Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

16 Sep

“Your tea has gone cold.”

I had forgotten Ikora handed it to me. My thoughts are preoccupied.
“I… have been burned before.”
“Was that a joke from the dark and brooding Eris Morn? I’m shocked.”
“The universe has many corners. There is much that is shocking still left to uncover."
The moment hangs for us both.
“I was thinking: We should go down to the City. There’s a great ramen shop there. Perfect blend of spice and flavor.”
“That would be nice.”
She’s studying me now. Does she know?
“You’re leaving.”
She always sees through me.
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“There is a greater purpose.”
 This does little to satisfy her. Her face carries the weight of disappointment.
“When will you be back?”
I have no answer.
“So you’re abandoning us.”
“There is still much to be done. You don’t know what I ... Read more

12 Sep

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re looking into the near future.

We’ve talked a lot about how Shadowkeep will change the way we play Destiny, and we’re not even done yet. We’ll have more to say before October 1 about how the game is about to evolve. There might even be a final pre-launch Bungie ViDoc about Year Three next week, but that’s not my promise to make. Keep your eyes up.
Seeing Guardians rejoin Eris on the Moon for a new adventure is not the only thing we’re looking forward to when we daydream launch day. As this new campaign against the minions of the darkness begins, a new Season of Destiny gameplay will begin with it – followed by three additional seasons of updates. We’re about kick off a whole new year of explorations, rewards, and surprises.
But not everything should be left to surprise. We know that Guardians like to plan their gaming sessions. This calendar shows what’s coming free to all players of Destiny 2... Read more

05 Sep

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Mars is on the mind.

A few weeks ago, we forecast our first Community Challenge. Our destination of choice: Mars. With a unique emblem and additional Menagerie loot to earn, we knew you’d take this on… but we didn’t think you’d prosecute the Hive this quickly. To say we’re impressed with your progress is an understatement. Here’s a quick snapshot of how far you’ve come in so little time:

Remember, to qualify for the exclusive Community Event emblem, you'll need to complete one Nightfall before next Tuesday at 10:00 AM Pacific. Luckily, it looks like there's some work to be done in the Nightfall department. Don't forget, we have the ... Read more

03 Sep


  • Updated the stack size limit from 999 to 9,999 for Planetary Materials, Gunsmith Materials, Vanguard Tokens, Crucible Tokens, and Iron Banner Tokens.

Braytech Schematics
  • Braytech Schematics are no longer limited to 1 per day, per account
  • Braytech Schematics have a 25% drop chance when opening any Rasputin Data Cache
  • The four Braytech weapons offered by Ana Bray, and also tied to the Wayfarer seal, now have a greater chance of granting a weapon you do not currently have.

NOTE: The description of the item will be incorrect and still mention that it's limited to 1 per day, per account. This will be addressed in a future hotfix.
Pinnacle Weapon Quests
  • Wendigo GL3
      • Grenade Launcher kills are worth 100% more for each objective
      • Death Penalty no longer exist for the final objective
      • Grenade L...
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29 Aug

Hey everyone,
A couple of weeks ago, I did a (too?) many-word retrospective [Part I, Part II, ... Read more
    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re heading to PAX West.

While it’s still summer here in the states, the seasons are beginning to show signs of change. Leaves will soon change color, and the evenings will get cooler with each passing day. October 1 is just a few quick weeks away, but we have an Expo to attend this weekend—and much more to share with you before launch.
Earlier today, we published an article to shed some light on our new approach to Seasons in Year 3 of Destiny 2. Game Director Luke Smith almost broke his keyboard again dishing o... Read more

22 Aug

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we broke down a barrier.

Over the last few months, we’ve been talking about the future of the Destiny franchise. From the ViDoc to the recently released Director’s Cut articles (Parts I, ... Read more

16 Aug

OK. When I started writing this Director’s Cut, I figured it would be an easy couple-thousand-word post. My plan was to rapidly look back at the past six months of Destiny 2 and lay out a simple outline of where we want to go this Fall. I think I still did that, but I ended up wanting to talk more about the “why”, the team, and share how we are thinking about Destiny. I remember following games when I was younger and being excited to dig in to the messages the developers put together, like Tigole’s posts on raids and dungeons back in my WoW days. 
And I loved it. And I loved reading those posts.
Maybe this was all a love letter to long-form communication—a relic from a time before it was all hot takes, 140/280-character posts, and upvotes.
I didn’t think this would add up to something longer than almost every paper I wrote in college. But here we are.

Before we get to today’s programming, I want to circle back on reloader mods ... Read more

15 Aug

Hey everyone,
This is Director’s Cut – Part II, a now mega-long update looking at the last six months of Destiny 2 and looking ahead to Shadowkeep, and maybe a bit beyond. If you missed Part I and have an afternoon to yourself, go check it out.   As the first section grew in length, I figured this section would be the last one. But at some point Avengers wasn’t going to be split into Infinity War and Endgame, either. So there will be another part. I love you 3000. 
Looking Ahead (to Shadowkeep) This fall is a nec... Read more
    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we released our Director’s Cut.

Usually, you find the majority of Destiny-related news within a This Week at Bungie blog post, dropping each Thursday around 3 PM Pacific. This week, we’ve done something different. We won’t be picking each of these apart here in the TWAB, but rather directing your attention to where this information lives. Here’s the rundown:
Director’s Cut: Part 1 – Looking Back Luke explores the learnings of Destiny 2 Year 2 and the Annual Pass: what went well, what didn’t, and what we’... Read more

13 Aug

Hey everyone,    I wanted to try a little experiment with our communications and put together a longer look at where Destiny has been over the last few months and where it's heading next. I think it's important to take time to reflect on what's happened so we can show you where we're going.    I'm calling this Director's Cut. Based on how long this ended up being, a key learning from this is "maybe there's a better way to communicate this than a GIANT WALL OF TEXT!" Let me know. I also may like doing it in a different format in the future, I'll let you know. 
  Today, I'm going to talk about more than just the Destiny game and talk some about how we build Destiny and the effects it can have on the team. I think transparency about the game is important and I also want to be transparent about the work required. Sound OK? That's rhetorical, because a wall of text is coming up.    We're making a lot of changes to Destiny 2 with Shadowkeep and New Light. We... Read more


Solstice of Heroes
  • The Solstice armor step objective "defeat 100 minibosses in the EAZ" has been updated
  • Now requires only 50 minibosses
  • Completing the boss phase counts as 5 miniboss kills

Moments of Triumph
  • End date for Moments of Triumph has been extended to 9/17 (changed from 8/27)
  • Moments of Triumph T-shirt claim date has been extended to 9/17

  • Micro Mini Sparrow has a new, size-appropriate, Microdrive

  • The “Wolves Unleashed” and “Prismatic Inferno” emblems can now be reclaimed from Collections

08 Aug

    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re preparing for a mass migration of Guardians.

This fall, the launch of Shadowkeep and New Light will deliver some bold new ways for you to manage your Guardian lifestyle. Between now and launch, we’ll have plenty of time to talk about your impending freedom to control how you look and fight. Right now, let’s focus on the ways we’ll be able to decide where you'll play.
Two important updates just went live with this article: This is a resource for players who have been playing Destiny 2 on PC and will be moving with us to our new home on Steam. In keeping with the announcement from last week about our new launch window, Destiny 2 will arrive on... Read more

01 Aug

Hey everyone,   As we get closer and closer to serving up Shadowkeep and New Light, it has become increasingly clear to us that our releases for this Fall would benefit from a bit more time in the oven.   Being independent means that the future of Destiny 2 is entirely on our team. It also means that we’re agile enough to choose to do what's best for the game and our players, even if it's the hard choice.   We wanted to let you—our Community—know first that we're changing the date for Shadowkeep and New Light from September 17 to October 1.   This Fall is the first step on a journey for what our team wants Destiny 2 to become - a place for you and your friends to play anytime, anywhere; owning the action MMO and RPG elements that we love about the game; and crushing barriers to entry for friends. We just need a bit of extra time to take the first step.   We didn't make this decision lightly. We know for some of you (us too), Destiny releases are events where yo... Read more
    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re taking the time to get it right.

If you missed the announcement earlier today, Destiny 2: Shadowkeep and New Light have new launch dates.
Luke and Mark: As we’ve been getting closer and closer to serving up Shadowkeep and New Light, it has become increasingly clear to us that our releases for this Fall would benefit from a bit more time in the oven.   Being independent means that the future of Destiny 2 is entirely on our team. It also means that we’re agile enough to choose to d...
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30 Jul


  • Lord of Wolves
      • Reduced the amount of ammo that Shotgun Scavenger perks can give to Lord of Wolves when it is in the Release the Wolves state
      • Decreased the effective range on Lord of Wolves
          • This decrease is more aggressive when the weapon is in the Release the Wolves state
  • Perks
      • Fixed an issue that allowed the Feeding Frenzy perk to be applied to any weapon

  • Fixed an issue where the cloth component of the Iron Symmachy Cloak wasn’t rendering correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the cloth component of the Terra Concord Mark wasn’t rendering correctly
  • Fixed a bug where the Titan Exotic leg armor Peregrine Greaves glowed 130x too bright when wearers were at maximum velocity
  • While our intention was for this Exotic to help Titans destroy opponents with 130x efficiency, we did not ...
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25 Jul

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, things are heating up for Solstice of Heroes.

The next big beat for Season of Opulence is almost upon us. Solstice of Heroes is bringing new Moments of Triumph to complete and a new title for Guardians to earn. You’ll also be challenged to upgrade a Solstice of Heroes armor set by completing various objectives throughout Destiny 2. If you missed our Solstice of Heroes 2019 announcement article yesterday, make sure to check it out. We have a cool trailer to go with it!

If you have what it takes to fully upgrade ... Read more

24 Jul

Solstice of Heroes is a grand tradition among Guardians. It’s a chance for us all to reflect on past hardships and celebrate the resilience of humanity’s foremost defenders. All players of Destiny 2 are welcome to participate in this event, which will begin on July 30 and run until August 27.

The festivities start with a visit to Eva Levante near the Statue of Heroes in the Tower.

Become More Powerful

Let the energy of this community flow! Each day, the event will feature one of the three elements: Solar, Arc, and Void. Elemental kills will award you with Elemental Orbs. Picking up these orbs will let you complete objectives to upgrade your armor. You can create whatever orbs you need for the objectives you are working to achieve. You can also collect 30 orbs that match the daily element to apply an elemental buff for a brief time. 

These buffs can really shake things up:

Solar Ele...

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18 Jul

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we make way for the Iron Lord.

We have begun to see Shadows lurking about this season. Many of you have been diligently knocking out every challenge and Triumph for Season of Opulence. Most of us still have a good backlog of Triumphs to complete and items to collect. Someone pointed out that this was the first week of Season of Opulence in which there wasn’t something new to do. Consider this week a chance for you to catch your breath if you have Triumphs and pursuits stacking up. If you’re already looking for more challenges, Solstice of Heroes will heap more of them onto your plate. You’ll find more details on the upcoming event next week.

Cry Wolf

It’s time to let the wolves howl again. Saladin will raise his banners next week when he returns to the Tower on July 23. He brings with him an invitation to a... Read more

11 Jul

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Calus pays tribute.

You’ve sought the Truth, and found it. You’ve lit your path through darkness with Lumina. Now, Calus is mixing things up a little. In case you’ve been out of the loop, an imperial invitation is waiting for you in the robotic hands of Werner-99 on Nessus. Guardians have been earning a menagerie of loot since the beginning of the season. Now we’re entering a time of celebration. Moments of Triumph and the Tribute Hall became available on Tuesday, each of which commemorate your accomplishments as a Guardian. 
The Tribute Hall comes with a small price to pay. Calus couldn’t make things too easy for you, now could he? You’re a Guardian after all. As you enter the Tribute Hall, you’re greeted by walls of gold and platforms to place trophies representing your history within Destiny 2. Each trophy requires a sign of your devotion, ranging from an offering of planetary materials to glimmer. Calus offers you four bounties a ... Read more