Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

19 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Gabol_BForti

"Wheres Cayde? I wanna talk to him". Me too buddy me too.

oh man I was not prepared for this..

I'm sobbing at my desk, but it's a happy sob.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I'd love to copy/paste/pin this to the forums, unless you're willing to jump over there and post it as well!

Lemme know.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Also indicate Mic or No Mic.

When using the Find Fireteam feature on the Destiny Companion App, I usually just title things with "No Mic 100k Nightfall"

Modifiers do show up in orbit if you stay on the nightfall screen prior to hitting launch, but if you have the characters to note which will be on- do it!


Debug shenanigans. It allows us to check Shaxx, Xur, etc when testing.


Originally posted by f0okinlAs3rs1ghtsS

He means Maybe he means the glitch in comp where you don't spawn in, and a way you can maybe spawn in if you go into pursuits menu and hand in a bounty. If it doesn't work, then you're stuck spectating your teammates :(

I don't think so since I answered that question in the comment he replied to.


Originally posted by Vincent_449

Still no word about menus though. Vastly disappointing.

But I know, I know, you're listening.

You have been for years.

EDIT: Cozmo has responded. Thank you all for helping me hit this milestone.

EDIT2: His response.

My response.

What about menus?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Anyone have a video? Would love to see this in action.

18 Jul


Originally posted by pandatastic1

Any word on the invisibility glitch/other crucible bugs?

We are targeting a fix in the next update on 7/30.

16 Jul


Originally posted by LarryLevis

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

One day, I saw a child playing with a Jubilant Rune the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing them away.

15 Jul


I still can't believe you made my trainwreck of a doodle into something cool. True talent.


Originally posted by granty012

"Dmg04 is always reloading energy bread. We hope to stop him soon"

Nailed it. He's on his way to become more bread than man! u/dmg04

We hope to stop him soon.


Originally posted by Keko-San

Is crosssave a one time thing, or will our saves constantly update on all platforms?


14 Jul


We are testing some stuff to make sure it's ready for primetime. Want to make sure we iron out any weirdness before inviting you all to join in.

12 Jul


Originally posted by iblaise

No word about player models and weapons going invisible randomly during Crucible matches?

We think we have figured out the cause and are working on a fix.