at FunDay.
DRG: Rogue Core is a spin-off of DRG, made by us at Ghost Ship.


Originally posted by gonsi

The Art Director is not angry, the Art Director is sad.

06 Oct


Mike, our lead designer answered a lot of the questions from the chat and was later joined by Mikkel our game director. It's a bit long, but we might do a blog post with some time stamps or similar next week if we feel it makes sense. Feel free to do so and share with the rest of the community, if you manage to watch the entire thing.

  1. As a prelude to Rogue Core, it's the intention for it to hopefully get you pumped for Rogue Core, while at the same time to be a worthy season on its own. Since, well, we love DRG, while also wanting to make new games after 7 years of constant work on DRG.
  2. This seems like more of a statement of your own than a question, but I'll try. We're excited about the games we make. And when making a new game that literally ties into DRG, it would seem odd to us not to make mention of it in DRG.
  3. Doubtful. The current plan is for Season 5 on its own to be completely independent of Rogue Core, apart from sharing a common theme. As development continues, that may change in some way if we find a cool way to do it, but we're not out to "force" players to play both games if they don't feel like it.
  4. A lot of assumption on your part here, which seems to be a running theme in most of your post. Doubt I can give you an answer here that will satisfy you, I can only say t...
Read more

Originally posted by KingoKings365

Honestly was meme-ing a bit, but glad to see a response. DRG is fun, and I take breaks from the game myself.


Rock and Stone, Miner.


Short version, as things stand right now: Rogue Core basically takes place at the same time as DRG. It just concerns another team of dwarves on another mission on the same planet.


Originally posted by Subject_Road1010

Nice. I like the way you handled things going on in the discord chat yesterday. Although I am very sad there will be no more major content for drg.

Thanks, happy to hear it.

And for the record, though without promising anything - NO-ONE is saying there will be no more major content for DRG. We are not shutting down development on DRG. We are staffing up, we are looking for bigger offices, and we want more hands. DRG is not dying.


Originally posted by Competitive-Mango457

Could we at least get drip fed overclock changes. Cause these little changes go a verrrry long way. Engineers been feeling lonely seeing other classes get reworked guns and overclocks

I've suggested this myself, but we also don't want to cannibalize Season 5.


Originally posted by Aettyr

Hey Jacob, would it be possible for the team to consider ending season 4 or perhaps confining the rockpox to a single area? A lot of us would be okay with the wait but we feel the pox is too distributive gameplay wise in its current state. It would be nice to play without worrying about it. Thank you!

I'm definitely on Team End Season 4, myself. We're still discussing how to approach this internally.


Originally posted by callingFives

I mod my own sub, my guy, I know how it works, I know a flagged account can require approval, you can auto-delay posts with keywords. You Are Either Lying Or Were Lied To, because it doesn't log approvals only, and you didn't speak up until after it appeared so I suspect you weren't here to approve it. Check with your mods who are lying to you about leaving it to sit until I made a fuss. Cuz someone is lying, and I can do math, AND I understand how the mod dashboard works

nah you know what, do your thing, I ain't gonna spend my time wishing my favorite game had the same transparency that made me love it, or waste time with your moderator's delicate feelings. You will reap all you deserve, and I don't have to do a thing. Way to go from THE Developers setting bars to another company that can't be trusted.

POSTS from a flagged account require APPROVAL because it's REMOVED.

Your account is not flagged, and your post contains nothing that warrants it.

I can see the logs. You're seeing ghosts here.


Originally posted by callingFives

Then why did it not appear on the sub in an incognito tab, or log a single view for an hour with 1700 people online?

It's not my first week here, I can read stats

Maybe because there was a lot of activity besides your post? You shouldn't feel special enough to think we'd hide your post specifically. Posts that are aggressive and toxic get removed. Posts that are critical of either the games or decisions we make do not get removed. All feedback is fair feedback if it's not containing any personal attacks or aggressive wording. Yours did not.
The only filters that are active in the auto moderator are there to combat spam from cryptobots + spam from memes and that's it. When the filter is triggered, the post is temporarily removed, and the mods get a message. It's all removed/approved, and it gets logged.


Originally posted by callingFives

That seems like it took far more than it needed to. I'm still out. You can't be trusted.
