Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

31 Oct

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re hosting a celebration.
Festival of the Lost has been unleashed on the Tower. Cobwebs are everywhere, black cats are on the prowl, and every vendor has some candy for you to enjoy. Eva Levante went all-out this year on decorations and brought some new masks for you to earn. While candies and treats are readily available, you also have the BrayTech Werewolf to earn, packing the multikill clip punch.
The Tower isn’t the only place that’s a bit spookier. There’s been an uprising on the Moon, and Eris is calling on you to challenge the Hive in the Altars of Sorrow and the Pit of Heresy.

Xenophage made its grand entrance, bug and all. We’ve seen Guardians cracking the puzzle and claiming their Exotic in real time, but it isn’t the only new weapon for you to add to your arsenal. We’ve got some Hive-infused weapons that not only look mean, but back it up with some serious firepower. 
... Read more

29 Oct

Festival of the Lost

2018 Masks
  • Owners of 2018 Festival of the Lost masks automatically receive the associated ornaments to be used on the 2019 Festival of the Lost helmet

Combat Systems

Abilities For developer commentary, please see the This Week at Bungie – 10/17/2019 blog article.
Striker—Code of the Juggernaut (Bottom Path) Trample:
  • Reduced amount returned possible per kill from 15% to 13% (before diminishing returns)
  • Reduced the low end of the ...
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24 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, it’s about to get spooky. 

Mark your calendars, Guardians, because October 29 is a day filled with updates that will appeal to just about every player in this community. We have a full menu of activities to tackle, challenges to master, and Exotic loot to add to your collection. 
Festival of the Lost is about to return. We have a full preview of the festivities Guardians can look forward to next week. The Moon isn’t the only thing that’s haunted. The Haunted Forest will be back, and the Tower will be spookier than ever. 
... Read more

23 Oct

    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct
Festival of the Lost is back! 

In a universe where darkness appears around every corner and death usually follows, it’s important to gain courage by looking fear in the face. Candy helps, too.

After taking a year off, Eva Levante has returned as the herald of the Festival of the Lost. This holiday is a time for Guardians to don irreverent masks and celebrate the memories of those that are lost. As a growing threat looms ever-present, return to the Tower, grab some candy, and remind yourself what you’re fighting for.

Dark The Halls

With Eva’s return comes a renewed dedication to decorations. Candles, lights, cobwebs, and pumpkins adorn every nook and cranny of the Tower to ensure spirits will be raised.

Speak with Eva to begin your j... Read more

21 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Get ready for Game2Give, our inaugural charity event to support the Bungie Foundation’s iPads for Kids Program and Children’s Miracle Network benefitting sick kids across the country. Between October 24 and November 10, we invite the Destiny Community to join us in celebration of what we can accomplish together through games and giving.
Starting today, we invite community members to sign up to host your own Destiny fundraising stream between 10/24-11/10. We have some incredible ... Read more

17 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, there’s a lot going on.

We’re already into week three of Season of the Undying. The Iron Banner is up and running and we have some new things lined up for next week. Master Nightmare hunts begin next week. These will be the most difficult Nightmare hunts to date, so equip your best weapons and gear. 
That’s not all. The Exotic Quest for Leviathan’s Breath will also go live for all season pass owners. Rumor has it that Banshee knows something about where to start. 

The Show Must Go On

The infamous Hunter known as Paul “The Big Show” Wight is stopping by our studio this weekend. He’s going to join us on stream to play some Destiny. That means that some of you will have a chance to win an Emblem. This will be a Bungie Bounty, but we are going to mix up the activities. We’ll play a few Strikes, some Vex Offensive, and then finish up with some Crucible so Big Show can pound some Warlocks into dust.
... Read more

15 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct


  • Fixed an issue where certain characters in player names and clan fields could cause Squirrel and Weasel errors
    • Clan names should no longer be truncated
  • Fixed an issue where Nightmare hunts Time Trial Master triumph would not progress correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Nightfall: The Ordeal would not drop a powerful reward for players who had already completed the Vanguard Strikes Challenge
  • Fixed an issue that provoked the temporary deactivation of rally banners and the “Tire Game” in the Sanctuary vendor space on the Moon
  • Fixed an issue where the Servitor spawning in the Gofannon forge could crash the game
  • Fixed an issue where running the game as an admin could create a "steam_appid.txt" file that would cause a crash
  • Tuned matchmaking in patrol destinations to increase player population

10 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, the hunt is on.

Heroic Nightmare Hunts went live this week. Guardians must confront familiar foes from their past along with powerful Champions who will become more challenging over the next few weeks as the additional difficulties unlock. Keep a look out as new Nightmares emerge for the Legend and Master hunts.
That wasn’t the only event that started up this week. The Vex didn’t take too kindly to us venturing into the Black Garden. They have begun their own invasion and can be found mobilizing on the Moon. Fight off the Vex in our new six-player activity, the Vex Offensive. It’s available now for all Season Pass owners.

Too Heavy

Earlier this week, we issued a server-side change to reduce the amount of Heavy ammo spawning in the Crucible. The change affected Control, Clash, and Supremacy. We also have Heavy ammo changes planned for 3v3 Survival in a future update. You can read the ... Read more

08 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct


  • Fixed an issue where claiming a Seasonal Artifact during a locked loadout activity could block access to the Artifact

03 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, WE LANDED ON THE MOON!

As with some previous historic trips to the Moon, this one saw a few issues. Our teams remained calm, worked the problem, and hunted down the bugs to restore services.
The biggest issue was caused by game databases not doing their job correctly, which threw a wrench in the machine. Please don’t blame your new friends just joining the community. This was a complex launch that included platform migrations and new ways for players to begin their journey with us. We aren’t afraid of solving tough problems and will continue to hunt down any issues that arise!

Raid Imminent

The Garden of Salvation will open to raiding parties in fewer than 48 hours. At 10 AM PDT on... Read more


  • Fixed an issue where having more than 300 friends would cause the game to crash

01 Oct


Combat Systems

  • Finisher System added. Press the finisher button to finish critically wounded combatants.

PvE Damage Numbers Display Goal: To provide players with useful and legible feedback for damage dealt to enemy combatants across many years of Power progression.
  • Displayed damage numbers for damage dealt to non-Guardian enemy combatants are crunched
  • Damage dealt is displayed using fewer digits to enhance readability of damage output
  • Occurrences of displayed damage getting capped at 999,999 should be significantly reduced or eliminated
  • The exponential curve used to calculate damage numbers for display is replaced with a new linear curve that is built to last for many years
  • As players grow in Power, displayed damage numbers increase at a much more measured pace than previously
  • This ...
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30 Sep

Five years ago, we began a journey together (and for some of us at Bungie, many years before that when Destiny was just an idea). There have been great, unbelievable days and dark, dark days (I won’t repeat myself, but the closing of Director’s Cut, Pt. 3 touches on it), and in five years, A LOT has changed from September 9, 2014 – you, me, the Bungie team, Destiny, and the world. 
During 2019, we’ve developed and shared a clarity of vision we’ve never had before in Destiny. We’re finally going to make the Destiny 2 we’ve always wanted to make—one world that yo... Read more

26 Sep

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re on final countdown for launch.

It’s been a long summer of reveals, travels, interviews, and updates. Now we find ourselves in that old familiar clearing at the end of the path. This is the final weekly update that we’ll have before we blast off on another adventure.
Our new launch trailer is making the rounds. Here it is if you haven’t had a chance to watch yet.

Today, you’ll find us ticking all the boxes on the pre-flight checklist. There are some final items we want to cover before you set out to investigate the mysteries of the Moon. Here’s what you’ll find during a lengthy final scroll:
  • Combat Changes
  • Progression and Economy Changes
  • Patch Note Preview
  • Ritual Weapons and Perk Changes
  • Set It Straight
  • Wear It With Pride
  • Bungie Rewards

Let’s start the clock.

Combat Changes

As discusse... Read more

20 Sep

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
It’s been a long while since I’ve been to the Tower. Much has changed. I pray my departure hasn’t created an irreparable fracture. 
Ikora… you must forgive me.
I’ll tell her what I’ve uncovered—where I’ve been. She’ll see the meaning behind my actions.
“When I heard your ship was approaching, I didn’t believe it. Yet here you stand. It’s good to see you.”
“Ikora, my absence was necessary. What I have learned, discovered... Danger lurks closer than you realize. You must trust me. We’ve stood too long ignorant of the cataclysm brewing before us. If we do not act, we face yet another Collapse.  We must attend to that which the Hive have unearthed down below the lunar surface—”
“Eris. Breathe.” 
Her words bring a fleeting rush of relief.
“We know  about the Hive, as well as their recently erected Keep .”
A Keep ? They mobilize. It’s far worse than I knew.
“Then you will co... Read more

19 Sep

There’s a heat behind my eyes. I’d forgotten warmth, what it felt like. All I can make out are the weapons pointed at my face. If this is my fate, I will end with the fury of a tempest.  
“Lower your guns!”
“Eris Morn. Apologies for the welcome. Never know what will come out of there.”  
The Dreaming City. I did not think I ever would set foot here.
“This place… it’s miraculous .” 
“Don’t get used to it. We won’t be staying long.”
“Where  are we going?”
“To see the Queen.”

“The Witch  aims to bait me. I require your guidance, my Queen .”
“She is calculated, meticulous. Proceed cautiously. Her intent is obscured.”
My Queen  is wise. 
“Where do we begin?”
“Eris… there is understandable urgency in this matter…”
Not you too. Please do not think lesser of me. 
“You were on the ... Read more
    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we went on the record about our plans for the third year of Destiny 2.

It takes a big team of talented people to make a game that truly feels alive. You can see a bunch of those team members, either hard at work or talking about our goals, in the newest Bungie ViDoc. If you missed this invitation into our studio, give it a watch now. Or give it a watch again.

Shadowkeep is just the beginning—and it begins in under two weeks!

They’re Not Belts

On Saturday, October 5, Guardians will venture into a new raid: Garden of Salvation. Many of you have been to the Black Garden before, but don’t be fooled—an entirely new challenge awaits you. 
Contest mode will be active for the first 24 hours, similar to the ... Read more

18 Sep

The days have become indecipherable. This harsh plane of existence bears only Darkness and cold—two things I’ve become reacquainted with since my banishment to this hellscape. No matter where I run, the glowing orb follows. It stalks me.
I’ve taken to quietly humming a tune to stave off the madness. I don’t enjoy it, but it helps. It’s worked before, when I was trapped beneath the Moon’s surface. Taken and Hive run rampant here. Around every corner. I’m in no shape to defend myself. My mind fights to stay alert. I just need to rest. Just a little…
A bright light awakens me. That glowing orb? Its radiance calls out to me. 
No. Stop it. I’m losing my grip again. Hum the song.
You’re making it up. Or worse. It’s the Witch again.
The orb approaches. Could it be?
I stand to meet the light. And I collapse into darkness.
I am awake, I believe... Read more

17 Sep

My head is throbbing, but I press on. This place I have found—it promotes pain. The Hive are fond of the anguish they bring. They will not deter me. It’s been months since I left the Tower. What do I have to show for my journey? Dead ends. Whispers. Nothing.
Whatever the Hive are plotting eludes me. Each location I survey holds the promise of answers, yet each has let me down.  Let this be the one.
I feel myself drawing near as the tunnels turn from rock and filth to tiles and pomp. Something… is off. I have yet to encounter even a single Thrall. I would count myself lucky, but I know better.
Stick to the shadows. Use the columns and pillars. Caution isn’t cautious enough.
I see ancient scrolls. Tablets. Something here must prove useful.
Incomprehensible babble. Could I have been wrong all along? Are they as lost as we are?
A light breeze scatters the scrolls. A breeze? Un... Read more
    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct


  • Annual Pass content is now available to all Forsaken players of Destiny 2
  • All negative modifiers have been removed from the Reckoning