Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

20 Jul




Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined our little dwarf game would enable this kind of thing one day. Thank you, Wind Rose. Thank you, Miners. Almost brings a tear to my eye. :)


Hoxxes IV is under the legal jurisdiction of the Deep Rock Galactic corporation. As shown in the case of the Rivals, we are prepared to protect our investment with all means at our disposal.

19 Jul


Originally posted by Lord-Chamberpot

So does the Rival company own a different moon, or are they traveling from extremely far away to get here?

Their point of origin is unknown at this time. But they do not have a permanent foothold in the system. They are attempting to make one on Hoxxes IV.

18 Jul


Originally posted by Mr_Eggs

What happened to the previous 3 Hoxxes?

Oh they're still there. They're just not useful in the way Hoxxes IV is.


Hmm. I'll send this on to the Right People. Thank you for the report, Miner.


You're not reading too much into it, it's a pet peeve of mine too.

My internal head canon, but not something we've ever gone deeply into in the game:

Hoxxes IV *IS* a moon of the greater gas giant Hoxxes Prime. Hoxxes Prime orbits the star Creus, and Hoxxes Prime has many moons.

In an optimal world, the ingame skybox was updated to reflect this. The skybox was made before the "4" was added, I believe. Maybe we will in time.

14 Jul


Originally posted by IllurinatiL

You aren’t gonna smite him or anything, are you?

Naw. But he can have a pat on the head. Kobolds are cute little fellers.


Absolutely not. But I suppose I can't stop any of you from modding it in.

11 Jul


Hello Miners,
We've got a mid-summer surprise for you.

For a while now, we've had fans asking about a collaboration with the dwarven power metal band Wind Rose. Their hit track "Diggy Diggy Hole" has struck a chord with many brave dwarven hearts, and had folks excited about crossover possibilities between their music and Deep Rock Galactic.

Well, we heard you. And we reached out to them to see if we could cook something up together. Turns out the answer was yes, we absolutely could cook something up together.

We're very happy to share their latest single -- "Rock and Stone" -- inspired by the Deep Rock Galactic universe. Check out the music video above! Great work, Wind Rose. <3

Hope everyone's having a great summer out there. Don't forget to check for cave leeches.

With lo... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Did I hear a Rock snd Stone?!?

10 Jul


Bold of you to assume I ever sleep.

09 Jul


Hello Miners,
Most of GSG is on summer vacation right now, and we're moving into our new office at the end of the month. Things will be a bit quiet around here for a few weeks. In the meanwhile, here's a look behind the scenes: we're going a few months back in time, and stepping into the sound studio with Robert Friis -- the voice of Mission Control. Enjoy!

Mission Control is on air
It’s a delightful sunny Tuesday in May, and Mission Control is in the recording booth.

The order of the day is recording the voiceover for the Season 05 Narrated Trailer. We’re in the only meeting room in the entire office, which doubles as the makeshift sound studio. In the corner, tucked in a blocky bunker of sound insulation panels, stands Mission Control – or as he’s known in real life, Robert Friis, co-founder and Art Director of Ghost Shi... Read more

03 Jul

02 Jul


You also casually mentioned it was for your birthday. 🥳🎂


Hello Miners,
This patch is mainly a bunch of bug fixes and improvements along with some optimizations to the Core Stone event. Hopefully there are no catastrophic bugs this time…… hopefully

With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew

--- PATCH NOTES — - Fixed crash related to using the SmRt Trigger OC for the Lok-1 rifle
- Fixed Crystal terrain surrounding Resonance Crystals did not appear when joining during load screen
- Fixed Cryo Bolts being able to freeze neurotoxin grenade gas clouds
- Changed when DeepScan mission is removed from server browser. It is now removed when all the crystals have been scanned.
- Friends can still join until the first button on the drillevator has been triggered.
- Fixed coilgun being inconsistent at shooting certain enemy weakpoints
- Attempt to fix Victory move props visible in unusual places
- ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.