Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

24 Feb


Originally posted by HJALMARI

In the podcast you said give us a week for 11.5, now we are nearly rounding 2 weeks mark what's going on? :)

more testing and fixing are going on


Originally posted by Fuckingtwat69

I've been in the industry for almost 15 years now, what is with the poly counts? There is definitely some excessive detail going on ;)

i think its about from 500k to 1500k tris on frustrum

22 Feb


Originally posted by Potato_King1234

don't fix freezes please what else am i gonna blame my deaths on /s

cheetos und desync


when we finally implement clothing customization. man, this will be so cool. one of my favorite upcoming feature


this is indeed a good idea, but unfortunately we don't keep the old records...


the fight with freezes already gave some good results. Lets wait a bit more for 11.5 patch


Originally posted by Evilcampincalf

Are we going to get an overhaul or in depth change to animations? The third person animations feel very stiff and robotic, and stuff like their eyes not moving or blinking is funny but also unsettling. They kinda just stand there, they don't breathe or anything

told many times that yes


Originally posted by Sloth-MB

I feel disappointed that the sensitivity problem on double zoom scopes has not been addressed.

why do you think that? first- its preliminary patch noes. second - its not meant that these are the only fixes will be


Originally posted by [deleted]


ok i noted this

21 Feb


"perfect realistic animations"


damn, son!


Originally posted by R3set

Anticheat is missing

it's always there.


Originally posted by tobsol

Pfft, you're Battlestate, you can find a solution that looks amazing AND is performant!

indeed. but so many more important stuff to do..


Originally posted by umpekakana

Today maybe?

Maybe split into smaller patches?

doing internal testing


Originally posted by whoisandrewk

i think it's less about fake GI and more about the lack of volumetric lighting or whatever the flashlights have now that makes them blind you instead of the enemy. Also, if anything fake GI would increase performance with the cpu focused nature of tarkov

i see

20 Feb


Originally posted by mkpankov

That's a shame. Can you make it an option? It looked awesome, kind of what RTX offers without actually having RTX :)

i noted this


Originally posted by OnlyPartRussian

I'd like to see a technical explanation for why this phenomenon happens in so many games and so many game engines.

animation system initialization error. due to something we don't know yet..