The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

08 Aug

07 Aug

06 Aug

Since there is a free play week going on right now everyone has temporary access to Morrowind.

Will the Xbox live (not just in-game) achievements for Savior of Elsweyr, Wrothgar Adventurer and Big Score (Tel Var stones) work on Xbox Series X? If so, will the dev team be able to fix these for the current Xbox One generation?

It is dispiriting to see that this issue has not yet been officially acknowledged by the dev team over other (very welcome) game announcements.

We have a fix for these in the works. Exact timing is still TBD but we're hoping to have it in Update 27.

Dies ist die offizielle Diskussion zum Webseiten-Artikel „Spart bis zu 50 % und spielt während der Quakecon 2020 kostenlos“.

Spielt ESO kostenlos und holt euch während der QuakeCon 2020 das Spiel sowie Kronen-Pakete mit bis zu 50 % Preisnachlass!


This is the official discussion thread for the blog article "Save Up to 50% and Play Free during QuakeCon At Home "

Play ESO free and pick up the game and Crown Packs at up to 50% off during QuakeCon 2020!
We don't have more information to share at this time about the next-gen versions. Stay tuned!

@Jarrods32 digital and physical copies will count.
Just to clarify: you will be able to carry over your progress no matter what. It's just that the upgraded version will not be available immediately upon the launch of the Xbox Series X and PlayStation5.

Dies ist die offizielle Diskussion zum Webseiten-Artikel „Ankündigung: ESO unterstützt die Next-Gen“.

The Elder Scrolls Online erscheint für die Xbox Series X und die PlayStation 5!