The Elder Scrolls Online v1.20.1.0 includes several fixes for Antiquities, including the issue where some Antiquity Encasements could have their visuals desync with their placement in an Excavation site, and a few different crash fixes. We also fixed the issue where you could not sell stolen items to Fences and made some adjustments to Harrowstorms, among a few other additional fixes. The size of this patch is approximately 954MB.

[*] Fixes & Improvements[list]
[*] DLCs & Chapters[list]
[*] Greymoor
[*] Murkmire
[*] Orsinium[/list]
[*] Combat & Gameplay[list]
[*] Itemization & Item Sets[/list]
[*] Base Game[list]
[*] Audio
[*] Crown Store & Crown Crates
[*] Dungeons & Group Content
[*] Exploration & Itemization
[*] Miscellaneous
[*] UI
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