Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

26 Sep


Originally posted by ol_crusty_socks

This can’t be the first time you’ve heard this.

Nope, but I update the team often on what features are being requested.


Originally posted by EnderScar

Hey, I've seen this one before, it's a classic.

Edit: Sorry for sounding negative, just saw a chance to make a funny joke, apparently i'm just very bad at conveying memes through text. I accept my punishment.

Oldie but a goodie.

25 Sep


I'll pass this feature request along to the team. Thanks.


Originally posted by ajpearson88

This is still one of my favorite game trailers ever. We have some really talented people working on that team!

24 Sep


Originally posted by RiseOfBacon

I agree because as much info as possible to get people interested is only a good thing for us all as a Community. More players, better pools for matchmaking, more interest in activities and more reason to get stuck in and help people get up to speed

Sticking this in just incase someone sees it - New Light

Here's some extras:

  • Annual Pass content is actually playable, you just can't get the rewards e.g You can play Menagerie, you just won't have the Chalice. Reckoning with the Synth, Forges without the Frames

  • Buying a Season means it's across all platforms

  • The Battle Pass whatever the funk you want to call it is across all platforms

  • You get Vanilla and all DLCs up to Forsaken for free.

  • You still get all QoL and Sandbox changes

  • Some people just can't have info, they need to play. Since it's free, just get them to pl...

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For those who would like something shareable, the New Light page you've linked here is getting a comprehensive update for 10/1 that more thoroughly outlines all the cool stuff you get for free, with then intent that you can send it to someone who has never played and doesn't know much about the game and they'll understand it.


Originally posted by _cocoblanco

Thanks for clarifying before it got too off the rails with speculation/hype.

Yea, sorry to be a buzzkill, but we didn't want to set the wrong expectations.


Originally posted by saga79

For anyone who might be wondering, Cozmo cleared this up. Get to downloading:

My name is Cozmo and I approve this message.


Originally posted by MandessTV

Trials of the Nine armor at 1:12

I checked into this. Looks like that armor was shown in error. That Trials of the Nine armor set is not available to be earned during Season of the Undying.

If you already have the Y1 version, you will still be able to equip it.


Originally posted by Immortal-sunbro

Now THIS...this is a f**king hype trailer.


We all know now we all got crowns. You need to calm down.


Originally posted by Zorak9379

C'mon dataminers!



Originally posted by blue_13

Thanks for the explanation and for what you and the team do! You guys are awesome!

Thanks, I appreciate it! I'll say that DIM's quality and breadth of features is really fantastic and always amazes me when I see it. I've never written an API for public use before coming to Bungie, and seeing someone take raw data and just absolutely run with it to make something incredible has been a fun experience! Folks are taking this API in directions that I never would have imagined, and I'm really impressed by it!


Originally posted by Donny_Do_Nothing

Hey, the legend himself!

I have a boss who likes to say, "Complaint is commitment."

I wouldn't have anything to say about mag size if I weren't in there looking at all the other awesome things already.


I'm really glad you all enjoy it!


Originally posted by Donny_Do_Nothing

Phew, yeah we never did get the chance to loop back around to putting it in our app again! But hopefully you all have found the data useful.


Originally posted by vid_boi

Yup, I've been in conversation with /u/EdgarVerona about this! Still trying to nail down exactly how it works but he confirmed in this issue that banker's rounding should be used.

Yes! Yeah, it's a really interesting and unfortunate story!

At some point I'll have to see if I can dig up the dissertation that I wrote when we first discovered the Magazine Size issue back in Destiny 1, but the TL;DR is that this is one stat in particular where the stat is so heavily modified by non-stat systems (the sandbox, the activity you're in, scripts that are run on the server etc... when you have certain perks applied, etc) that Bungie.Net doesn't have an authoritative way to calculate the stat, because we can't get at those. We think that potentially even the rounding algorithm being applied is different than it is for other stats, but I haven't had the time to investigate that. But what we can say is that in some situations you can even watch your magazine size change significantly even when doing something like going into an activity vs. being in orbit.

Back in D1 I almost pulled it out of the API, because I didn't want to return a stat if it was nev...

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23 Sep


Originally posted by NoahCoadyMC

Oooo, a Reznor fan. The more you know!

I really hate to name drop - and I almost never do it - but he was my favorite studio tour I ever gave.

22 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team is well aware of this feedback. Can’t give a timeline as I don’t know how intensive the UI work is, but it’s something people want internally.



As a fan of David Fincher and Trent Reznor, I see what you did there. Did you share this on Twitter?

21 Sep


Were you blinded by its majesty?

20 Sep


Originally posted by SparkySnow

So they can disable jotunn just for garden but they couldn't disable LoW just for pvp when it was broken? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

EDIT: with LoW they said they can't disable a weapon without disabling it everywhere, Unless he means they're going to disable it for every activity when the raid launches.

EDIT: Bungie has replied so ignore this comment

You are correct. It will be disabled everywhere.


Originally posted by JustMy2Centences

Will it be disabled just after the raid opens until the patch or for a longer period of time before the raid?

Currently, we plan is to disable it for the first 24hours to cover the World First race. We can't pick and choose where it's disabled, you will not be able to equip it for any activities while it is disabled.

We'll let you know if anything changes.