Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

15 Oct


Originally posted by Pgo20

How about they fix Gofannon forge while they are at it! Xbox crashes right before boss fight. u/cozmo23

Known issue. We are investigating it.

14 Oct


The dev team is aware of the perf issues and investigating. Thanks!

11 Oct


Originally posted by QuantumVexation

On behalf of /r/DestinyFashion, any word on those Levante prize competitions /u/Cozmo23?

I appreciate you’re all probably very busy and that we all need time to get out of our levelling blues/purples into some “real” armour anyway, but it’s certainly something I know some people are looking forward to.



Originally posted by axelgreavette

Wait so that includes the cabal heavy shotgun I can’t remember the name of? The one from the Leviathan raid quest?

Acrius still drops from its quest.


Originally posted by G-star-84

I miss the D1 heavy settings. Can the team test those out for a full weekly reset to gain feedback on which system is better?

Our plan is to gather feedback on what you like the best. If you played Elimination back in D1, next week’s settings might be familiar to you.


Originally posted by dmagg

When you look at the roster tab of the director, you can't see the in-game status of your clan members (inspect player, join fireteam, etc) unless you're Steam friends with them. If not, you see them as "online", but with no indication if they're in-game or what they're doing.

My clan found out that you can workaround the problem by creating a public Steam group, having clan members join it, and then joining the group's chat room. Has to be a public group, and you have to join the chat.

If you do that, you'll see everyone in the steam group on the in-game clan list roster, without needing to friend every single person.

Thanks I logged a bug on it.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Can you give me the specifics on the bug? Want to make sure its being tracked.

10 Oct


Originally posted by ZoMgPwNaGe

Can we get any info at all about the Red War exotic choices being removed?

Everything except Risk Runner was moved to world drops.


Originally posted by CashMunster

The fact you are pushing this iron banner with the heavy issue is very frustrating. You have been fairly quick to address the issue already and iron banner is not even here yet.

Fix it before it’s here. Come on......smh.

Edit: I never wanted IB delayed. I just feel the heavy situation should have been addressed when you did the other modes. Thanks for the downvotes though hahaha

We would have to postpone Iron Banner until the change goes out. I don't think that the current Heavy settings would warrant that. Feel free to give feedback if you think otherwise. :)


Thanks, I've included his in the feedback I'm gathering around artifact mods.


Originally posted by FlyFishDave

Found a glitch I think...I had unstoppable hand cannon on a gun, then I reset my artifact to get the enhanced re-loader that I wanted (but still had unstoppable hand cannon selected). After that I proceeded to get run over by unstoppable ogres...over and over again. It basically broke the perk for the rest of the strike.

Did it work after the strike ended?


Oof. Sorry about that. I'll let the team know. PM me your player name or steam ID.


Originally posted by pmgygu

Well, this is a new one I'm starting to think the whole questline is bugged. I am stuck waiting on the key mold but you have to finish a quest line from spider on Nessus first. When you go to the fight the final boss you get kicked back to orbit. Has happened no less than 30 times in the past few days. Changed emblem, cleared cache, et cetera and still no luck. If they ever get it fixed I have a rare BA bounty on deck at least.

There is currently an issue blocking the key mold. We are investigating.


Originally posted by k0hum

Hey this is great news. Any idea when perks are going to be enabled again via the API?

We're working on that one - currently, the "active" perks you've chosen are being returned. We have that on tentatively while we watch our server load.

Information on inactive-but-available perks needs more work, as with recent changes to the game the amount of data we return has become unsustainable. We're working to have some changes by the end of the month to return this data once more, potentially in a new form: but it will take some time on top of that for your favorite apps to adapt to the new data.


Originally posted by itsnotunusual_rk

Usually for API related issues /u/edgarverona is the best source... There is probably a lot going on these days, any idea when perk functionality comes back for the API? Thank you :)

Greetings! Unfortunately the problems we've been having maintaining the ability to return sockets and plugs have been persistent! I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused many of you.

For now, we are back to returning your currently selected plugs: but we're keeping a close eye on it, and I consider the status to be "tentative and still experimental, but hopeful."

Information on plugs that aren't currently selected, however, is where we're running into more systemic problems that are going to take longer to resolve. The format in which we return non-selected plug data was not built to sustain the amount of plug information that has been adding up over the years: Armor 2.0 and other recent additions to plug data has tipped the scales into it being an unsustainable way for us to return this data.

We're exploring options currently, both testing backwards compatible and incompatible options to try and make it sustainable for whatever...

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I just checked and there is a bug logged on this and it's being investigated. Thanks for the report!

Comment's Find Fireteam tool will also display the Steam ID. Soon, API users will have access to see the Steam ID as well (since Steam doesn't have unique names like the other platforms), so your favorite LFG app can easily translate Steam IDs to/from Destiny Account Ids.

09 Oct


Originally posted by Cmr3d

u/cozmo23 and u/dmg04 any chance this can be looked at?

We're looking into this. Thanks for the report.


Originally posted by crypticfreak

/u/Cozmo23, could you please pass the word on that all armor 1.0 stats/mods are still on the 1.0 scale (out of 10) even though they now live in a 2,0 (out of 100) scale setting? This means that stacked recovery armor (with mods) can only ever offer 15 recovery (10 from +2 on each armor piece and 5 +1s on five recovery mods). That’s not even T2 and as a result armor 1.0 is neutered off the bat.

Traction 2.0 mod and 1.0 perk are also still on the 1.0 scale despite living in a 2.0 setting meaning traction on both Y2 and Y3 sets does not provide any meaningful stat bonus. I believe the turn radius is working as intended however.

Finally ordinance mods seem to be totally busted as well.

This is a known issue. Thanks.