Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

10 Mar

09 Mar


Originally posted by doingthedogdance

What information is available to you when you look this up? And is there ever going to be a time where we as players have access to some of that info as a after action report?

most likely eventually


Originally posted by Spare_Math

my man nikita, always on top of these little things. you guys are doing a great job, this last performance patch has made customs and interchange playable for me again. stutters have been HEAVILY reduced. still some frame drops in certain areas, but overall it honestly feels like a whole new game.

yeah, still working with freezes. thanks!


Originally posted by snowa550

So what part of the body takes damage when you get hit in these areas?


08 Mar


Originally posted by phatloud

Got to be honest I love the work you are putting into this game. Just bought a couple of days ago



on it


everything you described is planned


Originally posted by AnyVoxel

His head snaps back though. Does look like he got a headshot towards the end.

he got shot in the helmet


Originally posted by CthulhuTactical

Interesting, but you can clearly see hits on his helmet and blood. If it was closed door it wouldnt happen. Also why these blue doors on labs are bulletproof?

it was client hits. on server it was different, cause it was a door in between


Originally posted by KomradeAlexander

The shots just before he died was in his chin/throat that should have been lethal no ?

we dont have chin, throat hitzone


checked this - armor absorbed a lot of damage, 200 HP left in body overall


looking into it


we investigated this. somehow door was closed on server. so you hit the door all the time.
we will fix it


we will check, thanks.


server update decreased raid timer to 5 mins

07 Mar


Originally posted by ImGoingSpace

Believe me, this aint shit on how in depth ARGs can be.

this :)


damn ppl you are fast! respect!


Originally posted by pxld1

You all did an excellent job with the visors!

The player can still feel like he has a piece of glass in front of his face while still letting the beauty of the game's graphics shine through. And the slight blurring effects near the edges are very well done.

Great job on yet another solid patch BSG!

And Nikita, seeing how the THICCness of floors has improved the soundscape, I cannot cannot cannot wait to hear what you all have up your sleeves once Steam Audio is thrown into the mix. It's going to be AWESOME!!!
