Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

10 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RhapRhap9

Can we do these thing all week please? Some people work weekends..

Some people work weeks

Some people work weeks and weekends

Some people work random days and have a combination of week/weekend offdays

Some people don’t work

Some people get on reddit the moment they wake up to say “we’re listening”

Some people need a coffee

But seriously: valor/infamy usually start double during the week, then go triple from Friday ‘till reset. We now have the ability to do this with Menagerie rewards, so my gut is telling me that we will mirror the infamy/valor boost formula.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Tomorrow comes today


Originally posted by epsilon025

u/Cozmo23, does this being back memories?

Wow. I remember this post. What a wild ride.

09 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Eyes up, Guardian.

06 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Good morning!

So, here's the deal:

  • Year 1 Iron Banner Ornaments from Seasons 2 and 3 can be applied to the new set
  • Armor sets from Years 1 and 2 will not be ornamented

We're collecting the feedback on further ornamentation, so cheers to the OP for kicking off this conversation.

EDIT: There's totally not an ornament for Season 4. That's my bad, typing too fast. Need a coffee.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Re: Does this detect (X, Y, Z)?

We've stated a few times today that we aren't going to get granular on the details.

If we give details or hints on how it works, what it works against, what it doesn't work against, or other details in general, we risk giving valuable info to those working to circumvent the system.

End of the day: If you want rewards, play the game. Don't AFK. Don't abuse Macros. Don't leave your team mates hanging.


05 Sep


As a member of our community team, these are my favorite stories. Yes, I picked the wrong moment to share my own once, but I'm glad yours was well received. Timing is everything, eh? As a member of the Bungie community since 2004, I have formed bonds that have become some of the longest-running friendships in my life - people I still play with to this day, when I find the time. When I came to Bungie, my hope was to pay that forward. Imagine my fear that Destiny would not duplicate the social phenomenon of our previous titles. In the end, the Destiny community has outdone all of my wildest dreams. Thank you for being excellent to each other.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

We've found an issue with our AFK detection in Gambit/Gambit Prime. Team is in the process of implementing a fix. Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for updates.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ValidationEngineer

Things are happening!

This isn't a promise.


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

That would be pretty awesome!

Thanks for the feedback.

04 Sep


Originally posted by NaughtyGaymer

Thank you so much! ♥

It means a lot that you looked into something that seems so silly to most people. If I never see that triumph again I know who to thank :D

Oh no worries, I can totally understand where you're coming from - I get anxiety about a lot of things personally, so I can empathize with that being a source of anxiety. I sent it over to the game side triage so someone can take a peek.


Originally posted by NaughtyGaymer

Hey this probably isn't API related but there is a triumph that you can't get anymore (Best of the Best of the Best, the Scourge of the Past day one triumph) that is still visible in game. Every other triumph you can't attain anymore auto hides once it's no longer attainable but this one is sticking around and causing my inner completionist to twitch uncontrollably. Is this something that can be looked into, please? Thanks! ♥

Best of the Best of the Best

Ah, I see! Yeah, I dug in the data and it doesn't have anything that obscures it once it's over. Indeed the ability to fix it is out of my hands, *but* I'll bring this up to folks who can to see if they can do so, thanks for letting me know!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

We updated our help article to clear up some confusion.


We have removed a section of our Destiny Guardians support pages for the Korean region, which stated that Destiny Guardians is taken offline every night from 12 AM to 6 AM KST.

This may only take effect for players who are under the age of 16, in accordance with Korean law.


Originally posted by Vincent_449

"You all thought it was two separate people, but it was just me in different armor!"

It's like if I had three Destiny characters, but they're all Titans!


Originally posted by Nathanghost

Stories are stories and I'm curious about this one now. 😂

Ha, so it's a somewhat boring story admittedly. I had the online handle VThornheart since I was a kid, and in college someone said "VT Hornheart? Like you're a horny guy from Vermont?" And I was like "uh, nope and I don't think I want anyone thinking it is." And thus I picked a different one. Eventually I realized that it didn't really matter what people thought of my screenname so I changed it back - and thus the nickname of my account is roughly based on the point in my life at which I created that account.


Originally posted by NaughtyGaymer

Hey this probably isn't API related but there is a triumph that you can't get anymore (Best of the Best of the Best, the Scourge of the Past day one triumph) that is still visible in game. Every other triumph you can't attain anymore auto hides once it's no longer attainable but this one is sticking around and causing my inner completionist to twitch uncontrollably. Is this something that can be looked into, please? Thanks! ♥

Hmm, interesting! Yes, I'll look into that!


Originally posted by KissellJ

Edgar and Thornheart are great at what they do, API... but the API is reporting the total value in the database correctly, the API is working fine.

What happened is Bungie changed the point value on the "IO Adventures" triumph from being worth 0 to being worth 50 points, after some people already claimed it when it was worth 0 points.

That has nothing to do with the API... so Edgar and Thornheart probably aren't gonna be the ones to fix it.

This is what happens when you give the players their first downtime since Forsaken launched, they start finding more bugs! There's a significant portion of the playerbase who can never get to max triumph score due to this bug.

(secret fact - we're actually the same person! It is a very long and probably boring story as to why I ended up with two screen names!)

03 Sep


Originally posted by andrewcilento

/u/EdgarVerona Not sure if you’ve seen this post yet, but since I saw you comment on the GitHub thread about this but I figured you should be tagged in case you haven’t!

Oh yeah, I commented over on Github about it - I sent what you all collected over for folks on the game side to assess further. Unfortunately it's something upstream from the API so there's nothing we can do from an API perspective to correct it, but we'll see what shakes out.