Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

16 Apr

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we prepare for rivalry.  

Announced earlier this morning, Guardian Games is fast on approach. Beginning April 21 at 10 AM PDT, the games begin. Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks will compete to prove which class is the most dedicated in Destiny 2.

Your entry into the competition begins with a visit to Eva Levante. Each Guardian will receive a class item to adorn while taking part in competition. Bronze, silver, and gold medals will be available to earn daily, each of which will focus on specific game modes. To earn medals, equip your new class item, defeat enemies, pick up laurels on the battlefield, and advance your quest for the medals you desire.

We fully acknowledge that class populations are a little lopsided. Hunters are so fabulous with their capes that there are indeed more of them than Warlocks or Titans. To help... Read more

13 Apr

As the world responds to the outbreak of COVID-19, many of us have been urged by our local governments to stay home. Containing the spread of the virus is one of the best things we can do to protect our fellow humans. If you are a gamer, you’ve been training for this moment for your whole life. If you possess the heart of a Guardian, however, you might be wrestling with an urge to do more!
In response to these trying times, Bungie is excited to announce the Guardian’s Heart fundraising initiative. In partnership with Direct Relief, and in collaboration with our community, we want to bring the full might of the Bungie community to support the healthcare workers and frontline responders who are confronting this global healthcare crisis.
Our Partners According to their own Mission: “Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by p... Read more

10 Apr

    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct
 Tuesdays. You know them well. The days where your pursuit of loot and power begins anew. Depending on the status of Daylight Saving, our internal alarm clocks go off around 10 AM Pacific, sending us on a search for what’s going on in Destiny. Without fail, the subject of this week’s Community Focus has been quick on the draw, providing infographics with pinpoint accuracy.
You may have heard the legends about this Guardian. Today, we’ll spend a little time getting to know them. Join me in welcoming Niris to center stage.

So, Niris, tell ... Read more

09 Apr

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, the final bunker opened.  
  A third and final Seraph Bunker has opened on Io. The new Bunker points players to partake in the Seraph Tower event and new Legendary Lost Sectors on the Jovian moon. Guardians also made a new discovery in the bunker about Rasputin’s efforts to track our enemies.    We’re one month into Season of the Worthy and we’re not done yet. Grandmaster Ordeal is only a few weeks away, but before we share more on that, let’s talk about a new charity initiative coming up next week.  

Making a Difference

As the world responds to the outbreak of COVID-19, many of us have been urged by our local governments to stay home. Containing the spread of the virus is one of the best things we can do to protect our fellow humans. If you’re a gamer, you’ve been training for this moment for your whole life. If you possess the heart of a Guardian, however, you might be wrestling with the urge to do more!     This is t... Read more

08 Apr

Ask her nicely and Erika Ishii will sing songs from the famed Broadway show “Hamilton” for you… only with a twist. Specifically, she’s got her own Destiny-themed version of the musical’s song “Dear Theodosia,” with lyrics centered on everyone’s favorite Warmind.

Dearest Rasputin What to say to you? You’re my Warmind, you have a Russian name When you came online you launched warsats And it warmed my heart
As the new voice of Ana Bray and with an ever-growing resume of on-camera and voice acting roles under her belt, Ishii is no stranger to performing. If you’ve played games like Shenmue III, Fallout 76, Smite, or seen anime films like Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative, you’ve heard Ishii’s work. As a host with shows on Geek & Sundry and Nerdist, Ishii is deeply immersed in the world of geek culture. She’s also a big Destiny fan (and a Warlock main, in case... Read more

03 Apr

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Our focus this week is a streamer and a Destiny completionist who specializes in helping people – both IRL and in-game. In addition to raiding with her fellow Guardians and somehow managing to finish every challenge, Triumph, and Seal in Destiny, she works a demanding job as an emergency room nurse.

During this time of international concern, we thought it was important to introduce you to an inspiring member of the Destiny community who’s not only helping Destiny players make the most of their experience, she’s also helping people in the real world. Please meet iLulu.
Thanks for joining us. Please take a virtual seat and tell us a little bit about yourself and what your role is in the Destiny community.
iLulu: My online name is iLulu (formally known as: Lulusoccer) and I go by Melissa outside of gaming. I’ve been a part-time streamer for almost five years now with a main focus on Destiny. My passion for the game starte...
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02 Apr

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we look towards Io.

So, you’re a few weeks into your seasonal journey. You’ve cleared the EDZ Bunker of Fallen, and have been taking the Hive to task on the Moon. You’ve reclaimed The Fourth Horseman, and maybe even completed its catalyst. So, what’s next?

Tuesday, the final Seraph bunker will open on Io. New Seraph weapons and seasonal mods enter the mix, giving you more options to build your monster-killing machine. Later in the month, Guardian Games will kick off some good old-fashioned Guardian rivalry, accompanied by the Grandmaster Nightfall difficulty. 
This week, we’ll be parsing through some feedback we’ve been seeing since the season launched, and discussing next steps for emblem stat trackers.

Focused Feedback

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been watching the conversation ab... Read more

31 Mar

  • Fixed an issue where Trials of Osiris challenges were not being reset properly, causing some players to not receive rewards.
  • Fixed an issue where players were not getting the correct amount of planetary materials from bunker upgrades.
  • Fixed an issue where Titan Season Pass arms ornament would block first-person view.
  • Season Pass SMG and Shotgun will now create Warmind cells with Season Pass ornaments equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where Sentinel Titans were able to extend Sentinel Shield/Banner Shield by suppressing themselves.
  • Fixed an issue with Raiju’s Harness that allowed players to hold Whirlwind Guard indefinitely.

30 Mar

Guardians can count on Zavala. The stoic commander of the Vanguard is always on hand for an encouraging word (and some fresh bounties) each time they visit the Tower. With Season of the Worthy, Zavala has his hands full, fighting alongside Ana Bray to save the Last City from the Almighty’s deadly collision course.

It begs the question: With all of this turmoil going on, how does Zavala relax? We already know that (according to Destiny lore) he likes his knitting and crocheting. But this week, with the introduction of the Fourth Horseman Exotic quest, Guardians learned about a new personal passion for Zavala: slinging iron and getting a good cardio burn, accompanied by sick beats and a most unusual trainer.
This is the story of the Shaxxercise mixtape. 

[Fitness-related spoilers ahead! You’ve been warned, Guardian!]
The first step in the Fourth Horseman Exotic quest is to visit Zavala’s office, located in a lower lev... Read more

27 Mar

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This last weekend, I was looking at a few of my new Trials weapons and thinking, “Huh, I wonder if these have good rolls. Who do I trust to give me a weapon review with multiple points of view that could help me come to a decision?” 
After some time pondering, I remembered an awesome weapon review from Season of Dawn on the Steelfeather Repeater Auto Rifle. The strengths and weaknesses of the weapon were explored, and multiple weapon rolls were presented. The review shared the perspective of a Controller user, but also from that of a keyboard and mouse pro. With a detailed overvi... Read more

26 Mar

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, a new bunker was discovered. 

Doors, once hidden, open on the lunar surface revealing another Seraph Bunker in Rasputin’s network. Guardians have begun exploring it to see what upgrades lie within. And if you’re up for the challenge, there are also new Legendary Lost Sectors available and new weapons to get your hands on.
That’s not all. Lord Saladin is at the Tower and has a new Bow for you to earn along with several opportunities for pinnacle drops. On top of all that, week three of Trials of Osiris begins tomorrow. What map do you think will be featured this week?

World Drops

There were several armor sets added to the engram loot pool with Season of the Worthy. We saw a lot of feedback that, while you were excited to see your favorite armor sets from the past, the fact that none of them had Seasonal mod slots made them feel less desirable and not worth including in your builds.
Good news! We... Read more

20 Mar

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week, our focus is a community artist from the UK. He’s created some amazing Destiny-themed art in the form of fan posters, retro comic book covers, and more! We invited him to share a little bit about the artist behind the brush, or tablet in some cases. Please meet JackDrawss. 

Let’s get down to business. Who is the infamous JackDrawss? Tell us about yourself and your journey as a Guardian in the real world.
Jack: So my name is Jack and I live in London, UK. I’m in my second year of college doing film and television studies, however I’ve always loved drawing as a hobby. In October of last year, after Shadowkeep dropped, I drew a fan poster for the release. I also made some for Destiny2’s launch and for Forsaken. I then decided to post it to Twitter under a newly made account, JackDrawss (I wanted to call it JackDraws but that was taken lol). Now I love posting and drawing for the Destiny community every day.
... Read more

19 Mar

  • Artifact Power will be disabled for Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner
  • The missing hidden triumph for the Almighty Seal can now be seen 
    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, the Fourth Horseman rides again.

Some of you may have heard the legend of the Fourth Horseman - a weapon so powerful, Spider Tanks run from it in fear. Any enemy foolish enough to come within range… ripped apart within seconds by the arc pellets launched from its four barrels. At the invitation of Zavala, you can get your hands on this beautiful Shotgun in Destiny 2.

Let’s say you want to strike fear into the hearts of the Cabal, but feel this already ridiculous weapon needs a little something extra. Keep your eyes peeled for its catalyst by continuing to upgrade Rasputin through Seraph public events, or clear Legendary Lost Sectors of the darkness found within.
And so, we begin another TWAB. Your weekly dose of Bungie and Destiny 2 news. We’ve got some exciting news on a new Twitch extension, an update from the Bungie Foundation, and more. While there isn’t a cat picture hidden in this article, I still expect ... Read more

18 Mar

For the past several weeks, we've been busy working to prepare Bungie for the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. Now that we are well into our efforts, we thought it would be a good time to share some of what we've learned and some of the plans we've put in place in case they could be helpful to other game studios, tech companies, or indeed any organization that is facing the immediate challenges of this coronavirus pandemic.   First of all, we aren't experts in COVID-19. We make games. However, because we are located in the greater Seattle area, we were hit with the outbreak earlier than most game companies in North America and, as a result, have had to move quickly.   The overarching challenge of managing the impact of COVID-19 is that some employees might think that the virus won't impact them very much, personally, when they read about mortality rates for their demographic group. But, even among younger demographics, there will be people in at-risk categories (such as th... Read more

13 Mar

Maintenance Operations Log 30037
PARTIES: Two [2]. One[1], Guardian-type, Class Titan [u.1]; One [1] Guardian-type, Class Warlock [u.2]
ASSOCIATIONS: Bigge 99-40 [Unit2070]; Caloris Spires [Mercury]; Crucible; Trials of Osiris; VG Maintenance Attachment, Osiris, Saint-14, Vanguard Commanders Registry, Cult of Osiris
[u.1:01] I told you I would guide them to build the Lighthouse. Not carry the torch for you.
[u.2:01] The Guardians require a balance Lord Shaxx can’t provide. There is no one else.
[u.1:02] And what about you?
[u.2:02] I have unfinished business out in the dark. Take this.
[u.1:03] What is this? A letter?
[u.2:03] For your eyes only, when I depart. Trust nothing. No one.
[u.1:04] Ha ha. Except you, of course.
[u.2:04] When have I ever led you astray?
[u.1:05] This week, you mean?
[u.2:05] Help ... Read more

12 Mar

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, a collision course was set.

With the launch of Season of the Worthy, Guardians are heading into the wild to discover lost Seraph Bunkers and power up Rasputin’s defenses to take on this new threat. Here is a quick look at some of what you can expect during the new Season of Destiny:

Before we embark on the first TWAB of the new Season, we’d like to acknowledge some feedback that we’ve been seeing in the wild. We had a large change to emblems and stat trackers, which we’ll be talking about later in the TWAB. We’re also seeing some discussion on the new weapons of the season, and lack of Ritual Weapons for Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit. The team is currently reviewing and discussing the feedback, and we will be looking to talk about our goals for weapons in a future TWAB.
There are a variety of other topics, from Eververse to armor mods, which we’re collecting feedback on and discussing internally as a tea... Read more

11 Mar


“I was able to pull some data from those Exo samples.” Jinju perches on the c*ckpit dashboard. Two tech mites crawl over her shell.
Their jump-ship plummets through fractalescent polychrome luge, ripping across the sable pitch of space at blistering speed. 
Ana leans back in her pilot seat, one knee pulled to her chest. She watches strands of shimmer bend around the hull. A bobble-owl jiggles along as the ship shivers, underneath it: Camrin, in frame.
“Hit me.” Her eyes turn to Jinju.
“I couldn’t completely narrow it down, but they’re definitely from the Golden Age, circa the Collapse.” 
Jinju continues, “I’ve been going through the Pillory mainframe download. Those stations are meant to split Rasputin’s mind up in the event that he became… uh… insubordinate.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“ECHO appears to have been a c... Read more

10 Mar


Tectonic groans shake the surface. Apollinaris Mons had been bellowing pyroclastic clouds for two days before the quakes doused its ambition. They shattered the volcano's southern slope, sending the landmass shelves that supported Apollinaris' caldera into freefall. Volcanic lightning forked illumination through plumes of soot over the cascading landslide. The face of Mars shed, and with it the glint of a treasured age was laid bare; grit-polished bone that hung among the alloy-flaked basalt cliffs like trophies in an iron case. 
Fresh Martian storms cut red into the sky.
Oxidized sandscape stretches for miles around the broken mountain, bent into multiple sloped creases that had cupped Apollinaris' base before the fall. Their fracturing borne spillways down the volcano's banks, as if loosed from between the fingers of fallen Ares, lost to time and waiting to be exhumed.  Dunes migrate outwar... Read more

Combat Systems


  • Titan
      • Barricade
          • Raised Barricade health from 500 to 600
          • Barricades now take extra damage from special-ammo weapons, anti-barrier weapons, and certain power weapons
          • The following weapons do 30% extra damage to Barricades
              • Sniper Rifles
              • Grenade Launchers
              • Linear Fusion Rifles
              • Machine Guns
              • Trace Rifles
              • Anti-Barrier Weapons
          • The following weapons do 60% extra damage to Barricades
              • Shotguns
              • Fusion Rifles
      • Shoulder Charges (Hammer Strike, Seismic Strike, Shield Bash)
          • Lunge auto-targeting angle decreased by 50%
          • Targeted lunge movement distance decreased from 6m to 5.5m
          • Untargeted lunge movement distance increased from 4.5m to 5.5m
          • Bonus damage vs. low-tier PvE combatants reduced by 20%
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