Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Dev Tracker

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20 Mar

19 Mar


Hi everyone,

Here to share updates on the latest hotfix that was pushed earlier this evening. The hotfix contains updates to improve server stability issues. We included an update that is targeted at fixing and improving the queue issues console players have reported on since the
early access launch.

We would like to thank everyone for taking the time to play, provide feedback and share your experiences with us. We will continue to share updates as we hear back from the team. Thanks again for your patience and understanding - we appreciate you all so much.

18 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks - So users with 34203 error codes appear to be the ones having issues still

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

For console users, are fully closing your games and restarting and trying again? Just want to make sure on that side.

Also what is the exact behavior you guys are seeing if you are still stuck? Is it error codes or is it just the queue message with a timer that transitions to one without a timer and that is it?

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

For users who are unable to login, when was the last time you had a successful log and gameplay?

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

For those still suck, please make sure you give it a few minutes through the queue. There is still a queue in-game, but you shouldn’t be in it forever.

Also please fully restart your game if you haven’t since my post.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all - The team has implemented a backend fix. Can you all check to see if you can get in?

And no changing the password does not do anything.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a top issue we are currently tackling right now.

This has been added to the console known issues list.

Thanks everyone that provided extra info. We have enough to properly investigate.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Added in an issue related to console users who are unable to get through queues.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone -

We wanted to provide an update on some of the items we commented on earlier regarding queues and top issues we are tracking.

Last night, the team pushed a few backend server hotfixes to address server stability and issues related to player parties that we reported on yesterday evening. This has led to significantly improved queue times, so players should be experiencing much shorter waits to get into the game.

As of this morning, we are tracking a new issue related to some console players unable to get through queues. We are also continuing some work on a few of the issues from last night and this morning that are affecting a small number of users.

The team will continue tackling these throughout the day and we will provide another update later this afternoon once we have more information.

The feedback we’re hearing is incredible – the team is delighted to see that so many players are enjoying Diablo IV. Thanks again for jumping into...

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    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all -

Just a heads up - I’m trying to track this with the team. If we can get exact details from individuals on when they were able to get into the game and when they got disconnected that would be helpful? Times will be beneficial when you were in-game and when you were disconnected which then led to the perpetual queues.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone -

We want to thank everyone for the overwhelming response to the Early Access Beta weekend. We love seeing the excitement about the story, music, art, gameplay, and more. These beta tests are important for the development process as we march toward the launch of Diablo IV in June and the reporting and feedback from players is invaluable.

Please see below an update on the situation regarding queues and some of the items the team is tracking and actively working on to resolve.

  • Players are sometimes unable to join a party with other players while in-game.
  • Players that are dropped from a game receive an error that their party does not exist.
  • Rubberbanding occurring with players while transitioning between zones.
  • High RAM and GPU usage occurring on select hardware.

While the team tackles these specific items and more, we are also managing the flow of players in-game via our queue. Many players have success...

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17 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone

Just wanted to provide an update regarding the queues players are experiencing this morning. The team is working through some issues behind the scenes that have been affecting players and causing them to be disconnected from the servers. For the time being, we are managing the rate of players entering the game until we have a full fix for the disconnection issues. This is done so we can ensure stability amongst players who get into the game after the queue process. If you are in queue, we ask that you stay in queue to ensure you do not reset your timer. We plan to have more accurate queue countdowns in place for Open Beta next weekend as noted in our Known Issues post.

We are actively working on these issues for this weekend. Once these are resolved we will be able to increase the influx of players and queue times will be significantly reduced.

We will be updating this thread once we have additional information.

15 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Diablo IV Open Beta is available for Early Access beginning March 17th at 9am PDT and ends on March 20th 12pm PDT. Open Beta will be available beginning March 24th at 9am PDT and end on March 27th at 12pm PDT. The below are known issues with the build that players should be aware of.

We will continue to update this thread if any other known issues arise throughout the beta weekends.

Known Issues

  • If the player triggers the Lorath introduction cutscene while the world is in daylight, the player’s and Lorath’s shadows will shimmer in-game until the Prologue is complete. This issue will not occur if the player skips the cutscene.

  • In-game voice chat may not function correctly for all players.

  • Performance optimizations are still in progress. Players may encounter some performance issues, particularly on older hardware across different platforms.

  • The ‘Play’ tab at the top of Character ...

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