Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

12 Jan


I've never printed anything from thingiverse before, but I feel compelled to do so with the lack of lanyard or tripod mount on the Osmo pocket itself - and the fact that the official accessory mount covers up the connection port.

I've been looking at these, but I'm hesitant to go hunt down a way to get these printed and try them out without some more info:

Accessory mount that doesn't block the port:

Lanyard mount: ...

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11 Jan


Originally posted by GrabSomePineMeat

It’s hugely important to those actors to be in every episode even without lines. They are paid on the basis of how many credits they get. Having them appear on screen is huge for their financial means for the rest of their lives.


10 Jan

07 Jan


Originally posted by that-bruhguy

I want to feel bad, and I do, but I never want to see him in a Bears jersey ever again

No. Don't.

As a kicker, this is literally your only job.

04 Jan


PR'd my Fran Time (2:32) during Frantasy Land last night.



The timed workouts are great, but if you want to really get better at it you need to sustain.

I've been dubbed the "ASSBIKE GUY" at my gym and that's because I can crank out the cals... but that came with conditioning for longer periods.

What I mean is pick a given time and pick a target wattage or rpm to stay above. Like... 10min above 300 watts. This truly helped me a lot.

31 Dec


Bet that gets awkward when it goes to Parkey

29 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]


Psst, it’s Britt Baron. Not Laura.

26 Dec


Originally posted by miraoister

its great how they come here to have a better life while trying to make our life much worse.


25 Dec


Originally posted by dmg04

Whether you’re with family, friends, or spending this holiday season treating yourself, I hope you’re having a wonderful time. This year will never be forgotten. Thank you for being a part of it.

Much love, -dmg


21 Dec


Originally posted by RPDC

The way I look at it is this:

Ada-1 was close enough to the vanguard to watch them. And like, the old tower is still a good distance from the new tower, so it's not entirely unreasonable that Ada-1 set up there.

Also, the new tower is literally just a landing area that goes into a residential zone on the wall. Again, it's not really suspicious in that manner. There isnt really a vanguard presence in this tower. They aren't grouped up and aren't really planning anything. Ikora and Zavala both just kinda stare out into the city, ignorant of the area around them.

I think its implied by the long twisty curvy way we get there that we do travel a pretty good distance into the wall, but the idea isnt really well conveyed.

The one thing that I absolutely cannot forgive bungie on this for, is how Ada-1 didnt bother to say to the Spider something along the lines of "Hey dimwit dont tell the guardians where I am, I dont want them to know how close I'm creepin...

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19 Dec


Originally posted by arik124

Let me guess. You have an L1?

Haha no. Just a suggestion. It looks strong.


Add more weight... you're muscle cleaning that!

18 Dec


Originally posted by blamite

They're really awesome! So far This is the one with the most badges I've seen, with every Halo and even Oni!

They are really heavy (

It was neat to see that some people still remember Oni though.

09 Dec


Originally posted by Enigma_Ratsel

please help me, what does this emoji mean? what even is it? I am confusion.

It’s a mind blown emoji. Looks better on an iphone.


Originally posted by Enigma_Ratsel

see I think you're missing the point of the term Anarchist. Anarchy doesn't just mean "kill/destroy everything", it means without hierarchy. it would be awfully strange for an anarchy minded group of eliksni who call themselves "Kell's scourge" to want to restore the old house structure. I think its far more likely that they do have a cause, they are terrorists, but instead of their cause being the re affirmation. of the kells, their end goal is the complete destruction of all hierarchy within the fallen. no more captains, no more barons, no more kells.



Originally posted by Shin_Malphur17



08 Dec


Originally posted by Rajiv3

controllers are disabled for the first session of the alpha


07 Dec