That's not right. Pretty sure we didn't even touch the caretaker. Are you getting this consistently?
That's not right. Pretty sure we didn't even touch the caretaker. Are you getting this consistently?
This has got to be a mod or a bug, no way they shrunk it.
Not intentionally anyway...
Yeah, that's definitely not properly priced. We're looking into it, but it might take a little while to get it settled. Thanks for letting us know.
I don't have any mods either, and this started happening during the heartstone drilling. Gravity works fine in any other case, but the boots just slam me to the ground. Submitted a bug report on the discord, hope they can figure it out.
But did this happen with the current patch? We tried to fix it, and i am trying to figure out of we failed
Why do you need them?
Cool... future GSG time machine confirmed.
I’m told this was fixed an hour ago.
You can't handle the life sized lootbug plushie.
On an unrelated note... stay tuned.
Sorry for this lapse in competence miners! I accidently released the new update for PS5 and PS4 EU, but not PS4 US. It should work now, please try to update
Technical explanation - it was my first time, and i pressed the wrong button
Judging from your other posts, you’re on PlayStation which unfortunately doesn’t support our backup solution. Sorry.
No bikini armor though.
While we know our audience, we don't want to know our audience that well.
I hope u/GSG_Jacob sees this
Sounds like you want the Massive Content Revise mod.
Edit: All my DRG hours are on my GSG account