Elite: Dangerous

Elite: Dangerous Dev Tracker

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Greetings Commanders.

Look...we've decided (this is more of a confession actually).

Arf, Bruce and myself just won't be able to replicate the incredible 'scribe vibe' of the legendary Paul Crowther whilst he's away for the month, so we've decided to put the weekly, much loved Galnet Roundup posts on Pause until he is back from holiday on October 24th.

Hope this isn't too much of a disappointment (even WE'RE disappointed in ourselves for lacking the awesomeness of our Dark Lord, but honestly, we couldn't even match up to his witty finesse at this point. They're just too..."Paul").

Let's look forward to then!

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Greetings Commanders.

Wanting to post this out as a courtesy message today, acknowledging the ongoing reports of unexpected happenings with the rewarding of (or lack of) combat bonds whilst in multicrew.
Naturally, reports have continued to trickle in around this issue, following several of our recent CGs involving combat bonds.

This issue is noted and considered a priority to investigate further into why and how this is happening on dev side, however for full disclosure, we don't have specifics on when you can expect a fix just yet. The reason I'm posting this here today though, is to reassure you that it's one of a priority to continue to keep eyes on.

Any further information I have on the matter will absolutely be shared with you as soon as I have it.

Thanks for your patience, as always.



Small note:
I can absolutely appreciate that this issue is not the only one to exist curr... Read more
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Greetings Commanders.

If you're here with us in UTC, it's time to boil the kettle/prep those grounds however you like them and settle in for the Update 14 Release Tracker thread!

First things First:

Time Approximations (UTC) Action
7:00 Both Elite Dangerous Legacy (3.8) and Live (4.0) Servers are down.
18:30 Servers return. Update 14 Deployment will be live and available to download.

[*](3.8) Legacy Update 14 : 164.7 MB
[*](4.0) Live Update 14 : 4.8 GB
Total size combined for Update 14 ONLY : 4.9 GB (Legacy and Live updates combined).

If you have not installed a full... Read more
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Greetings Commanders.

We're here again! The next launch event in quick succession, following that of the Console Copy Portal yesterday.

As many of you are aware, we’ve outlined our plans to enable Commanders the option to launch Horizons and Odyssey, both as version 4.0, available for all PC players.
This means that all Commanders entering into the Galaxy on 4.0 versioning for Horizons and Odyssey (already 4.0) will be able to engage in the Aftermath narrative phases, enjoy four-player multicrew, see the graphical and UI improvements and much more!

To recap our latest statements:
[*]ELITE DANGEROUS '4.0' ACCESS ON PC FAQ : ... Read more
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[ATTACH type="full" width="661px" alt="HalloweenBlast_1920x1080.png"]328302[/ATTACH]

Greetings Commanders!

It's a Halloween Blast, over in the official Elite Dangerous Gamestore!
We're continuing on with this amped up Halloween spirit all around this week, with some newness (along with old favourites) in the store today!

Special 'Halloween Holiday' items, now in store, are as follows:
[*]T... Read more
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Greetings Commanders.

Here with another Episode of Live Release Tracker...
As mentioned in the following thread from yesterday HERE, we are gearing up for the release of 4.0 today for Elite Dangerous PC Commanders.

This thread will be updated with information 'on the go'.

I currently owe you:
[*]Downtime schedule. Done
[*]Update on deployment time of release and server return.
[*][[S]ONCE LIVE][/S] Further clarity on expectations with the release, alon... Read more
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Hi Commanders.

As per all of the tracker chatter in the following release schedule thread here, I'm opening up this separate thread following the below statement:


Update 14 will be available for LIVE (4.0) versions of Elite Dangerous only, at present.

Legacy servers will remain currently unavailable, whilst we continue to investigate an ongoing server issue.

We hope to resolve this as soon as possible o7


Known Issue with Launching the game:
[*]For some, there ... Read more
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Greetings Commanders!

Well here we are! We made it to Halloween, actual.

Here’s hoping you had a fun weekend just passed and have a good week ahead.

Here’s todays Discovery Scanner for you today: https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/discovery-scanner-31102022

There’s still time to have a little extended fun with our Halloween giveaways running until this Wednesday - That’s Stellar Screamshots and the thread here in the Forums (‘Fill in the blanks’ story time).

We’re a little limited regarding Forum coverage today... Read more
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Greetings Commanders!

Another week, another GalNet round up! If you haven't got round to installing the humour sensor in your ship and are finding these threads difficult viewing, then fear not, you can catch up on this week's GalNet news here.

[ATTACH type="full"]331889[/ATTACH]

... Read more
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Greetings Commanders.

Thank you all so very much for (I won't stop saying this so please accept it for the 100th time) your patience this evening with the release rollout of Update 14.



Update 14 will now be available for Legacy (3.8) versions of Elite Dangerous, following the requirement of additional server support.

Known Issue:
[*] Warnings do not currently play on Fleet Carriers and players can remain on the outside until final 10 seconds.


Remaining on standby o7

Very best wishes, Commanders.
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Greetings Commanders.

A very in theme post for you today for your instalment of Discovery Scanner this week.

One of the main talking points would be a little announcement on a special event for your diaries coming next week.
Just wanted to start the ball rolling this week because...well...at least one of us is on the hyperactive side of 'won't shut up about it on this side, so may as well extend it early to Commander side' excitement, that's for sure.

Post link is here: https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/discovery-scanner-10102022
... Read more
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Greetings Commanders.

Thank you so much to those of you awaiting further clarity on this today.

Following the deployment of Update 14.01 yesterday, there have been reports of Exobiologists having their current rank progress prior to the release, reverting to 0%.

Naturally this is causing some concern, which can hopefully be addressed here in this thread.

Key note: Your current progress bars in Exobiology ranking, following rebalancing work undertaken as part of update 14.01 are not representative of your actual rank at present. You have not, at this moment in time, lost progression. This is a visual conflict and we would like to reassure you of that for now.

This is part 1 of this message, just to ease any concerns ahead of more information I can provide for you all tomorrow.

Until then, I'll keep this thread locked and see you in the morning.

Thank you as alway... Read more
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"EidLeWeise, post: 9999484, member: 20478"

Heya [USER=188830]@sallymorganmoore[/USER] and [USER=186768]@Paul_Crowther[/USER] (and sorry for pinging you directly).

The new look Galnet looks great with nice pictures and formatting, However it misses something that was on the old page. namely a calendar and the ability to easily go back and look at older news stories.

We used to be able to directly go to: https://community.elitedangerous.com/galnet/uid/636cd8a5560dc809331f12e0 (for example) and we'd see the story, but on the left hand side there was a calendar that could be used to change date, which also let us do lovely things such as ...

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"Ozric, post: 9999558, member: 8418"

The redirects have been reverted. There will be an info post incoming.

Once it's up I'm going to lock this thread, just to avoid any confusion.

Again just to thank Ozzy for being on this but to also share my own little voice on the matter -

We're really sorry for the confusion and inconvenience caused with this. I've taken the feedback and we've had the necessary discussions to get the redirects reverted - Bruce is now going to take the baton and get information on what happened here out a little later today.

Big o7!
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Greetings Commanders,

For the past few years we have been using the ... Read more
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Greetings Commanders!

In case you missed it, Frameshift Live Episode #21 contained a few exciting hints of what's to come in Update 14, which is now confirmed to release on November 29th!

During the livestream there was talk of:
[*]An all new Thargoid Interceptor with unique characteristics.
[*]Upgraded AX weaponry to get Commanders into the fight faster!
[*]An increase in payout for EXObiology!
Hear all about the above and more by catching up on the show here:


These weeks genuinely are flying by in the Galaxy right now, Commanders but there's still lots to come before the year ends.

Fear not, we will be sharing preparations and walking alongside you throughout Update 14 Launch day, as usual with any update release, right here in the Forums.
I'll be sure to share the expected order of proceedings wi... Read more
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Greetings Commanders!

Brew up a fresh cup of tea, sit back, relax and lets chill out together to the 'Dystopian soundscapes megamix' playlist. It's GalNet Round Up time!

[ATTACH type="full"]332889[/ATTACH]

Having been presented with the news that the rogue signal sources are really big and Thargoid in origin, unsurprisingly most of the galaxy has expressed mild concern. Fear not though, the pro-Xenos peace groups are here to let you know that the horrifying screams from beyond... Read more
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Greetings Commanders!

A little later than usual with the push out of Discovery Scanner this week! A few last little nuggets of information were required but here we are, back in the Galaxy for another week of Elite discoveries.

Lighter on community news but a little more impactful with game news - we have an announced deployment date for the "January Update", now titled 14.02!

You'll find the latest information here and more in the article itself, here: https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/discovery-scanner-23012023


If 14.... Read more
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Greetings Commanders!

It's time to sit back, get back up because you sat back too far and sit forward a little bit as we go over all the GalNet news from this week!

[ATTACH type="full"]336750[/ATTACH]

People are running from Thargoid controlled systems almost as quickly as the rest of the CM Team run from me when I bring up my latest "Game suggestion". The Thargoids continue to aggressively target human stations and settlements, forcing the local populace to fight back, flee or have an existential breakdown whilst disintegrating. Humanity continues to fight back but the Thargoid war machine is at full strength right now and shows little sign of breaking down.

... Read more
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Greetings Commanders.

To update futher on yesterday's acknowledgement of concerns over the recent changes brought to Exobiology rank progression:

Following the deployment of Update 14.01 there have been reports of Exobiologists having their rank progress prior to the release reverting to 0%.


Developer Note:
In 14.01 we altered the thresholds for each rank along the Exobiology progression scale.

Effectively, we've moved the markers along the progression scale that denote where the start and end points of each rank are, in order to bring more harmony between the increase made to biological payouts vs how they were then affecting original rank progression.

Now that thes... Read more