Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

10 Mar

Some time during the late Dark Age.

Iron Lords Efrideet, Saladin, and Felwinter sat in a Warlock meditation chamber, around a massive oak table, in a keep on Felwinter Peak. A fire crackled in the corner out of the lips of a stone-lined hearth.
A hand-written letter in messy scrawl rested atop the table.
“Warlord Shaxx accepts my challenge,” Felwinter said, summarizing its contents. “He advises us to enter from the south wall, which has been destroyed. The front door…” He picked up the paper and scrutinized it again. “Is undergoing weatherproof.”
“This is your plan?” Efrideet said, with some skepticism. “How did he get this to you?”
“His Ghost brought it.”
“Your plan is Ill-advised,” Saladin said. “And a waste of time.”
“No one’s beat Shaxx in a fight. Iron Lords or Warlords,” Efrideet continued. “Much less take territory from him.”
“Ikora has. And I believe I can,” Felwinter replied, his eyes bu... Read more

06 Mar

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
It’s been a while since we’ve fired up the spotlight and focused its bright gaze on an outstanding member of our community. We’re ready to get back into the habit of sharing cool people who you should you keep an eye on, so here’s a fresh Community Focus hot off the presses. 

Our focus this week is a detail-oriented master of the Crucible. You may have seen him breaking down weapons and abilities and offering his analysis on better understanding the intricacies of the Destiny combat sandbox. Please meet Drewsky. 
Welcome to the show. OK, it’s not really a show … anyways—tell us a little bit about yourself and what your role is in the Destiny community.  
Drew: Hey all, I'm Drew. I started playing FPS games back during some of the early Halo titles, and since then been in love with Bungie FPS games. I've attended a few MLG events and made some great friends through competitive Halo, and that trend continued into Destiny ...
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05 Mar

Since news of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak appeared a few months back, Bungie leadership has been keeping a close eye on updates to follow the progress of the global containment effort. With the recent spread of the virus into the U.S., and with a particular density of cases found in the greater Seattle area (near Bungie HQ), we have been actively working on plans over the last few weeks to ensure the health and safety of our employees and partners, both locally and globally.
While health and safety are our top priority, we also recognize the importance of maintaining the continuity of our regular Bungie business operations and have rapidly built a remote work infrastructure to best support this. This includes delivering on our current content plans, the maintenance and upkeep of Destiny 2, as well as continuing development of the game.   Today, we have activated this fully remote work infrastructure and policy for all Bungie employees across the globe, with the... Read more
    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This Week at Bungie, we prepare for the worthy.

We’re just five short sleeps from Season of the Worthy. Last week, you completed the Empyrean Foundation event, lighting a beacon for Guardians to follow back to the Lighthouse and Trials of Osiris. On Tuesday, we unveiled Season of the Worthy all up. If you haven’t seen the trailer, there is a new threat for you to confront. also has a dedicated page for the new Season, jam-packed with information to get you up to speed before next Tuesday’s launch.
... Read more

04 Mar

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
In previous TWABs we have shined a spotlight on the artwork in Destiny 2 and our talented Bungie artists that create it. Everything in Destiny—the weapons, the characters, the environments, even the sky—is all hand-crafted by our team to bring the visuals of the solar system to life in your home. Today, we wanted to highlight some of the spectacular art from Season of Dawn and help you find more art to use as your desktop wallpaper. Each artist’s name links to their website where you can browse more of their work. Now, on to the gallery. 

Eric Pfeiffer
... Read more

28 Feb

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Trials is back on the menu. 

It’s been an exciting week. You all came together and donated your stockpiles of Fractaline to the ongoing effort to build the new Lighthouse and usher in the return of Trials of Osiris next Season. As soon as the final stage was complete, you were invited to survey the completion of the project and light the beacon. We saw your signal as our cue to release this developer insight video confirming what many have been speculating for a while now.

To follow the video, Luke Smith wrote another ... Read more


“I’m willing to overlook your past.”
Crimson light quivers, exhales, and surges in waves across bedrock walls at quickening tempo. Deified machination ripples in judgement.
“Trust doesn’t come easily with you.” Osiris’s eyes wash in Warmind light. He remembers Saladin’s words. Remembers the names that were. He feels small again, against the wash. Alone.
Osiris feels the weight of Rasputin’s assessment. Rhythmic cipher crashes over him as displays sling projections into maddening motion. Osiris’s face splits into golden multitudes to consume the information. Eyes in all directions, searching for the path. Rasputin constructs a model of the system, highlighting an anomalous signal near the edge of Sol’s influence. Osiris’s mind sieves the data into manufactured purpose. 
He is led.
Never one to follow.
With nothing left to chase.
Oxidized dust scours the landing pad. Sagira greets Osiris...
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26 Feb

Hey everyone,
Setting aside the tricks our memories play on us, things are often clearer in hindsight than when we’re looking ahead. The recent past is clear, loaded with learnings from the mistakes we make, and the future is fuzzy, hopeful, and unknown. As we readied last year’s Director’s Cut, we had made a number of changes to the game and wanted to give you all some insight as to why we made those changes. 
Each Director’s Cut is a chance to acknowledge and own the learnings from the past (when the wounds are fresh) and give a glimpse at tomorrow. 
This edition is arriving a little earlier in the development process for how we’re thinking about Year 4 (and beyond) and, while some of the changes the game needs are clear to us, there are others we’re still thinking about. Last summer’s payload covered a wide-range of topics that ended up touching on almost the whole game. Today’s DC is going to look in depth at just a couple of topics: how ou... Read more

20 Feb

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, all eyes are on Stage 7.

Time and time again, this community humbles us. A few weeks ago, you were challenged with the Empyrean Foundation, requiring billions upon billions of Fractaline donations to light a beacon of hope. You’ve strategized your investments, brought riches to our dear friend Spider, and smashed six goals faster than we could have imagined. Here’s an update on your shared progress:

Whether you’ve been donating or investing, this has been a community-wide effort from the get go. Your combined efforts are paving the way to success. Soon, the final Triumph for the Savior title and a fancy new shader will be available for everyone, and it’s all thanks to you.
Now, let’s shift gears. A few weeks back, we promised some Sandbox previews leading up to Season of [Redacted]. Let’s get to it.

Taking a...

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13 Feb


  • Fixed an issue where players could use the Dawnblade super even after all energy had been extinguished
    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we had to fix the timeline . . . again. 

Sometimes when you kill a bug it doesn’t stay dead. Earlier this week, while deploying Hotfix, a small number of servers failed to restart with the proper configuration file. This reintroduced a previous issue that caused some players to lose currency. We had to reset the clock again, and roll back character data to ensure that no one’s hard-earned currencies were lost. To give you some details from behind the scenes, we posted a detailed recap of why this issue reemerged and how we’re w... Read more

12 Feb

Earlier today (Tuesday, February 11th), after the launch of Hotfix, we were made aware of the re-emergence of an issue which caused a small percentage of players to lose currency and materials. This comes after the first incidence of this issue, which caused all players to lose currency and materials on January 28th with the launch of Hotfix 2.7.1, and resulted in player account rollbacks. With today’s incident, we have taken similar steps and rolled back accounts to the state they were in as of 8:30 AM PST (before the launch of
Since both of these incidents are identical in cause and the effect on our players, and because both incidents happened within a close window of time, we wanted to give you a picture of what went wrong, how we fixed it, and how we’re planning on making sure this doesn’t happen again in the future. First, let’s look at what caused this problem in the first place: a game bug involving inventory management and a series of server ... Read more

11 Feb


Iron Banner
  • Added a Triumph to track Iron Banner Packages earned in Season 9. This will retroactively count all packages already earned this season.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Efrideet's Gift Triumph from completing when players earned 50 Iron Banner packages in Season 9. This is retroactive

  • Fixed an issue where resetting your Infamy rank could reset progress on the "Get Closer" pursuit. This is retroactive, and will auto-complete for any players that has already been above Mythic this season.


  • Fixed an issue where Solar Class emotes were incorrectly priced. Emotes will now be correctly priced at 500 Silver, and the carousel will be visible once more.

06 Feb

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This Week at Bungie, we’re calling in reservations. 
It’s been a wild week in Destiny 2. Inotam, Oblivion’s Triune, made their grand entrance into the Sundial. Guardians descended upon Mercury, weapons in hand, eager to protect the timeline from certain annihilation. While you’ve prevented the Psions from changing history, this isn’t the last trial you’ll face - not by a longshot.

The first three Empyrean Foundation goals have been met with haste. One billion Fr... Read more

04 Feb

The three oldest sisters—Ozletc, Tazaroc, and Niruul—gathered around Amtec, the youngest. They spoke in harmonizing tones, each voice the pluck of a different string on the same instrument.
“You know our purpose,” said Ozletc. “This crumbled timeline…”
“Will let us right the wrongs of Ghaul the Abdicated,” said Tazaroc. “And thus see our people…”
“Reborn,” said Niruul. “Loosed from our fetters.”
“I know your purpose,” said Amtec, who was the most beloved. She trembled in their massive presence. The three oldest sisters had begun the process of joining, known only to them through ancient texts of the mind, never accomplished in recent memory. It was a permanent metaconcert; an unbreakable bond of self-dissolution. Already their minds had begun to merge, and Amtec could see them being drawn closer, as if by some magnetic force in their bones. 
“Then you know,” said Ozletc.
“The consequences of our failure,” said Niruul.
... Read more

30 Jan

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This Week at Bungie, we had to fix the timeline.

Earlier this week, when we deployed 2.7.1, we discovered an issue causing players to lose various currencies. Our team immediately took action and brought the game down for maintenance while we worked to discover the source of the issue. We did this to minimize any further impact to players. We ended up doing the first-ever character rollback in Destiny’s history to ensure that no one lost any of their hard-earned materials. We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused by the unexpected maintenance and appreciated everyone’s patience while we worked to get the game back online. 
We’ll continue to improve our efforts to minimize issues and downtime. Even though some bugs are always going to crawl through the cracks, we’ll be waiting on the other side with a swatter. 

Empyrean Foundation

Next week, the Empyrean Foundation rebuild effort begins. Saint-14 will ask all Guardia... Read more

29 Jan

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Twitch Prime Rewards are now available in Destiny 2!
Bungie has teamed up with Twitch Prime to deliver in-game rewards to any player with an active Twitch Prime membership. Once you have your membership (if not, start your free trial here), visit this page and link your account to start receiving your six monthly gear drops. Each drop will contain four rewards, including Exotic weapons, Ghosts, ships, Sparrows, emotes, and we... Read more

28 Jan


Pit of Heresy

  • Improved some performance issues in the Chamber of Suffering encounter that could reduce framerates.
  • Fixed an issue where players could die when transitioning from the Necropolis encounter to the Tunnels of Despair.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of the environment in the Tunnels of Despair.

Garden of Salvation

  • Improved a performance issue that could occur when chunks of land return, or are removed during the Sanctified Mind encounter.
  • Improved the visual indication for when a tether source hub is on or off.
  • Added text notification when a Vex sacrifices on a relay.

Nightfall: The Ordeal

  • Reduced weekly completions needed to bring it in line with other challenges.
      • Players now need...
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23 Jan

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This Week at Bungie, the path was found.

The Corridors of Time have been charted. Guardians from around the world took on the monumental challenge of navigating time itself, some losing their minds in the process. We’d never shipped a puzzle of this size before, and watching the community engagement was a thrill in itself. We’ve seen a few requests for commentary on the creation and development of this puzzle. As always, we’re happy to invite you behind the scenes and share some of the thinking that goes into the experiences you play.
Destiny Dev Team: Over the past week, we’ve watched in awe as the community came together to solve one of Destiny’s most complex puzzles to date. Everyone who took the time to participate in the solution will be remembered for years to come – whether you submitted a screenshot, transcribed puzzle pieces, generated maps, wrote code, worked the data, or cat-wrangled this monumental team effort. Please take...
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16 Jan

The bush fires currently ravaging Australia have been devastating. Many people have lost their homes, firefighters are risking their lives daily, and an estimated hundreds of millions of wild animals have fallen victim to the fires. We have created the Guardians for Australia fundraising campaign to support both Australia’s firefighting efforts and the country’s animal rescue and conservation efforts.
Beginning now, the Guardians for Australia fundraising campaign is live on the ... Read more