The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

25 Jun


Dies ist die offizielle Diskussion zum Webseiten-Artikel „Schaut euch die starken Fotos dieses „Greymoor“-Cosplays an“.

Wie könnte man „Greymoor“ und „Das Schwarze Herz von Skyrim“ besser zur Geltung bringen, als mit fantastischen Cosplays, die Lyris Titanenkind und den Nord aus den cinematischen Trailern zu „Greymoor“ darstellen?

24 Jun



Ok everyone, we've continued to make some adjustments and we're seeing a lot more of you able to login now. It may take a little time for everyone to get back in as so many are trying to log in at once, but the issue should be largely resolved. Thanks again for your patience today while we worked through this issue.

No, no it's not resolved.

As mentioned in the post, it's going to take a little time for everyone to be able to log back in since everyone is logging in all at once. If you're running into issues, please keep trying.
Ok everyone, we've continued to make some adjustments and we're seeing a lot more of you able to login now. It may take a little time for everyone to get back in as so many are trying to log in at once, but the issue should be largely resolved. Thanks again for your patience today while we worked through this issue.
Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know we're continuing to work hard on getting everything back up as quickly as possible. We're actively making a few adjustments so there may be periods where you're able to log in, but will let everyone know when we have a rough estimate of when the issues will be fully resolved.


Hey everyone, unfortunately we don't have an ETA yet on when this will be resolved. Thank you for your patience here.

@ZOS_SarahHecker -can we get some info for PC EU as well? I mean this is prime time for EU not NA.

Just to clarify, my previous message was for all servers/platforms. We are aware this is affecting everyone.
Hey everyone, unfortunately we don't have an ETA yet on when this will be resolved. Thank you for your patience here.
Thanks everyone, confirming we're looking into the login issues.
Hey all, just confirming we have seen these reports and are investigating the cause.
Im Moment stehen die Loginserver unter starken Ansturm, weil sich tausende Spieler gleichzeitig einloggen wollen.
Unsere Techniker behalten die Graphen im Auge, falls es andere Probleme haben sollte.

/edit: Wir sehen Probleme, die denen beim Primetime-Einloggen am U26-Patchtag ähneln und sind dran.

23 Jun


The Elder Scrolls Online v1.20.1.0 includes several fixes for Antiquities, including the issue where some Antiquity Encasements could have their visuals desync with their placement in an Excavation site, and a few different crash fixes. We also fixed the issue where you could not sell stolen items to Fences and made some adjustments to Harrowstorms, among a few other additional fixes. The size of this patch is approximately 954MB.

[*] Fixes & Improvements[list]
[*] DLCs & Chapters[list]
[*] Greymoor
[*] Murkmire
[*] Orsinium[/list]
[*] Combat & Gameplay[list]
[*] Itemization & Item Sets[/list]
[*] Base Game[list]
[*] Audio
[*] Crown Store & Crown Crates
[*] Dungeons & Group Content
[*] Exploration & Itemization
[*] Miscellaneous
[*] UI
... Read more

The Elder Scrolls Online v2.05 includes several fixes for Antiquities, including the issue where some Antiquity Encasements could have their visuals desync with their placement in an Excavation site, and a few different crash fixes. We also fixed the issue where you could not sell stolen items to Fences and made some adjustments to Harrowstorms, among a few other additional fixes. The size of this patch is approximately 903MB.

[*] Fixes & Improvements[list]
[*] DLCs & Chapters[list]
[*] Greymoor
[*] Murkmire
[*] Orsinium[/list]
[*] Combat & Gameplay[list]
[*] Itemization & Item Sets[/list]
[*] Base Game[list]
[*] Audio
[*] Crown Store & Crown Crates
[*] Dungeons & Group Content
[*] Exploration & Itemization
[*] Miscellaneous
[*] UI
[... Read more

16 Jun

We recently completed a hotfix on all platforms so the Dwarven Spiders which are part of the Haj Mota encounter in Nchuthnkarst no longer award experience. No download is required for this change.
Hi everyone!

With ESO having just launched on Stadia, we’d like to provide a list of Stadia-specific known issues you may run into during your play. Remember that Stadia players are on the PC megaservers, so the current patch is v6.0.7.

[*] If you are receiving an error message at the ESO log in screen stating "Your mouse is currently not captured by the game. Please click anywhere on the screen to lock your mouse cursor." please first link your ESO account on the ESO account page.
[*] HDR settings are not currently available. This impacts Stadia Pro players using HDR-enabled screens. We're working to resolve this in a future incremental patch.
[*] While playing in Gamepad Mode, some custom audio and video settings will not be sav... Read more

15 Jun


The Elder Scrolls Online v6.0.7 is a patch to prep for tomorrow’s launch on Stadia, and doesn’t include any public-facing fixes. There is a small download required, which is approximately 103MB. We are still planning for the next incremental patch with game fixes to be published on Monday, June 29.

09 Jun


Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v2.04 and our next Chapter: Greymoor! Explore the icy mountains and wild forests of the Nords as you venture forth into Western Skyrim. The land is harsh and unforgiving, much like many of its people and its lords. High King Svargim welcomes you to the capital city of Solitude gruffly, but you’ll have the opportunity to earn the respect of the Jarls and the swordthanes of Western Skyrim—if you survive.

In addition to climbing over the frozen peaks of Western Skyrim, you’ll have the opportunity to delve into its darkest ruins and greatest secrets. Find the hidden entrances to legendary Blackreach, the subterranean realm beneath the lands of Tamriel and explore the darkling caves and forgotten ruins deep below Western Skyrim’s surface. Two wildly different lands, stacked one on top of the other, each threatening … and threatened.

But there is more ... Read more

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v1.20.0.0 and our next Chapter: Greymoor! Explore the icy mountains and wild forests of the Nords as you venture forth into Western Skyrim. The land is harsh and unforgiving, much like many of its people and its lords. High King Svargim welcomes you to the capital city of Solitude gruffly, but you’ll have the opportunity to earn the respect of the Jarls and the swordthanes of Western Skyrim—if you survive.

In addition to climbing over the frozen peaks of Western Skyrim, you’ll have the opportunity to delve into its darkest ruins and greatest secrets. Find the hidden entrances to legendary Blackreach, the subterranean realm beneath the lands of Tamriel and explore the darkling caves and forgotten ruins deep below Western Skyrim’s surface. Two wildly different lands, stacked one on top of the other, each threatening … and threatened.

But there is m... Read more

04 Jun

Hi everyone. Just a heads up that we recently completed a hotfix on PC NA and EU to fix an issue where the Vampire Feeding Grounds world boss, located in Blackreach, would get stuck in a state where the bosses refused to fight. This should now work properly, and no download is required on your part.

Thank you!

02 Jun


The Elder Scrolls Online v6.0.6 includes several fixes for Antiquities, including the issue where some Antiquity Encasements could have their visuals desync with their placement in an Excavation site, and a few different crash fixes. We also fixed the issue were you were not consistently receiving weapons after completing Maelstrom Arena or Dragonstar Arena on normal mode, among a few other additional fixes. The size of this patch is approximately 42MB.

[*] Fixes & Improvements[list]
[*] Greymoor
[*] Base Game[list]
[*] Audio
[*] Exploration & Itemization
[*] Miscellaneous
[*] UI

26 May


Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v6.0.5 and our next Chapter: Greymoor! Explore the icy mountains and wild forests of the Nords as you venture forth into Western Skyrim. The land is harsh and unforgiving, much like many of its people and its lords. High King Svargim welcomes you to the capital city of Solitude gruffly, but you’ll have the opportunity to earn the respect of the Jarls and the swordthanes of Western Skyrim—if you survive.

In addition to climbing over the frozen peaks of Western Skyrim, you’ll have the opportunity to delve into its darkest ruins and greatest secrets. Find the hidden entrances to legendary Blackreach, the subterranean realm beneath the lands of Tamriel and explore the darkling caves and forgotten ruins deep below Western Skyrim’s surface. Two wildly different lands, stacked one on top of the other, each threatening … and threatened.

But there is more... Read more

13 Apr


The Elder Scrolls Online v5.3.9 includes a couple visual improvements for combat, some stability improvements, and a fix for the Morrowind tutorial. The size of this patch is 120MB.

[*]Fixed an issue where Naryu Virian would fail to start her interrupt tutorial until she moved or the sequence timed out.

[*]Using a gap closer ability such as a Charge, Leap, or Teleport will now visually suppress the block visuals during their use. Please ... Read more